Darkside06's Test Prop/Tren A Cycle

Damn, that sucks brother. hopefully it's not too bad. I've been there to, didn't do bench press for almost 6 months, just stuck with inclines and dumbells.
Day 88


275 x12 x12 x12

Leg ext
190 x12 x12 x12

Seated leg curls
110 x12 x12 x12

Seated calf raise
115 x25 x25 x25
Day 89


Strait bar curls
95 x10 x10 x10

Hammer curls
40 x10 x10

Incline DB curls
25 x10 x10

Cable press downs
140 x12 x12 x10

Decline skull crushers
75 x10 x10 x10

Single arm reverse press downs
30 x10 x10 x10
Dark looks like your still going strong bro! You know i was going to ask this but lets see some more updated pics bro!
Good progress brother. How are things going as far as sides for you? I'm 4 wks in on 350mg tren ace per week and not noticing a ton of sides like I expected. I also am dealing with a minor injury from the increase in strength and having to back down a bit. Check out my log if you have time.
Good progress brother. How are things going as far as sides for you? I'm 4 wks in on 350mg tren ace per week and not noticing a ton of sides like I expected. I also am dealing with a minor injury from the increase in strength and having to back down a bit. Check out my log if you have time.

thanks man, sides have been easy on me so it's been good.
Day 94

Took a few days off for the holiday and to rest my pec. skipped doing chest yesterday to play it safe.

Hit legs this morning

315 x10 x10 x10

Leg Press
560 x10 x10 x10

Leg ext
200 x10 x10 x10

Seated leg curls
110 x10 x10 x10

Seated calf raise
115 x25 x25 x25
day 98


Db shoulder press
70 x12 x12 x10

DB side rases
30 x12 x12 x12

rear delt raises
20 x12 x12 x12

Wide grip pull downs
130 x12 x12 x12

Bent over rows
155 x10 x10 x9

Cable rows
150 x12 x12 x10

Incline DB shrugs
50 x12 x12
Day 100

Chest day

still nursing this sore pec so took it easy

incline DB press
75 x12 x12 x12

Incline BB press
165 x12 x12 x12
Day 101


275 x12 x12 x12

leg ext
200 x12 x12 x12

Seated leg curl
110 x12 x12 x10

Seated calf raise
135 x20 x20 x15

Standing calf raise
225 x15 x15 x12