Cyp Crashed...


New member
What's up guys...

Made a big-assed conversion of cyp last night and it started snowflaking this morning... used 2/20 and have not usually had a problem with this ratio since I switched to it... this is the first time... I'm gonna try reheating it to see if it holds, but I have a few questions as this isn't for me....

1) If something crashed, and all you do is reheat it really good, can that make it hold indefinitely or will it eventually crash again? I know you can heat it up everytime, but that's not an option for me unfortunately...

2) Has anyone ever used more than 2/20 and not had it cripple them... LOL

Thanks in advance,

Derek_D said:
What's up guys...

Made a big-assed conversion of cyp last night and it started snowflaking this morning... used 2/20 and have not usually had a problem with this ratio since I switched to it... this is the first time... I'm gonna try reheating it to see if it holds, but I have a few questions as this isn't for me....

1) If something crashed, and all you do is reheat it really good, can that make it hold indefinitely or will it eventually crash again? I know you can heat it up everytime, but that's not an option for me unfortunately...

2) Has anyone ever used more than 2/20 and not had it cripple them... LOL

Thanks in advance,


It depends. Heating it up will usually make it hold, but if it crashed with 2/20, it'll prolly crash again I would think.

I would try adding more solvents, maybe 3/22 to see if that works. Its not going to cripple you. Pain is all relative to how you react to hormones, not necessarily how much BA or BB is in there.
I really appreciate that bro... I'll try adding more solvent like you mention and let you know how it turns out...

Thanks a bunch bro!

Cyp is the single most fickle hormone Ive come across, this doesnt surpise me. I just made it with 1/20 and its holding wondefully.
bastard!!! LOL j/k.... that's wicked though... I know what you mean, one day it works, and the next it doesn't! I'm going to jump the bb up to 23 or 24 tonite and see what's what! I'll let you know...

Derek_D said:
bastard!!! LOL j/k.... that's wicked though... I know what you mean, one day it works, and the next it doesn't! I'm going to jump the bb up to 23 or 24 tonite and see what's what! I'll let you know...


just curious Derek but what mg/ml did you make it? I have found that the higher the dosage the easier it is to crash. Maybe that's just me though.
Yeah... actually it was 5% overdosed, so 315... its likely the problem... i'm hitting the drawing board again tonite!

cut it back to 250 with oil and it may hold. i had 333 to hold for several months then one day it was froze solid. go figure.

i always heet my gear before doing anyway so it was no biggy.
DougoeFre5h said:
nevermind, by cyp is frozen solid. Cuttin it to 200mg/ml

I have started making this standard practice. i just never know if I go over 200mg/ml if this shit is going to hold.

I'm trying some short-ester gear this summer so we'll see what kind of headaches I have.
I made some tren enan recently at 1/20 ba/bb, and it holds for about a month before crashing, id rather leave it at this concentration and heat it up every couple weeks.
NYCEE said:
I made some tren enan recently at 1/20 ba/bb, and it holds for about a month before crashing, id rather leave it at this concentration and heat it up every couple weeks.

what concentration?

my last batch was 300mg/ml 2/20 and is still holding. been a couple of months, shit been 4 months. time flies.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
NYCEE said:
I made some tren enan recently at 1/20 ba/bb, and it holds for about a month before crashing, id rather leave it at this concentration and heat it up every couple weeks.
That aint right. I made mine with like 3/15 and its holding fine about...7 months later.
GOT IT!!!! WOO-HOO!!! I upped the concentration of BB to 24%, and just reheated the stuff and its been holding for 2 days now... thank god... thought I just lost a shitload of cyp... hahaha...

Final concentration to make it hold at 300mg/ml was 2/24%. Knock on wood that this still holds after the weekend.

Derek_D said:
GOT IT!!!! WOO-HOO!!! I upped the concentration of BB to 24%, and just reheated the stuff and its been holding for 2 days now... thank god... thought I just lost a shitload of cyp... hahaha...

Final concentration to make it hold at 300mg/ml was 2/24%. Knock on wood that this still holds after the weekend.


don't sweat it bro. even if it crashes again you'll just have to heat it everytime. Again, Cyp is crazy. PB has got it to hold with no solvents, I use 2/20, you used 2/24. Who the fuck knows with Cyp. As long as it works right!! lol
RJH8541 said:
don't sweat it bro. even if it crashes again you'll just have to heat it everytime. Again, Cyp is crazy. PB has got it to hold with no solvents, I use 2/20, you used 2/24. Who the fuck knows with Cyp. As long as it works right!! lol

So true... lmao!

supposedly cyp is soluable in oil. thats how it is listed. just like enan. but any who have made it know different. sometimes it holds and sometimes it dont.

winny is worse than cyp. course its supposed top be as it is a base.
Hey PB,

Do you know why they haven't made an esterfied winstrol? Can it simply not be done???
