Daily Dosage of liquid Cialis?

whiskey dic- when you drink a lil too much liquor and your ready to fuck and dic can't fully get hard because of too much liquor consumption. i thought cialis and alcohol couldn't mix but you answered my question about that.

Oh yes, cialis will help with that too. Its probably not recommended.. But ive had no problems
I have high bp and high hemo... think this would be a problem? even with low does..?

Ah sorry OP.. didnt mean to flood your thread with my questions... I kinda need some help on this too..my jonny is dead.. T.T

If your hypertensive cialis will actually help. It lowers blood pressure slightly. Id be careful with dosing if your already on blood pressure meds tho - you dont want to go hypo.
What do you mean by whiskey effect? Ive had zero problems with alcohol and cialis use as far as my dick goes...

Alcohol fucked that night up even with cialis at good dosage.. Consider urself lucky man..

I was looking at my dick begging it to erect , and it wouldn't ..
Im on Atenolol/Chlorthalidone..

What do you think would be a good low does to start?

Well first of all i'd have a quick search for any negative interactions between those and Cialis. If nothing, i'd start at 5mg daily. Maybe even 3mg if you can dose it, cant hurt to be too safe. It'll take just a few days to reach peak levels but you should notice it pretty quickly.
Thanx for the advice!

Last year I bought some blue pills online.. not sure if they are from china.. but it looked OG.. took half and I thought I was going to die! I spit the pill 8 tiny pieces.. took one little piece and still felt like I was going to die.. after that I just gave up on Little Jonny..

Guess my search starts today.. Thanx!
So you guys mean you take it before you do it right? not like you get up and take it in the morning...

no brother, I take it every morning, and you're always good or better than good to go. some people swear this stuff is more effective when you take it several hours before. not sure of the half life of it so pure speculation. I find Viagra more immediate but I get a fcking headache and stuffy nose, almost hungover the next day. not so with cialis, but everyone is different.
never used cialis. when you say you take 5mg in the morning does that mean you walk around all day with a wood, or you just have random hard ons, or its dormant in your system until ur ready to tear down her sugar walls then you get wood? my bad for going into so much details, no homo. never used it just curious how it actually works.

not wood all day, but if a breeze comes up you better hide...lol.....
cialis and Viagra should have a warning on them though, may make woman think you're a porn star, and this could lead to disappointment at a later date. :)

Yeah lol, its certainly great for making first impressions haha. And totally agreed about hiding from a breeze haha!
Oh meng...I want sum.. hope I dont get fuked up..LOL

The last time I took a tiny piece of viagra.. I was going from cold to hot rapidly and thought I was going to die..also my jonny turned black.. haha
I take my 5mg Cialis dose about an hour before workout... the effects last ages (with sex in mind) but I find I get good workout pumps and vascularity by timing it this way... I did try upping it to 10mg but this brought on headaches and migraines - so 5mg daily (prescription strength) is my sweet spot!
I take my 5mg Cialis dose about an hour before workout... the effects last ages (with sex in mind) but I find I get good workout pumps and vascularity by timing it this way... I did try upping it to 10mg but this brought on headaches and migraines - so 5mg daily (prescription strength) is my sweet spot!

sweet spots is what it's all about Ben....:)
This is what I take as well. tried 5mg/day but I got too much of the ED effects at that dose. 3mg is perfect and instead of random hard ons I get on demand hard ons and I get the BP benefit as well as the BPH benefits. I sometimes thing the RUI stuff is a tad potent which is why I had too drop from 5mg to 3mg/day.

yeah I think it's important we explain the difference between the tabs and liquid cialis. my experience is limited to the tabs, different brands and have noticed a difference even among prescription brands like generic shit. dosages seem different. I've never tried the liquid but I plan to just for shits and giggles. :)