Hi I'm 24, jumped into this way to fast with little to no knowledge of it. Always been on the lean side (21 at 160 with around 3% body fat I'm 511) took my first cycle of pro hormones (superdrol250) at 23 and gained 20 pounds on cycle, off cycle Lost about 10. like an idiot 3 weeks later I started a new cycle of ( trenabolen) these were oral cycles. I got my levels checked 2 weeks after and there were all right on. At this point I was around 185 off but far from lean and not happy with my size. Like an idiot about 6 weeks after that cycle I did my first injectable cycle of test and deca for 10 weeks. I work close to 90 hour weeks and have a very un organized diet and routine during this cycle, still making it to the gym 4-5 days a week when ever I could squeeze it in. Still stayed around 190 but leaned out a bit. Again not having any knowledge on this and having a f-it personality I bridged the cycle for 4 weeks with test and started a t3 and Tren-e cycle every 5 days. I'm In the middle of it now and got to 210 but just recently worked out of state on a critical job that had to get done in a very short time frame. Hence working close to 20 hours a day sleeping in the truck on drives and in the hotel for 2 or 3 hours 14 days straight. Didn't take any shots, diet was Applebee's, chillies etc nothing great and only push ups and sit ups before bed I'm mid cycle and just lost 19 pounds during that period loosing a lot of definition. I'm back in routine now but learning more and more about this I realize I don't know near enough and I have been doing it very wrong. Hence not taking time off, taking it for way to long, falling up to 3 to 4 days past pin days and not dieting currently at all nor am I cycling right. All my levels are still fine and I've experienced close to know side effects other then lite back pimples. I'm going to finish this cycle with a proper diet should be slow a work for a while so I will have time to prep, solid gym rutine and get on cycle support for the rest of it and what I need for off. just chasing size with no regard to knowledge or health. I'm going to take a break after and figure it al out then hit it again the winter. Any tips or advice would be great, I really want to learn every thing about it and do it right next time. Please hold off on the you dummy comments I know I did it warping already.
Sounds like you are anorexic with a body fat % that low. I am glad you are still alive!
Body fat percentage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So you are running Tren by itself right now? How are you dealing with your self-induced hypogonadism?
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