Dangers of Steroids

I have messed around with a few different compounds in the past but now my cycles are strictly Test only. I do 2 twelve week cycles a year with Enanthate at 500mg a week. I do a full post cycle therapy (pct) and stay of as long as Im on.
Would this be considered a safe approach or not?
well, sure is that problems come when people abuse!
There aren't any studies from long term Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) administration, and never will even for the main reason that someone or some org will call for etical rights, or even if the studies would go on animals! We all know that!

But we all should know that if problems are out there we have to be carefull (as with everything in life in excess), so if we have inteligence to use these substances we have also to have the inteligence to stop using it when something wrong comes, or even just use it moderatedly!
The bigger problem is not the juice, the problem is the psychological, we all want to grow MORE! Always!

And if we are a PRO we have selled our health for beeing a top or just to earn good money, if we are an gym guy who just want to grow then we have to be more carefull, cuz we can have health problems and we will never be paid for having them!
DADAWG said:
one thing . diueretics werent even mentioned , just juice . you HAVE to wonder what effect the use/misuse of diueretics for contest prep and photo shoots had on his kidneys .
the only pro bodybuilder to die on stage did so from diueretics not steroids .
exactely! The guy also didnt mention that he was using Tren since 1996.
phatboy said:
great post jcp. i recall last year when i got a letter from my doc. all i can remember seeing is renal failure. well it turned out that it wasnt as bad as i thought. my creatinine (sp) was higher than normal. i could be wrong but it was 2.6 and the avg was around 1. (something). i really dont remember. it was not as bad as i thought but its nothing to fuck around with. my bp, never got over 140/90 but he concluded after the ultrasound and urinalysis it was related to my bp being higher than normal (STEROIDS) and the excess protien that i was consuming. i was holding a shit load of water. my ankles and feet were swollen. i was eating, easily 5lbs of red meat ed and a shit load of protein powder.

whats funny is that im using 3 times as much gear and my kidneys have improved big time (creatinine still a higher than normal). i do eat less protein and im not holding as much water as before.
5lb red meat everyday, good way to prep yourself for heart disease.
It sucks what happened to that guy, but he made his choice. 9yrs is a long fucking time to be on. I feel for the guy, but if your going all out like that you NEED to go to a doctor on a regular basis and be prepared to scale it back or stop totally. I love being big, but I want to live past the age of 55.
Good read. Its unfortunate what people have to put there bodies through to achieve the level of success they'd like to in this sport.

And I just thought Id mention, Don long stated in his interview with Flex Wheeler in the most recent issue of MD that he was born with kidney problems and he never knew it throughout his life until shit started hitting the fan.

Obviously not all Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) users suffering from kidney ailments were born with them though. The shit does take its toll eventually.

Great perspective, but NSAIDS are not good long term (aspirin, etc). Ephedrine and caff I know less of in the long term.

I hope he comes out ok.
Golgo13 said:
You have also yet to see much in the way of medical analysis of people who run 9 year cycles.

Without a doubt, that is why i put it up, but saying he ran tren and that is why it happened is unprovable. It is the lifestyle, constant high bp, diuretics, huge wheight changes, these all wreack havoc on the system.
Mudge said:
Great perspective, but NSAIDS are not good long term (aspirin, etc). Ephedrine and caff I know less of in the long term.

I hope he comes out ok.

I was just about to post something along those lines.
we were talking at Uni today about the long term use of aspirin causing Renal failure
jcp2 said:
Without a doubt, that is why i put it up, but saying he ran tren and that is why it happened is unprovable. It is the lifestyle, constant high bp, diuretics, huge wheight changes, these all wreack havoc on the system.

Good read bro, I've been useing gear now for about 3 years now. But when I started I read alot on these boards & learned that blood work is VERY important I get mine checked every 6 mounth weather I'm on cycle or not. Also I read about some of these young bucks do crazy cycles & I wish that they would listen to us.(older bros) we been there done that a 1000 times over.Remember It's call bodybuilding NOT body distroying. I'm 37 & in this for the long haul lets keep it safe.... TWISTEDSTEEL
im pretty sure my kidney and liver values are good to go because the day before my surgery 7 months ago, they took blood...i dunno why they did but they did .... what do you guys think they needed my blood for? by the way that was the worst part of the whole surgery
Flex it said:
I posted this a while back, and I will post it again.

This isn't just by chance guys.

Sonny Schmidt died at 46
> Scott Klein died at 30
> Ron Teufel died at 45
> Dan Duchaine died at 48
> Mohammed Benaziza died at 28
> Andreas Munzer died at 30
> Mike Mentzer died at 49
> Ray Mentzer died at 47
> Don Ross died at 55
> Dr. John Tristany died
> Don Peters died
> Ray Raridon died
> Arnold Schwarzenegger (heart problems)
> Don Long (kidney failure)
> Tom Prince (kidney failure)
> Flex Wheeler (kidney transplant)
> Ed Corney (stroke)
> Boyer Coe (heart)
> Danny Padilla (heart)
> Pete Grymkowski (heart)
> Lyle Alzado died at 42
> Curt Hennig died at 44
> Davey Boy Smith died at 39
> Louie "Spicolli" Mucciolo died at 27
> Ravishing Rick Rude died at 40
> Brian Pillman died at 35
> 62 Finnish power-lifters suspected of using steroids died at a rate five times higher than average.

I think moderation is the key, and there are no guarrantees even at that.

Be careful and stay healthy!

No examples of bodybuilders who have reached a respectable age??
I'm 40 now and have been on and off for 20 years (moderate cycles no tabs) and this scares me..........
Hompie said:
No examples of bodybuilders who have reached a respectable age??
I'm 40 now and have been on and off for 20 years (moderate cycles no tabs) and this scares me..........
Those are all old school guys that probly never went to the doc to get their blood work done.