Cutting Test dosgae in half for cutting, make sense?????


New member
ok cutting season is upon us and i generally use about a gram of test every week during bulking. would you say 500mg every week is going to be a good test dosage while i cut up for the summer. the test will be in combination with other cutting drugs like eq win tren and some other nice goodies.
I would switch to a shorter ester like propionate, say 100mg ed. I rarely use any arimnidex or femera, prop does not give me thta much blaot at all.
RoadHouse said:
I would switch to a shorter ester like propionate, say 100mg ed. I rarely use any arimnidex or femera, prop does not give me thta much blaot at all.
I agree, you could even go 75mg ed, that'd give you 525mg a week. Don't forget your getting 11mg more test with prop per 100mg.

I do pretty much what you stated. I generally use a gram of Test per week with other compounds while bulking and when cutting, I go down to 500-600 mg of Test/wk with a bunch of other compounds.