deca 100mg


New member
Hello guys

I just joined today, I have been on blue hearts 10mg for 4 weeks now of 20mg a day and have bought 2x 100mg deca vials which i plan to use for the next two weeks and maybe another 4 weeks more. I read about pct's but I don't really understand the part about deca shutting down some hgc thing in a few days? can someone please give me a intro to deca and what are the side effects of use and what to take once I finish my cycle and what hcG or what ever it is.

Will be appreciated

D-cal advice is what you're gonna hear repeatedly frrom anyone that answers your post. Buddy no disrespect intended but you make it very obvious you dont have a clue what you're talking about. Trust me contrary to what u may hear from your "buddys" this stuff can hurt you real good and permenantly especially if you're young. I would stop everything you're doing and go back to the drawing board.Take a year and study this all the ins and outs then reconsider. I can see by what you're describing you're a disaster waiting to happen. Good luck
Welcome to Ology.....the Study of anabolic/androgenic steroids.

Your buddy needs to be slapped for potentially wrecking your HPTA..stop what your doing now. If that is all you v e honestly done...suffer through the crash and ride it out and imagine feeling that for years if you fuck around with your body recklessly.

Gym guru s care about moving product..not you.

Oral gear first time out...not good.
Deca...first time out ..bad idea.

When you know more about ALL this, ask some good q s and I ll help you as will other memebers...
^^^^ this

Test is the base of all cycles. decca without test= bye bye erection. orals without test is stupid

stop everything like the others have suggested. research and learn more. read the stickys on the front page about newbies and first cycle etc

good luck
Hello guys

D-cal advice is what you're gonna hear repeatedly frrom anyone that answers your post. Buddy no disrespect intended but you make it very obvious you dont have a clue what you're talking about. Trust me contrary to what u may hear from your "buddys" this stuff can hurt you real good and permenantly especially if you're young. I would stop everything you're doing and go back to the drawing board.Take a year and study this all the ins and outs then reconsider. I can see by what you're describing you're a disaster waiting to happen. Good luck

Yes I don't know what I am talking about that is why I am asking for guidance/information on what I should do.

Welcome to Ology.....the Study of anabolic/androgenic steroids.

Your buddy needs to be slapped for potentially wrecking your HPTA..stop what your doing now. If that is all you v e honestly done...suffer through the crash and ride it out and imagine feeling that for years if you fuck around with your body recklessly.

Gym guru s care about moving product..not you.

Oral gear first time out...not good.
deca...first time out ..bad idea.

When you know more about ALL this, ask some good q s and I ll help you as will other memebers...

I was told if I get no side effects then everything is fine, I am only 18 years old and I've only taken 20mg for exactly 4 weeks and I paid for 2x 100mg vials of deca which I have not used so far. BTW suffer through the crash meaning? I feel perfect just a bit tired and irritated.

^^^^ this

test is the base of all cycles. decca without test= bye bye erection. orals without test is stupid

stop everything like the others have suggested. research and learn more. read the stickys on the front page about newbies and first cycle etc

good luck

Bye Bye erection? maybe that's in older men? I don't have problems.. I will read the Stickys now...

Any answer to what I should do? stop or carry on and what "pct" should I use that can legally be gotten or if not any names?
Do I need post cycle therapy (pct) or is it a bad idea waiting to see if I loose what I have gained? or will testosterone boosters work fine for 3 weeks since i read that test is good for post cycle therapy (pct) and post cycle therapy (pct) is not really needed but is recommended.
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Hey man, welcome to the boards. I would highly recommend stopping all forms of anabolic steroid right now. You are only 4 weeks in so I don't think you have done much damage yet. Whoever has informed you has given you bad info. Test is never run as a post cycle therapy (pct). A post cycle therapy (pct) is run mainly after your cycle to help counteract side effects from the artificial hormones you put into your body and to restart your natural hormones. Deca will stop your natural testosterone production which is what everyone else is referring to as "shutting you down". Meaning that at only 18 years of age, you will not be producing testosterone naturally which is not good. That's why you hear of "balls shrinking" and such.. At 18 you have plenty of natural test flowing so hormones really should be left for guys that are older and have stopped producing the levels of test you are.

