Dbols vs anadrol for next run?


New member
So I've done test eq cycles, test deca cycle and thought the deca was over rated or wasn't dosed as strong as it said. I'm about to start a 12 week cycle of just test e starting with 60mg/dbol 4 weeks then end with 4 weeks 75mg winni/day
I'm going to do a little more research on anadrol before my next cycle which will be a 16 week 900 mg/week eq cycle
Question is why anadrol and why can u take a higher dose? At 100mg anadrol what should I expect vs the 60mg dbol or 75mg winni. Btw I usually start cycles with winni but thought I'd give the dbols another turn since it's been a while since I tried them
People react different to different drugs, BUT can you show me lab work you had on your last cycle? (Pre, mid, post) How was your diet? How old are you?
I'm 34, 5' 8" 210 lbs around 15%bf and diet was fine. I was just wondering people's experiences with anadrol compared to dbol. I've heard it's quite a bit stronger, but u need like double the dose and u retain even more water then dbols. Whats the normal dose for this stuff? I'm thinking I'd start with 50mg to see how it reacts with me.
Bro there's no magic answer. Some people prefer dbol, some prefer a bombs. A bombs retain a lot of water, also some people don't like a bombs cause it upsets their stomach. People have different reactions to drugs so it's a matter of trial and error.
Thanks guys. I think il try the anadrol by itself first to see how I like it and if I do maby do the abom winni combo. Btw getting my gear tommorow to start this one it's just a 12 week 400mg test starting with dbol and ending with winni

Next one will prob be 16 week 900 mg eq, test at either 400 or 500
Starting first 4 or 5 weeks anadrol at 50mg and ending with winni