deca and extreme joint pain!


New member
well im pretty sure its the deca seeing as last cycle was test dbol fina and no probs. this time its test deca and dbol. im at the 5th week now and for the last week my elbow joints and shoulder joints and wrist joints feel like they are going to frickin break off! they almost feel as though they are grinding. i thought deca was supposed to do the exact opposite. anyways does anybody else get this from deca? im running it at 400 mgs a week and test at 600 mgs.
it's not the deca bro. there has to be some other reason but deca will not make your joints hurt.
well then im confused:confused: something isnt right. maybe ill take a few days off and see what happens. i thought i could remeber ike dani on anasci having the similiar prob with deca, but i cant remeber.
only thing I can think of is the dbol. i know you said that you used it before but you may be feeling it now for the first time. what kind of dbol is it?
fuzzy-1 said:
well im pretty sure its the deca seeing as last cycle was test dbol fina and no probs. this time its test deca and dbol. im at the 5th week now and for the last week my elbow joints and shoulder joints and wrist joints feel like they are going to frickin break off! they almost feel as though they are grinding. i thought deca was supposed to do the exact opposite. anyways does anybody else get this from deca? im running it at 400 mgs a week and test at 600 mgs.

SICK ATAVAR!!!!!!:eek: :confused:
bro is it possible that your strength shot up by week 5 and your lifting a lot heavier weight than before and and your joints cant keep up with your strength gains , we also tend to get inspired by our progress and train harder than ever
I don't think you can blame deca. Usually deca is recommended to people with joint pain while taking Winny.

Do your joints hurt all the time, or only during specific ecercises?
I agree with DADAWG. Deca gives you such dramatic strength gains that your supporting tissues can not keep up. I had the same problem. Plus years of overworking your joints is not what nature had intended when it wrote the warranty on your body parts. I never had a prob with deca. It did wonders for me when I had shoulder, elbow and forearm problems.
only thing I can think of is the dbol. i know you said that you used it before but you may be feeling it now for the first time. what kind of dbol is it?

dbol was spectro/alpha tech. stopped it a week ago. i have been lifting a hell of alot more weight than normal, also started inj b-12 a wek and a half ago. other than joint pain everything is good, im up 15 lbs now in 5 weeks and feel strong as hell