Dbol - Not much for gains.

Diet is everything, on or off gear. You should honestly be able to hit a lot more bodyweight before hitting the gear again. I dont have great genes, but I hold 230+ very easily with no drugs.

Count your calories and keep your macros in check. Good luck
Mudge said:
Diet is everything, on or off gear. You should honestly be able to hit a lot more bodyweight before hitting the gear again. I dont have great genes, but I hold 230+ very easily with no drugs.

Count your calories and keep your macros in check. Good luck

Diet, diet, diet. Those are the three top reasons people don't have the physique they want. Routine and drugs lag far behind, imo. But with a good diet and routine, you can get pretty far.

I disagree to a certain extent about how he can get to xxxlbs without gear. We really don't know his metabolism, genetic makeup, or whatever. However, we can all agree that 6' and 155lbs is borderline anorexic.

Let's be generous and split the difference and say he should be able to get to 180lbs without gear. I think this would be a fairly reasonable number to hit. Let's also say the gear was probably real. These are the exact type of results doctors used to show that steroids don't help you build muscle. Of course, they restricted the diets so severely that the subjects couldn't have gained any muscle. Which sounds very reminiscent of this guy.

Ryguy, without giving us any details we will be hard pressed to give you advice that will be helpful. But based on what most of us know/suspect, I will make some assumptions:

You are not taking in 200+grams/protein/day
You are not taking in ~4000 calories/day (I doubt you are even getting 2500 calories)

Seriously, we aren't trying to bash you, we want to help. But you need to help us help you.

List what you eat in a typical day/week and what your routine is.
China_Wall said:
some guys are just skinny and there's nothing they can do about it. For those guys no matter how much food they stuff in they're not gonna gain any noticable size.

mranak said:

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I don't know anyone who started lifting at a resonably young age (before they stopped growing, with or without lifting) that hasn't run across this problem. I made the common mistake early on of thinking eating big meant eating whatever, just lots of it. Starting at a resonable 160- 6'0" at the end of high school - diet was definetly the toughest realm for me to conquer. At this stage, they practically have to drag you out of the gym - and force calories down your throat, but that is what it takes. Now I don't feel right unless I'm eating 5-7 meals per day. Now at 265 6'0" 12% I can easily say a good CONSISTANT diet is what made this even a possibility.
most of what i see here is true. 6ft 155 is small. and i mean even if he's 12%bf
Now i consider my self small at the bodybuilding level. I mean i'm 260 12% if i diet down to 225 i'm FREAKEN peeled and still to small against a guy 5'6 who weights the same and is also a super heavy. its bullshit but that is life.

those of us who are over 6ft need to be ripped at 250 and weight 290 offseason the flip side is girls like tall men.. and i would not give it up for a second.

The only real thing 6ft men lack on stage is thickness. the legs and uper back look great from front to back but sideways we disappear. Chris cook is a perfect example of this.

Still no reason for this young man to give up!!! Keep lifting like i said in another post take the supplemnts and train for that F*ck Physic
Personally, I think it was fake. Mind you, I'm not a skinny guy ectomorph, but I gained 20 pounds on 40 mg of dbol in one week on about 1500 calories a day if that. I went from 190 to 210. And i'm old too, lol. I don't care what anyone believes, no way in hell would I consume above 3000 calories a day on any gear or I gain much fat. Fat is hard to lose.
20 pounds in a week sounds deadly, I've done a pound a day for 3 weeks on drol and my BP was barely controllable.

As for height vs weight, my brother is 5'7" and carries 155-165 usually doing not a damned thing, average frame at best.
Yeah, my blood pressure was very, very high. I stopped taking it after that first week. By no means was that weight gain muscle, it was mostly fat and water.
well, sorry for the long time on replying i was waiting to see all of the feedback on this issue. Its most definitely not my diet as i take in damn near 5000 calories a day.. i think i am going to give my gear to a friend that can test them and well see whats actually going on here. thanks for the feedback guys
You may as well give him your gym membership too, cos if you reckon you barely put on 5lbs after eating nearly 5000 calories whilst on a cycle of test and dbol, you aint got a chance of putting muscle on any other way, you may as well give up now.

How long was this cycle, anyway? 2 days?
ryguy989 said:
well, sorry for the long time on replying i was waiting to see all of the feedback on this issue. Its most definitely not my diet as i take in damn near 5000 calories a day.. i think i am going to give my gear to a friend that can test them and well see whats actually going on here. thanks for the feedback guys

I find this hard to believe. Sorry if I offend, but I'm not buying it.

5000 calories, let's say your intake is about 1/3 protein, that gives you 1650 calories of just protein. That's about 412 grams of protein/day. At 37 grams/protein/chicken breast, and 30 grams/protein/can of tuna...if you eat 5 meals/day every day, your average meal would be 1000 calories, and about 82 grams of protein per meal which means you would have to eat more than 2 chicken breasts per meal in addition to the other calories.

I really, really have a hard time buying it. Without gear, you should be packing on, if nothing else, fat.

You aren't eating 5000 calories/day, nowhere close.

What is your typical diet like, if I may ask?
Regardless of what they may say on the boards, you can slack off on training and make excellent gains on test and dbol, but you CANNOT ever slack off on diet with ANY gear and expect gains.

Think about cows - they get injected with hormones, eat tons of food and get huge. They don't work out, but they DO eat like crazy. Eating is the #1 most important thing. I bought a lot of the stuff on the boards before about people saying you need to train hard, but I always grew on test and dbol, whether I was training like a kitten or like a lion. They key is eating BIG to get big.

I'm not saying don't train hard - you would be a fool not to because you want to maximize gains. But I am saying you have far LESS leeway on diet.