To answer your question - In my opinion, I would stop everything and you probably should be fine. You may initially feel a loss of sex drive but it shouldn't last long. You've only been on 4 weeks.

Also, you need to READ much more. Where did you read that post cycle therapy (pct) is test or that it is not needed but recommended? Maybe you should read somewhere else...

Good luck my man!
Ok,...PCT stands for Post Cycle Therapy. This is essential for restoring your natural hormone production. At 18 years of age your natural testosterone levels are peaking, a proper diet and training program will yield better results than steroids will at this point.
Next, when you take steroids, ANY steroids, your body stops making natural testosterone, that's why you need to have injectable testosterone to replace it, even though you haven't experienced any negative side effects yet, it's only been 4 weeks, listen to the veterans here, you have already shut yourself down, it's going to catch up soon. The "crash" that Teutonic referred to is your lack of testosterone coupled with too much estrogen. You mentioned that you're irritable now, it's only about to get worse.
Test boosters(actually, anything over-the-counter) don't do shit. Especially when you take into consideration that your body has stopped producing testosterone. If there's no test to be boosted, there's no real point in taking it(with that said, test boosters are filler, fake, garbage, piss your money away etc etc).
If you don't do a PC'T you will lose any gains, guaranteed.
If I were you I'd stop now, you're going to fuck yourself up. Search "Deca dick". That will answer your lack of erection question. Deca is a powerful designer steroid not to be taken lightly, especially not to be taken without testosterone.

Good luck bro, hopefully you listen to the advice that's been given, you're too young and don't have enough knowledge on the subject to be messing with AAS. Your buddies are wrong, please don't listen to them.
Hey man, welcome to the boards. I would highly recommend stopping all forms of anabolic steroid right now. You are only 4 weeks in so I don't think you have done much damage yet. Whoever has informed you has given you bad info. test is never run as a post cycle therapy (pct). A post cycle therapy (pct) is run mainly after your cycle to help counteract side effects from the artificial hormones you put into your body and to restart your natural hormones. deca will stop your natural testosterone production which is what everyone else is referring to as "shutting you down". Meaning that at only 18 years of age, you will not be producing testosterone naturally which is not good. That's why you hear of "balls shrinking" and such.. At 18 you have plenty of natural test flowing so hormones really should be left for guys that are older and have stopped producing the levels of test you are.

To answer your question - In my opinion, I would stop everything and you probably should be fine. You may initially feel a loss of sex drive but it shouldn't last long. You've only been on 4 weeks.

Also, you need to READ much more. Where did you read that post cycle therapy (pct) is test or that it is not needed but recommended? Maybe you should read somewhere else...

Good luck my man!

Some steroid site selling stuff, I'm not sure on the link right now. Well I can't buy anything for post cycle therapy (pct) for 2 weeks since I am broke but i will by then, Will it harm if i take the 2x sust 250 ( 2 weeks ) then post cycle therapy (pct)'s ? then I plan to go off once the sust and post cycle therapy (pct) is done.

I have 2 friends that also want to go on the "juice" and told them to come here for real help and to get information unlike what we're told by people from gym or simply say they know so much but don't.

Thanks alot for the info!!!
Some steroid site selling stuff, I'm not sure on the link right now. Well I can't buy anything for pct for 2 weeks since I am broke but i will by then, Will it harm if i take the 2x sust 250 ( 2 weeks ) then pct's ? then I plan to go off once the sust and pct is done.

I have 2 friends that also want to go on the "juice" and told them to come here for real help and to get information unlike what we're told by people from gym or simply say they know so much but don't.

Thanks alot for the info!!!

