cycle help


New member
background: I am 29 5'10 205 and have trained on and off for 10 years. I have done two cycles first test. enth. 200mg for 10 weeks with no results. 2nd clye one year ago 300mg deca 10 weeks with good results.

what do you think about the following? 10 weeks 400mg test enth and 400eq. Do you need to inject the eq every other day? What kind of schedule should I use for my injections? Do I need l-dex , Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), Clomid? How much of these should I take.
JohnnyB said:
Have you been working our sence your last cycle?

good qustion...
thanx for the stats and cycle makes helping out a lot easier.
i like your cycle idea, i would add nolva and femara or l-dex@2.5mg/day
hcg and clomid on hand for cycle recovery is key!
god bless
400 mg Test & 400 mg EQ a week for 10 weeks would be a good cycle for you.

Or you could do a Test only cycle @ 400 mg/week, that first one you did (200 mg/wk),was a little light to see any results.

EQ can be shot once or twice a week because of the long ester. Just mix the EQ & Test in the same dart and you're good to go. Shoot twice a week, say Monday & Thursdays.

You might not need any L-dex, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is optional, and Clomid is a must for post-cycle recovery. If you do L-dex, start at .5 mg EOD and that should be good to control any bloat.

Clomid Therapy as follows;
day 1 - 300 mg
days 2-11 - 100 mg/day
days 12-21 - 50 mg/day
yes ,i have been working out. I was thinking about using the liguid clomid. How much clomid, l-dex, and HCG
maxmurph said:
i like your cycle idea, i would add nolva and femara or l-dex@2.5mg/day

I trust that is a typo about L-dex @ 2.5 mg/day.......should be .5 mg ED

Also, Femara @ 2.5 mg/day is way too much.....I'd go with 1.25 mg/day at the most, probably EOD would be more like it.

And lastly.....I would only take Nolva if you start to develop gyno symptoms, otherwise leave it out.