So I saw a post where it was stated that deca causes cardiac hypertrophy. Given my desire to run this compound in low doses for trt and the occasional blast, I decided to research this assertion.
So far the studies I found were in rats given 15mg/kg. That's 1350 mg for a male of 200lbs!!! Holy lord that's a lot.
The findings did suggest an increase in left ventricular diameter to the tune of 17% etc. So, I'm going to continue researching but definitely feel ALOT better about running 100-200mgs for trt add on and 400-600 for blasting. I also will look into the suggestion in the same post to run NPP instead. I don't see how it would matter too much on this point though given same compound diff ester.
Anyone with any further clarification or comments chime in please! I know we got lots of Deca fans in da house!
So far the studies I found were in rats given 15mg/kg. That's 1350 mg for a male of 200lbs!!! Holy lord that's a lot.
The findings did suggest an increase in left ventricular diameter to the tune of 17% etc. So, I'm going to continue researching but definitely feel ALOT better about running 100-200mgs for trt add on and 400-600 for blasting. I also will look into the suggestion in the same post to run NPP instead. I don't see how it would matter too much on this point though given same compound diff ester.
Anyone with any further clarification or comments chime in please! I know we got lots of Deca fans in da house!