

New member
Since May, I've been taking GH at 2-3 IUs per day (started 2, but now at 3) and for ~5 weeks, I've been on the following cycle:

1cc test-e (250)
1cc deca (300)


I think I have deca-dick, which I've never experienced before. :sad:

I've been researching a little, but I'm not sure the best course of action right now, for a lot of advice has been given, but I'm still a little confused.

My initial reaction is to increase test to 2 CCs/week & go from there, but I've also read that taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) right now might be wise, and, perhaps, clomid.

Hell, should I consider peptides (GHRP 6, etc.)??

Or just get something like Viagra to last me until the end of the cycle & start taking clomid then??

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that is one terrible cycle my man. Your estro is probably too lowor too high. Did you get bloods done? Deca shuts you down hard and you shouldn't be running a higher deca dose than your test dose. You need to do more research before you fuck yourself up.

From here I would up your test dosage to 500mg/week(2 cc's a week for what you have) and see if that helps. Do you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand just incase?
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Ya the rule is to keep test dose hight than the deca so that you stay away from the dreaded DECA DICK. Hope all works out for you man.
that is one terrible cycle my man.

That's interesting. I posted this exact cycle on this forum, got comments, yet no one said how terrible it was. If they did, I surely would have changed it...

Your estro is probably too lowor too high. Did you get bloods done?

No, I just ordered the test though, so now I just need to make my way over to the lab and get it done, which will take place shortly.

You need to do more research before you fuck yourself up.

That's really helpful, thanks. :squint:

I would like to think that a "blessed" cycle from this forum would mean that it's not too bad.

From here I would up your test dosage to 500mg/week(2 cc's a week for what you have) and see if that helps.

Yeah, that's what I'm definitely going to do

Do you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand just incase?

No, but I can get some fairly fast though. I'm not sure what the best to take right now is though
That's interesting. I posted this exact cycle on this forum, got comments, yet no one said how terrible it was. If they did, I surely would have changed it...

No, I just ordered the test though, so now I just need to make my way over to the lab and get it done, which will take place shortly.

That's really helpful, thanks. :squint:

I would like to think that a "blessed" cycle from this forum would mean that it's not too bad.

Yeah, that's what I'm definitely going to do

No, but I can get some fairly fast though. I'm not sure what the best to take right now is though

I'd just get some Adex. Take .5 e3d and see how you do. If that dose is too high(it is for me usually) I'd drop it to .25 e3d and see how that is. Definitely up the test to 500 and I bet your dick problems will go away. If not, it probably is your estro is too high which the adex then will help.
cabser aka cabergoline .5 every 3 days should help you out majorly deca increases prolactin and thats a no no for libido/erections also people have claimed to be able to have have a multiple orgasm on it.. prolactin majorly spikes just after sex also it what makes men stop and have to wait a bit....
I run test lower than deca or tren all the time..on purpose. The problem and the key focus always needs to be estrogen management. Adding more test will simply make the problem worse if you arent controlling your estrogen levels. Lower test makes it EASIER to manage these sides because the lower the test the easier estrogen management is.
It is very unlikely at such a low dose prolactin is an issue..and if it is its more related to higher estrogen than the deca. People dont realize elevated estrogen has a much greater impact on levated prolactin than deca or tren do. What deca does however , as a progestin , is upregulate prolactin receptors - which may lead to sexual sides. The key again though is lowering estrogen - thus lowering prolactin ...thus no issue. The use of caber or bromo is really a band aid and it doesnt attack the root of the issue. I do think its prudent to have on hand , but its really not addressing the source of your problem.
Since May, I've been taking GH at 2-3 IUs per day (started 2, but now at 3) and for ~5 weeks, I've been on the following cycle:

1cc test-e (250)
1cc deca (300)


I think I have deca-dick, which I've never experienced before. :sad:

I've been researching a little, but I'm not sure the best course of action right now, for a lot of advice has been given, but I'm still a little confused.

My initial reaction is to increase test to 2 CCs/week & go from there, but I've also read that taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) right now might be wise, and, perhaps, clomid.

Hell, should I consider peptides (GHRP 6, etc.)??

Or just get something like Viagra to last me until the end of the cycle & start taking clomid then??


Are you sure your test is good?
I run test lower than deca or tren all the time..on purpose. The problem and the key focus always needs to be estrogen management. Adding more test will simply make the problem worse if you arent controlling your estrogen levels. Lower test makes it EASIER to manage these sides because the lower the test the easier estrogen management is.
It is very unlikely at such a low dose prolactin is an issue..and if it is its more related to higher estrogen than the deca. People dont realize elevated estrogen has a much greater impact on levated prolactin than deca or tren do. What deca does however , as a progestin , is upregulate prolactin receptors - which may lead to sexual sides. The key again though is lowering estrogen - thus lowering prolactin ...thus no issue. The use of caber or bromo is really a band aid and it doesnt attack the root of the issue. I do think its prudent to have on hand , but its really not addressing the source of your problem.


This is the second time you've argued with me and been totally wrong. You need to go do some goddam research before you submit dumb posts which may affect people's health. You should never run a higher deca or tren dosage than your test dosage. You're gonna fuck people up with your ignorant views. The problem is that you seem fairly intelligent so people may actually buy what you're saying when in fact you're wrong. Please don't take offense. Maybe I approached you the wrong way last time but you really need to do some more reading before you start telling people what to do. This is twice in the past week you've been completely wrong... :wallbash:
@ santaklaus ^

Would you care to elaborate on why test should be higher than 19-nors in a cycle? I have heard of many people running high tren with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) levels of test with great results and less sides.

