Dangers of Steroids

thx bro

much thx bro 4 the post but it still seems that some other bros may b taking this all 2 lightly (maybe its their brand of humour) but don't take the following as a flame (it's not)....

Your health is nothing 2 take 4 granted so see your M.D. for reg. check-ups (complete blood panel & urinalysis) - this is true 4 the avg. person but absolutely essential 4 anyone 'tweaking' their system with gear.

Again, IMHO only...

Think of it this way, (true) endocrinologists (as opposed 2 those hacks with just a designation) are a rare find AND consider the education & experience needed 2 accomplish that. Way 2 many Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) users (and all abusers) have (@ best) a high-school level understaning of physiology & endocrinology (if that's possible) coupled with a decent 'working' knowledge of gear (not entirely a bad thing, the boards def. help ↑ this standard). So, no surprise bros are dying unnecessarily.

I'm in a line of work that brings me in constant contact with health, death & dying...have had my share of people (some close) dying right beofre my eyes (aka - while on a palliative rotation - 5 months worth)

Bottom Line: Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are drugs with desireable & undersireable (expected & adverse) side effects AND no one is spared from this experiement.

One body, one life...please use it wisely.
This has been a fascinating post. Thanks to all for their input.

The majority of the attention has been directed toward heart and kidney failure. I was wondering, with all the use (and doubtless abuse) of insulin by certain of today's bodybuilders, will we see pancreas failure down the road added to this list. Hypoglycemia, diabetes, and related problems?
Job well done JCP2. Freaking amazing. I liked that you pointed out that yeah there are people here that don't mention anything bad about steroids. For sure freedom of choice. Fantastic read.
9 years with no break's on orals your asking to die . take siuas tabbs 9 years in high dose and your got problems also . drink heavy for 9 years and i bet 5 out of ten will die .
the key is time off to let the system clear the toxins and recover it's natural process .
taking a break is not easy in fact for me it's very hard but that's the price we must pay to be big .
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Flex it said:
I posted this a while back, and I will post it again.

This isn't just by chance guys.

Sonny Schmidt died at 46
> Scott Klein died at 30
> Ron Teufel died at 45
> Dan Duchaine died at 48
> Mohammed Benaziza died at 28
> Andreas Munzer died at 30
> Mike Mentzer died at 49
> Ray Mentzer died at 47
> Don Ross died at 55
> Dr. John Tristany died
> Don Peters died
> Ray Raridon died
> Arnold Schwarzenegger (heart problems)
> Don Long (kidney failure)
> Tom Prince (kidney failure)
> Flex Wheeler (kidney transplant)
> Ed Corney (stroke)
> Boyer Coe (heart)
> Danny Padilla (heart)
> Pete Grymkowski (heart)
> Lyle Alzado died at 42
> Curt Hennig died at 44
> Davey Boy Smith died at 39
> Louie "Spicolli" Mucciolo died at 27
> Ravishing Rick Rude died at 40
> Brian Pillman died at 35
> 62 Finnish power-lifters suspected of using steroids died at a rate five times higher than average.

I think moderation is the key, and there are no guarrantees even at that.

Be careful and stay healthy!

I've heard the death of Paul De Mayo at the age of 37 yesterday (yesterday for the news, not for the death, no date of his death was given !)
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not to make light of it but a lot of people on that list also messed around with rec drugs too (coke) and painkillers.
I think wrestlers are the most at risk cuz they mix all three. Just my 2cents.

Use NOT Abuse.
If we went back to the days of steve reeves and John Grimek natural bodybuilders where an epitome of health...grimek died age 88 and he was a pretty big guy.

I've been on a test/deca cycle for about 6 months. (500mg test enanthate/300mg deca per week) I look fucking spectacular, but just recently I've started to get those mysterious lower back pains. Only on the right side though.

Looks like it's time to get off and start PCT.
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regular blood work is the key to good health and catching a potential problem early. i have mine done at least every 6 months. gives you good peace of mind and you sleep better at night.
> 62 Finnish power-lifters suspected of using steroids died at a rate five times higher than average
You know I actually read that study. the total amount of deaths was 8 out of 62.
3 of them were suicides, 3 died of cardiac problems, 1 of bad liver, and one had lymph cancer.
Well that is what puts things into perspective. There is a saying that a little goes a long way ! No person should have to go through that pain and torture, his life will never be the same, nor will his family ! I hope all turns out okay ! Good luck !