dbol at 30mg ed with 1g test


U know I m the asshole here...but...

U are looking full, strong etc...1 gram of test is unnecessary..the long term sides ..even if ur bloods are good may kik ur ass.

Life has been rough for me lately..and I know I ve made bad call s...but in my heart I know 1 reason I take stuff to hard MENTALLY is I was so high for so long on gear..and other stuff...blah blah blah.... I m struggling.

U too will be old one day...SLOW UR ROLL and be a user not abuser. I do give give a shit but don t tell noone
Hey Matt I've been off here for a few days. So I'm glad to hear you are dropping the Dbol and doing the Test and Deca. Remember you can start the Deca Duabolin day one , it's slow and do a kicker of NPP. Test at 500mgs will be good enough because Deca is ore anabolic then Test by a little.

With 600mgs of Deca you will have the anabolic action you need and it being a 19-nor then your E2 should not sky rocket and with Adex you can hold your aromatase down easily. So 500mgs of Test is easily controlled and you are used to keeping the sides down with that. YES ??

Back to basics with your gear and maybe with your routine? As I have learned and I know Lee Haney once told me when I was picking him for info back in 86' at the gym, back to basics when having a growth problem. Then we know to keep it all simple. AS you are aware the gear only does so much.

I believe our tolerance goes up but remember the high dose Deca and it's anabolic attributes. SO 500 mgs or if you think along the way you can up the test dose. to 650 0r 700 but start with the 500mgs. From all I've read and more then 600mgs of Deca will not mean much more gain.

Good Luck and keep us posted. I'm doing the same cycle but did a little front end with 600mgs of Test knowing I was late getting my Deca and it being slow. I wish I had NPP to kick it off.

The old guy here! :)

PS: I just saw Tootuff's post after I got mine off so I edited and he told you you will get old like me. Ah haha.
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Listen, ha I talk too much, but anyway saying off your game for a while and doing a simple but potent cycle, how about basic mass building heavy exercises. With the Deca's lubrication you can train heavy and stick to a basic routine like Flat bench, Incline and decline. Pushing heavy / overload failure, those 3 exercises for chest is enough. That's if you train hard to your limit. I can't tell you how to train but if I was training you , you would not have anything left to do flys or cables. For MASS you don't need anything more for 6 weeks. Then after you can trough in all the rest of the things like flys and cables.

So that's basic and you can figure how to do that with all your other muscles. You can always lean and define when you put on more mass.

Just a suggestion , because you know how to train.
Like I mentioned above , I did test 250 and deca 600 and it was sweet. So comfortable. Barley took any ai. Just a little 10mg of masin here and there.
I made sure I ate the shit outta everything. Deca likes you more when you eat!
Since you are already on 500mg of test stay with it and do the deca.
And stick with it then, don't keep changing your cycle if you don't like what y o u see. If anything changes your diet or how you tackle the weights.
Don't go adding in dbol 6 weeks later cause your not hitting your goals
. That's how you spin off the road and lose it.
Diet looks like this right now
please critique if i should add more protein to this plan

Meal 1
5 whole eggs, 8 Egg.whites, 1 white bagel, 1 bannah

Meal 2

8oz chicken breast, 7oz lean ground beef, 1 cup white pasta

Meal 3

8oz chicken breast, 7oz lean ground beef, 1 cup white pasta ( pre w/o)

Meal 4

1 can of tuna, 1. 5 cups white rice, 1 apple ( post w/o)

Meal 5 ( before bed)

1 cup no fat cottage cheese, 8 egg whites ( 1 cup)

iet looks like this
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Protein look good roughly 320g? Without shakes, just whole foods
just gotta sit down and figure the exact macro's