cycle question??????


New member
I was wondering what would give me better overall mass gains(quality mass).


im lookin for mostly a bulk cycle but id also like to drop a bit of fat.

im 20yrs old, 5'10, 205lbs at around 12-14%bf(never got an accurate measurment)
what about EQ instead of deca or fina? is EQ good for mass at 600mgs per week?

what if i did this,what can i expect:

1-12 600mgs enanthate
1-12 600mgs EQ
1-5 50mgs dbol ed
If your going for just solid mass, then you have to go with Test/Dbol and then either Deca or Fina. No need to mess with proven mass stacks. But the bottom line is that if you dont have your diet/eating down pat, you are not going to get the results you are looking for.