cycle tips please


New member
i just bought
this is clen

this is t3

also im going 2 mix deca250 with those so idk how it is going to work out but we will see

im 6-4 255 and lift alot around 20-25% bodyfat
and i wanna get on a good cycle to lean up so can someone help me out please:) (maybe get in like 12-15% BF)
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wow 70 views not 2 reply lol.....well im abt 5 days in my t3 and clen and to tell you the truth i started slow and building up but it is working great im starting my deca 250 cycle 2ommwer was susposed 2 start today but it isnt here yet so...2ommwer but anyways ill get to the point,, right bicep is not hurting but when i go to strecth it feels like tight or like i pulled it but i didnt pull it and when i flex it feels wired idk if its the t3 or clen or i hurt myself working out but maybe someone could tell me thanks..........other then that i have lost like 4 pounds on the t3 and clen everyone is saying i look alot skinner in the first week =-]
Hi LikeLike

I don't like t-3 since I feel it ate some muscle off of me the few times I did run it, so can't help with that.

Now as for the Deca only cycle! Horrible idea, don't do it.

Some people get deca dick when they do include test. All people will get deca dick if they do not include test, almost guaranteed. If the ability to get an erection matters at all to you, stop and think this one out.

If you would like some help putting together a proper cycle and a good post cycle therapy (pct) plan to follow, the guys will be glad to help you out.
Hi LikeLike

I don't like t-3 since I feel it ate some muscle off of me the few times I did run it, so can't help with that.

Now as for the Deca only cycle! Horrible idea, don't do it.

Some people get deca dick when they do include test. All people will get deca dick if they do not include test, almost guaranteed. If the ability to get an erection matters at all to you, stop and think this one out.

If you would like some help putting together a proper cycle and a good post cycle therapy (pct) plan to follow, the guys will be glad to help you out.
LOL I GOOGLED DECA DICK i do not want that cause im still young and i got stuff to do with my stuff but i dont think the deca i bought is even real but we will see hahaha i bought it off the juice pump site maybe you know about it?
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LOL I GOOGLED DECA DICK i do not want that cause im still young and i got stuff to do with my stuff but i dont think the deca i bought is even real but we will see hahaha i bought it off the juice pump site maybe you know about it?

I believe that is not actually steroids, but a natural blend of herbs and shit. Either way, never run deca by itself. The real question is what does your diet look like? These things arn't magic and you should be able to cut fine with a good diet. T3 is a more advanced compound and is not to be taken lightly.
i know they arent magic my diet is perfect if anything i eat 2 much protien im tiping the scales at like 245 atm and i take like 450grams of protien a day but other then that i have a maid who i gave a list of food to of what i need to eat and she measures it all out and changes it up ever day and the juice pump isnt roids but ive been hearing ppl are gettn some good gains from it like 10-15pounds in 2 mounths with the right diet and im really lucky i have great genetics so im hopeing like 10 pounds but i will keep this post up and let you guys know how it works i start 2ommwer and im going to run it alone cause its not real roids =-]