Charles Bronson
old timey gentleman
42, 5'11 190 lbs
pretty lean, maybe +/- 12% bf
ran test 400 deca 400 for 16 weeks, light cycle w/ hard cardio no weights.. that ended sept
taking time off from boxing, want to put on some weight over the holidays ( gonna happen anyway )
would ask you guys with more experience what you'd do to adjust this cycle, going for moderately clean bulk
dbol 50 mg ed 4 weeks
test e 750 16 weeks
tren e 500 12 weeks
first experience with tren e
second cycle with tren, ran 250 test cyp a wk w/ 100 tren ace eod had to be shit underdosed gear..
any suggestions/experience would be appreciated
pretty lean, maybe +/- 12% bf
ran test 400 deca 400 for 16 weeks, light cycle w/ hard cardio no weights.. that ended sept
taking time off from boxing, want to put on some weight over the holidays ( gonna happen anyway )
would ask you guys with more experience what you'd do to adjust this cycle, going for moderately clean bulk
dbol 50 mg ed 4 weeks
test e 750 16 weeks
tren e 500 12 weeks
first experience with tren e
second cycle with tren, ran 250 test cyp a wk w/ 100 tren ace eod had to be shit underdosed gear..
any suggestions/experience would be appreciated