dbol and gain....


i would think that after being off dbol for 2 weeks while on my cycle...shouldn't i expect to lose some strength even though i am on omna at 500mg a week.....


How much dbol were you using ?

Did you taper off the dbol or stop cold turkey ?

How long have you been on the omna's ?

some of the streght gains are from the water retention. And if your still on test 500mg then youll still be holding water. You shouldnt lose anything till u stop everything completely.
Trenimator76 said:
some of the streght gains are from the water retention. And if your still on test 500mg then youll still be holding water. You shouldnt lose anything till u stop everything completely.

I agree. When it comes to me I tend to keep 75% of my strenght gains after my cycle. You just have to work the carbs...lol
When i come off dbol or anadrol, im usually 4-6 weeks into my cycle, so my test levels have built up nicely. The only difference i notice, is the lack of that hardcore aggressiveness, and lesser pumps.
RoadHouse said:
When i come off dbol or anadrol, im usually 4-6 weeks into my cycle, so my test levels have built up nicely. The only difference i notice, is the lack of that hardcore aggressiveness, and lesser pumps.

I'm with you, there is usually enough gear in my system when I stop the dbol that I dont notice much difference when I come off