Hey man, please hear me on this,..whoever is giving you this information does NOT know what they're talking about. Plain and simple. Ignore them when they say "those internet boards are shit, I know what I'm doing, look at me" blah blah blah.
With Deca,..which is actually Nandrolone Deconate, which also I've never seen at 100mg/ml, you need to run testosterone the entire time you're taking Deca, and continue running it for a couple of weeks after you've finished the Deca. Sustanon,.or "Sust", is testosterone, but it has different esters in it that release the testosterone at different rates, so when you read things like "should I go with Test prop, cyp, enth or Sust?", it's all testosterone, the different names attached to the Test tell you how long you need between injections/how quickly it's out of your body(that's the Cole's notes version, more reading).
Again, and this is the MOST IMPORTANT THING.....


You're going to hurt yourself, you have no idea how reckless you are being right now. Learn how to train and how to eat. By 25 if you're not satisfied then start looking to steroids. These aren't quick-fixes or miracle oils that make you huge a week after your first injection.
Diet and training are the two most important things in that order.
Hey man, please hear me on this,..whoever is giving you this information does NOT know what they're talking about. Plain and simple. Ignore them when they say "those internet boards are shit, I know what I'm doing, look at me" blah blah blah.
With Deca,..which is actually Nandrolone Deconate, which also I've never seen at 100mg/ml, you need to run testosterone the entire time you're taking Deca, and continue running it for a couple of weeks after you've finished the Deca. Sustanon,.or "Sust", is testosterone, but it has different esters in it that release the testosterone at different rates, so when you read things like "should I go with Test prop, cyp, enth or Sust?", it's all testosterone, the different names attached to the Test tell you how long you need between injections/how quickly it's out of your body(that's the Cole's notes version, more reading).
Again, and this is the MOST IMPORTANT THING.....


You're going to hurt yourself, you have no idea how reckless you are being right now. Learn how to train and how to eat. By 25 if you're not satisfied then start looking to steroids. These aren't quick-fixes or miracle oils that make you huge a week after your first injection.
Diet and training are the two most important things in that order.


I am SORRY about the stupid question I am about to ask...

Between sust 250 and deca 100mg injection, which is better? I got told sust 250 has 100mg deca in it so wouldn't taking sust 250 be better because it has test in it? than taking deca 100mg injection ( btw the sust is an injectable too for incase someone thinks I don't know lol. )

I will be off after the last two deca 100mg vials and will go onto post cycle therapy (pct). Got told I must pay R180 for 5 pills of clomid-20mg I think and never got an name to it!! thats like $21 lol. I have been on 20mg blue hearts a day for 4 weeks and have two deca 100mg injections to take then want to take pct, what dosage is best? I'm 18 years old and I am going off steroids after pct.

Thanks! :)

I am SORRY about the stupid question I am about to ask...

Between sust 250 and deca 100mg injection, which is better? I got told sust 250 has 100mg deca in it so wouldn't taking sust 250 be better because it has test in it? than taking deca 100mg injection ( btw the sust is an injectable too for incase someone thinks I don't know lol. )

I will be off after the last two deca 100mg vials and will go onto post cycle therapy (pct). Got told I must pay R180 for 5 pills of clomid-20mg I think and never got an name to it!! thats like $21 lol. I have been on 20mg blue hearts a day for 4 weeks and have two deca 100mg injections to take then want to take post cycle therapy (pct), what dosage is best? I'm 18 years old and I am going off steroids after pct.

Thanks! :)

You're 18 and you're asking where's your testosterone? Are you shaving? but to answer that question which is better, it's the sust250,,,it does not have deca in it.

You need TEST with any oral steriod or any of the nor19 chain...thats deca and Tren.

You cannot finish off on Deca only...Test must be used last.

you're 18...You need to go to the gym alot and have the ways and means of getting any type of food to stuff your self.

You have to read alot more to understand what you are doing.

doing oral without test is wrong....deca is not a test.
You're 18 and you're asking where's your testosterone? Are you shaving? but to answer that question which is better, it's the sust250,,,it does not have deca in it.

