thx bro
much thx bro 4 the post but it still seems that some other bros may b taking this all 2 lightly (maybe its their brand of humour) but don't take the following as a flame (it's not)....
Your health is nothing 2 take 4 granted so see your M.D. for reg. check-ups (complete blood panel & urinalysis) - this is true 4 the avg. person but absolutely essential 4 anyone 'tweaking' their system with gear.
Again, IMHO only...
Think of it this way, (true) endocrinologists (as opposed 2 those hacks with just a designation) are a rare find AND consider the education & experience needed 2 accomplish that. Way 2 many Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) users (and all abusers) have (@ best) a high-school level understaning of physiology & endocrinology (if that's possible) coupled with a decent 'working' knowledge of gear (not entirely a bad thing, the boards def. help ↑ this standard). So, no surprise bros are dying unnecessarily.
I'm in a line of work that brings me in constant contact with health, death & dying...have had my share of people (some close) dying right beofre my eyes (aka - while on a palliative rotation - 5 months worth)
Bottom Line: Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are drugs with desireable & undersireable (expected & adverse) side effects AND no one is spared from this experiement.
One body, one life...please use it wisely.
much thx bro 4 the post but it still seems that some other bros may b taking this all 2 lightly (maybe its their brand of humour) but don't take the following as a flame (it's not)....
Your health is nothing 2 take 4 granted so see your M.D. for reg. check-ups (complete blood panel & urinalysis) - this is true 4 the avg. person but absolutely essential 4 anyone 'tweaking' their system with gear.
Again, IMHO only...
Think of it this way, (true) endocrinologists (as opposed 2 those hacks with just a designation) are a rare find AND consider the education & experience needed 2 accomplish that. Way 2 many Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) users (and all abusers) have (@ best) a high-school level understaning of physiology & endocrinology (if that's possible) coupled with a decent 'working' knowledge of gear (not entirely a bad thing, the boards def. help ↑ this standard). So, no surprise bros are dying unnecessarily.
I'm in a line of work that brings me in constant contact with health, death & dying...have had my share of people (some close) dying right beofre my eyes (aka - while on a palliative rotation - 5 months worth)
Bottom Line: Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are drugs with desireable & undersireable (expected & adverse) side effects AND no one is spared from this experiement.
One body, one life...please use it wisely.