Dangers of Steroids

we are the ginny pigs for the new breed of body builders and those who choose to take performance enhancement drugs. Athletes are starting to drop,due to increasing dosage and duration of use. The jury is still out on the long term effects of AS use. We who play the game accept the consequences and risks. If you decide to take AS or other supplements then you are ultimately responsible for your health. Simple blood tests and urine studies will let you know the status of your kidneys. Kidney disease is very slow progressive disease and dosen't rear it's ugly head until it is to late. I know i am on a tangent, but i find it very disturbing when people ignore the signs of disease. ie.... high bp, edema in the ankles and around the eyes....warning signs right in your face... simple test for renal function is the 24 hr protein creatinine cleareance test, which will tell you how well your kidneys are filtering waste products. Do not rely on the blood creatinine because it is well known that athletes esp. body builders have high creatinine levels normally. Sorry I tend to ramble,but i had a bad exp. with kidney tests ,thought i was a gonner at one time,but i am ok now.
moresize2 said:
were missing the point....

be safe and get a blood test

I do every 6 months never any probs.
Recently also got my heart checked , nothing wrong. Not thickened also.
putin said:
Those are all old school guys that probly never went to the doc to get their blood work done.
Quit making excuses. How many of us actually get our blood work done?
How much of what is in there is really stuff to worry about?

About 6 weeks out i started throwing up every day sometimes 2 times a day, my ankles were holding water and my skin was turning very pale and i was so fatigued but i pushed on anyway thinking i was being a pussy. Finally it got so bad i could harly breathe and was truely afraid that something very serious was wrong.

I am a non drinker, non smoker, i have had a very strict diet since 1996 always lean. We all know anadrol, d-bol, Winstrol (winny), halo, and tren are harsh substances,

I never juiced like some of these people on the boards. Shit was hard to come by where i live so cycles were very basic with average doses. I never did 1 gram of test a week, d-bol would be 50mg a day tops, and anadrol would be 150 mg a day for a maximum of a week during a cycle.

This is the stuff in there that bothered me since I read this yesterday. Other posters have already commented on other substances, length of time on...

My first point is this, on tren, getting nauseous, and loosing dinner as much as twice a day is not very uncommon for many. I chuckle because I think maybe that is why it is such a good one for cutting, you got to force yourself to eat until you are sick just to maintain weight. And water retention on tren and dbol are also common. Even a sense of being tired and needing a lot of sleep is normal, feeling like you are fighting off a cold or something by the end of a cycle.... I have heard a few lifters mention shortness of breath on cycles doing light cardio..., so I never thought that was even too abnormal.

Secondly, The dude didn't drink, which would have made it worse for sure. And the dosages are pretty much in line too. So he was sensible pretty much there.

So the only symptom that was odd was getting pale. I have been told jaundice is the only real sign of liver trouble that you can see.

Anyhow, even though this scared me because of the symptoms are all too common, I decided ultimately that most of them probably weren't really indicators.

I guess cycling off for as long as you are on, keeping cycles short when you are on harsh substances as this dude was... plus the little stuff like the milk-thistle, ala, drinking plenty of water, avoiding other chemicals that would aggravate, are all important as others have stated.

My creatinine levels are always high when I get them checked. But the doc always says they are reasonable, and as long as they are stable, not climbing from one test to another there is nothing to worry about.
mesomorph said:
This is the stuff in there that bothered me since I read this yesterday. Other posters have already commented on other substances, length of time on...

Secondly, The dude didn't drink, which would have made it worse for sure. And the dosages are pretty much in line too. So he was sensible pretty much there.


Howis the dude not drinking making it worse. Shit Im goin to the bar from now on. You need to reword that bro. Hope you dont think alcohol and drol or d-bol compliment each other.
also, there are dangers we face everyday in life....walking down the street, going to the bank or a store...DRIVING with all these lunatics out there....just be safe in what you do...
Dlove said:
Howis the dude not drinking making it worse. Shit Im goin to the bar from now on. You need to reword that bro. Hope you dont think alcohol and drol or d-bol compliment each other.
Must be the Pittsburghese, lol. I did mention about getting water etc in the post too. I bet everyone got the jist of what I meant, looks like you did OK.

