Cutting short cycle, should I still postcycle?


New member
OK, I did dbol 30 mg for 3 weeks and 500 mg of Test Enth for 4 1/2 weeks. I'm not going to get into specifics of why I'm coming off but would you guys still post cycle. I have nolva, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), arimidex, and aromason on hand. Any ideas? Thanks
Get some clomid and run it as you normally would. 4.5 weeks at those dosages wouldn't shut you down to hard IMO , but I would run clomid regardless.
Wartime100 said:
Get some clomid and run it as you normally would. 4.5 weeks at those dosages wouldn't shut you down to hard IMO , but I would run clomid regardless.

Agreed, run the clomid. Your HPTA gets thrown out of whack with the first injection so best to get it working properly again asap.
Some may disagree, but with the short length of your cycle, you might be able to get by w/ just nolvadex.
That being said, I would strogly suggest you check your test levels in a month or 6 weeks. It's nice to know where you're at, and the more rationally we do this, the more we learn and the better our results will be.
Hey Doc,

I'm on a group health plan so getting blood tests done has me concerned because every test they run ends up in your medical record file and if I ever want to get a different insurance company I might get flagged because of the high T-levels. How do you get around this?
Juice Authority said:
Hey Doc,

I'm on a group health plan so getting blood tests done has me concerned because every test they run ends up in your medical record file and if I ever want to get a different insurance company I might get flagged because of the high T-levels. How do you get around this?

Go to a different doctor and pay out of pocket...?
Juice Authority said:
Hey Doc,

I'm on a group health plan so getting blood tests done has me concerned because every test they run ends up in your medical record file and if I ever want to get a different insurance company I might get flagged because of the high T-levels. How do you get around this?

There are the places now, Any Lab Test type places where you can get what you want (paying out of pocket, of course!)
Also, consider that the most important test levels you get drawn should be when it's normal to low (post cycle), NOT when elevated.
I mean, if I'm on 750 of test a week, what's the point of getting it tested: I KNOW it's going to be high!
The test levels are more expensive than, say, liver enzymes or lipids. Get the low to normal test levels done on insurance; if you're concerned about out of whack stuff on you r records, get liver, lipid done on your own. But if it's abnormal, consult w/ a doctor!
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What do these type of tests usually run? The last test I took was two months after a cycle and my test levels were still above 1200, which prompted a series of questions. I did this through my insurance carrier, Kaiser, as part of a physical. I told them I was taking Norandro but I don't think they believed me.
buffdoc said:
Some may disagree, but with the short length of your cycle, you might be able to get by w/ just nolvadex.
I agree. There are Bros that use nolva post cycle. I don't know the doses.
