Cycles on Pennies.......YES....AGAIN!!!


I am banned!
Most of you are at least remotely familiar with DOGCRAP'S methodology of cycling gear, if's the thread:

(From MDRThom)
What I enjoyed most about the thread was the use of real world cases and the fact that DC doesn't claim to be a doc or anything. He trains competitors and trains hard himself and over the years has compiled a methodology that works for most of his clients. I personally feel we spend far too much time chasing after the latest papers that don't use men, athletes, powerlifter/BBers, etc in their studies and we try to make the results from said studies fit our situations.

This isn't to say that studies are worthless, that would be rediculous. They are unfortunatley out only link to the medical community that was removed from the gear game back in 91. (MDRThom)

i just hate a whole bunch of newbies to the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) game staying on year round with the so-called "Cruising" period. It allows minimal to no recovery.
RoadHouse said:
i just hate a whole bunch of newbies to the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) game staying on year round with the so-called "Cruising" period.

:eek: do you REALLY feel???

Yeah, pretty much. Skimmed over the replies to the replies. You kinda gotta pick and choose w/stuff like that.:D
i think his training methods are intresting, as is his diet methods, although i have tried to do the sort of high intensity training he outlined, i guess im just not cut out for it. Although, i still use his strecthing methods.
I accually printed it out to , If I stay to long looking at a computer screen my eyes start to hurt. And It's weird but ever since I started this clomid my eyes are not able to take as much stress as before, while on the computer.