Seems like a fairly sharp bunch around the forum. A large number of threads, political, or the ones with racist jesting. You better now to read the humor between the lines in order to get the real meaning or your won't be around here too long. I sometimes wonder what it would be like if you got all of the regular posters together in one room for a while, lol. Would have to have Cola there to keep the peace for sure.
Flex it said:
I posted this a while back, and I will post it again.

This isn't just by chance guys.

Sonny Schmidt died at 46
> Scott Klein died at 30
> Ron Teufel died at 45
> Dan Duchaine died at 48
> Mohammed Benaziza died at 28
> Andreas Munzer died at 30
> Mike Mentzer died at 49
> Ray Mentzer died at 47
> Don Ross died at 55
> Dr. John Tristany died
> Don Peters died
> Ray Raridon died
> Arnold Schwarzenegger (heart problems)
> Don Long (kidney failure)
> Tom Prince (kidney failure)
> Flex Wheeler (kidney transplant)
> Ed Corney (stroke)
> Boyer Coe (heart)
> Danny Padilla (heart)
> Pete Grymkowski (heart)
> Lyle Alzado died at 42
> Curt Hennig died at 44
> Davey Boy Smith died at 39
> Louie "Spicolli" Mucciolo died at 27
> Ravishing Rick Rude died at 40
> Brian Pillman died at 35
> 62 Finnish power-lifters suspected of using steroids died at a rate five times higher than average.

I think moderation is the key, and there are no guarrantees even at that.

Be careful and stay healthy!

Nice info, but this could be misleading. How many of these guys died because of steroids and can that be proven? Also, how does this list compare to the general population death rate? Some of I dont know on the list, but I sure as hell know Alzado didnt die because of juice. Like was mentioned, there is a difference between use and abuse. You can kill yourself with too much of anything.
Wow, this is weird, I know this guy. Lives about 15 minutes from me and we have a mutual friend. Kinda weird seeing this on the internet, hits home you know.... He was always looking swole too. Pretty sure a sibling is donating a kidney f or him.
twistedsteel said:
Good read bro, I've been useing gear now for about 3 years now. But when I started I read alot on these boards & learned that blood work is VERY important I get mine checked every 6 mounth weather I'm on cycle or not. Also I read about some of these young bucks do crazy cycles & I wish that they would listen to us.(older bros) we been there done that a 1000 times over.Remember It's call bodybuilding NOT body distroying. I'm 37 & in this for the long haul lets keep it safe.... TWISTEDSTEEL
Yea right :sleep:
And I taught you everything you know :baby:
If you were as good at cycles as you are at welding you would be HUGE :dumbass:

You know I'm just joking bro
Good Luck this Spring

Peace Oz
This makes me worried too...I have always gotten my bloodwork done, and its been fine. But I have Mitrol Valve Prolapse and I'm sure Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) doesn't help it. Between a scale of 1 to 10, & 10 being severe, my doctor said my case is about a 3. Still is scary. :worried:
RichGenetics said:
This makes me worried too...I have always gotten my bloodwork done, and its been fine. But I have Mitrol Valve Prolapse and I'm sure Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) doesn't help it. Between a scale of 1 to 10, & 10 being severe, my doctor said my case is about a 3. Still is scary. :worried:
Sounds like maybe gear shouldn't be in your diet bro. I mean , if you already have heart trouble , gear might not be something for you. :dunno:
wow, this makes me think. Both my ankles and hands are swollen (edema) and I've been very tired last few weeks. I've been on and off for the last 4 years, various stuff. But I only come off for a month max. I only did post cycle therapy (pct) 3 times.

Currently I'm on 2 iu of hgh and 750mg home brew test eth. If Igot higher with the hgh the swelling, numbness and tingling in my hands gets so bad I can not close them. In the past I've never experienced the edema and tiredness like now. I think it's due to homebrew. I've been hearing lot's of bro's getting hurt with homebrew.

I got bloodwork done and I'llget the results in a week.

I'll post in another thread not to post steal.