You need TEST with any oral steriod or any of the nor19 chain...thats deca and Tren.

You cannot finish off on Deca only...Test must be used last.

you're 18...You need to go to the gym alot and have the ways and means of getting any type of food to stuff your self.

You have to read alot more to understand what you are doing.

doing oral without test is wrong....deca is not a test.

LoL where did I ask where my testosterone is ?

Ok it goes like this, I asked a friend if he can get roids he said yes he told me deca 100mg or sust 250. So I heard that sust 250 has deca in it, So I googled sust 250 it has the following in it :

30mg/ml Testosterone Propionate
60mg/ml Testosterone Phenylpropionate
60mg/ml Testosterone Isocaproate
100mg/ml Testosterone Decanoate

So this guy tells me that sust 250 has deca in it "100mg/ml Testosterone Decanoate" but now my friend that is getting it told me he can get sust 250 or deca so I though wtf is in sust 250 so should i choose deca or sust, so i decided i will take deca just to be safe. Again this guy says sust has deca in it trying to tell me "100mg/ml Testosterone Decanoate" is the same as deca ??

So basically you saying sust 250 does not contain deca in it? Well im guessing 100mg/ml Testosterone Decanoate is testosterone only and not deca?

I haven't really had side effects at all from the steroids and I feel fine just get p!ssed off sometimes. I wanted deca so I took the right product by getting deca 100mg instead of sust 250?

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^^ bro my last advice to you is to just stop everything and research more. you have no idea and will fuck yourself up

testosterone decanoate is an ester of testosterone. test e/c/p etc are also other esters of testosterone. decanoate is NOT decca.

RESEARCH MORE bro, you have no idea what your doing at this point
Testosterone Decanoate is available under the trade name "Neotest 250" by the Mexican drug company Loeffler. Most people will have used testosterone with this ester in the popular testosterone blend "Sustanon 250", so it's far from something new on the market. It's just never been offered outside of a blend until about 8 years ago.

As with all forms of exogenous hormones, using this product will shut down your body's natural production of testosterone. In addition, cholesterol, immune function, and several other health markers may be adversely affected.

What you have is a blend of Testosterone, not Deca
I think it's funny that u keep getting good advice from every one on here and ur not even half way paying attention. U just blow by their suggestions and go back to how u should take ur stuff....Stop. that is what We r telling u. Ur information is waaaaaaay off. Do a lot of research. This shit is not a game. There can b serious consequences. Just ookin out for ya bro.
Sustanon-250 is largely associated with all brands. Sust, as it is commonly known is comprised of only testosterone but it has four various esters attached; two short, one moderate and one long ester. The composition of the compound is as follows:

Testosterone Propionate: 30mg
Testosterone Phenylpropionate: 60mg
Testosterone Isocaproate: 60mg
Testosterone Decanoate: 100mg

As you can see from its makeup a large portion of the testosterone becomes active very quickly once administered due to the Propionate and Phenylpropionate forms being attached. However, the full release will not occur until the Decanoate fulfills its function; because of the Decanoate ester being attached Sustanon-250 has a total half-life of approximately 18 days.

Deca-Durabolin is a Nandrolone based steroid attached to the Decanoate ester.
Sustanon-250 is largely associated with all brands. Sust, as it is commonly known is comprised of only testosterone but it has four various esters attached; two short, one moderate and one long ester. The composition of the compound is as follows:

Testosterone Propionate: 30mg
Testosterone Phenylpropionate: 60mg
Testosterone Isocaproate: 60mg
Testosterone Decanoate: 100mg

As you can see from its makeup a large portion of the testosterone becomes active very quickly once administered due to the Propionate and Phenylpropionate forms being attached. However, the full release will not occur until the Decanoate fulfills its function; because of the Decanoate ester being attached Sustanon-250 has a total half-life of approximately 18 days.

Deca-Durabolin is a Nandrolone based steroid attached to the Decanoate ester.

^^^^^^^This is correct^^^^^^