New member
And this is the same guy who tried to slam me for the use of low test/high deca... Lol seriously man, you need to reeducate yourself on the whole topic of AAS and stop spreading bullshit and for fuck sake keep it to one post, you can quote multiple comments in one single post stop trying to raise your post count.
Let me lay it out to you, the ester doesn't mean shit, it is the hormone itself that causes the effects. NPP vs Deca... The hormone is nandrolone the effects are the same, the only difference is decanoate is far more fat soluble hence will hang around for a shitload longer than the phenylpropionate ester. And no, not the ester itself, I'm talking about the hormone attached to the ester.
Esters do nothing, they merely make the hormone further fat soluble hence creating a "depot" or "time release" of the hormone itself. Yes, Nandrolone Decanoate will be detected for a long time, it doesn't mean 6 months later you are still on cycle. Nandrolone is highly suppressive as well hence why users take a long while to recover after a Deca cycle... Yes, because it is still present in the blood for a while after, however not at a substantial dose (yet enough to supress the HPTA to an extent, however blood levels are minor) so no you are not still on cycle 6 months after your last shot.
4 weeks after you last deca shot blood levels aren't very significant and would have rapidly fallen. Detectable? Yeah for sure.
I didn't slam you for anything. Do what ever you want bro, I don't think you should be advising bros to run nandro deca 3x higher than test.. IMO.
I give a shit about post count. LMAO
I'd bet I have years of experience with compounds and research beyond you, not that it matters.
No one said the ester causes the hypertrophy effect, you moron. BTW...the ester has a lot to do with the amount of hormone in you blood stream at any given sort of stated that in your post.
Please post up any info verifying that 4 weeks after 14 weeks of nandro deca 800mg a week, you levels aren't significant. lol
If you have anything intelligent or insightful to contribute, please feel free to do so. Its called a discussion.
Thanks bro!