Not being confrontational just curious.

This is the second time you've argued with me and been totally wrong. You need to go do some goddam research before you submit dumb posts which may affect people's health. You should never run a higher deca or tren dosage than your test dosage. You're gonna fuck people up with your ignorant views. The problem is that you seem fairly intelligent so people may actually buy what you're saying when in fact you're wrong. Please don't take offense. Maybe I approached you the wrong way last time but you really need to do some more reading before you start telling people what to do. This is twice in the past week you've been completely wrong... :wallbash:

You were totally wrong last time in the other thread (you remember - where you said proviron binds to test for christs sake ) are totally wrong now. This was pointed out to you by others in the last thread and is about to be pointed out to you again in this one.
Also my post wasn't directed as an argument towards you at aren't that important. Fell free to believe what you wish ..feel free to do what you wish , but before you trash the advice I give I suggest you do a little research. Either that or just accept that others knowledge , experience and opinions are at the very least equal to yours. Thanks.
You were totally wrong last time in the other thread (you remember - where you said proviron binds to test for christs sake ) are totally wrong now. This was pointed out to you by others in the last thread and is about to be pointed out to you again in this one.
Also my post wasn't directed as an argument towards you at aren't that important. Fell free to believe what you wish ..feel free to do what you wish , but before you trash the advice I give I suggest you do a little research. Either that or just accept that others knowledge , experience and opinions are at the very least equal to yours. Thanks.

I'm done speaking with you after this for good. You are a fucking idiot and I hope a bird shits on your head later today...

With that being said... First of all, Who on the other thread insinuated I was wrong about anything. Juced Porkchop is the only one who even commented and he suggested I didn't understand what I read. Which I beg to differ.

Second of all, the reason you keep your test higher than your deca is because you are taking a risk of decreased libido, deca dick or any prolactin sides by running the deca higher. Which in my opinion is the WORST side you can experience. I personally require almost double the amount of test to deca to keep my libido strong. Deca will shut you down harder than most compounds. Although I'm sure you will argue with that again...

Have a nice life Jimi, I promise you I will not be commenting with you or at you from here on out. I'd rather speak to a retarted monkey
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I'm done speaking with you after this for good. You are a fucking idiot and I hope a bird shits on your head later today...

With that being said... First of all, Who on the other thread insinuated I was wrong about anything. Juced Porkchop is the only one who even commented and he suggested I didn't understand what I read. Which I beg to differ.

Second of all, the reason you keep your test higher than your deca is because you are taking a risk of decreased libido, deca dick or any prolactin sides by running the deca higher. Which in my opinion is the WORST side you can experience. I personally require almost double the amount of test to deca to keep my libido strong. Deca will shut you down harder than most compounds. Although I'm sure you will argue with that again...

Have a nice life Jimi, I promise you I will not be commenting with you or at you from here on out. I'd rather speak to a retarted monkey

Wow nice personal attack for no reason. You are yet again wrong. Read and learn. Thsi is an excerpt writeen by the late Karl Hoffman , aka Nandi. Probably the single brightest mind to ever frequent these forums:

Regarding prolactin, androgens decrease prolactin levels whereas estrogens increase prolactin. Non-aromatizing androgens have never been shown to elevate prolactin levels in humans, but testosterone has, due to its aromatization to estradiol (19). Prolactin secreting tumors, or prolactinomas, are often associated with gyno. But in these cases the prolactin is believed to induce gyno by suppressing testosterone production: ***8220;Prolactinomas that are sufficiently large to cause gynecomastia do so as a result of impairment of gonadotropin secretion and secondary hypogonadism***8221;. (20). However, this is a moot issue in AAS users whose gonadotropin secretion is already blunted.

According to research cited in (20), prolactin may have a direct stimulatory effect on mammary tissue development, but only in the presence of high estrogen levels:

The presence of mild hyperprolactinaemia is therefore not uncommon in patients with estrogen excess. Significant primary hyperprolactinaemia, on the other hand, may directly stimulate epithelial cell proliferation in an estrogen-primed breast, causing epithelial cell proliferation and gynaecomastia.

So rather than focusing solely on lowering prolactin levels which may be elevated in users of aromatizing androgens, attacking estrogen should be the first line of action.

You should really type less and read more and stop perpetrating misinformation. Oh and when you do read it would be nice if you had a clue how to interpret what you have read.

Proviron binds to SHBG.

Estrogen increase prolactin.

Period ...end of story.
Now please stop with the unwarranted personal attacks.
Thank You.

This is the second time you've argued with me and been totally wrong. You need to go do some goddam research before you submit dumb posts which may affect people's health. You should never run a higher deca or tren dosage than your test dosage. You're gonna fuck people up with your ignorant views. The problem is that you seem fairly intelligent so people may actually buy what you're saying when in fact you're wrong. Please don't take offense. Maybe I approached you the wrong way last time but you really need to do some more reading before you start telling people what to do. This is twice in the past week you've been completely wrong... :wallbash:

YOU are wrong YOU need to pull you head out of your butt and listin...

you can run an Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) amount of test with deca and have your bases covered (bodly functions needed). i know, i have.
NOTHIGN wrogn with deca OR tren higher then test. and some do better (like) the other way around.

if YOU have low libido with deca then maybe you need to use something else. because it wont effect my libido even on only 200mg test ew not for me and many others.

I see now you CAN NOT admit (or possibly even see) maybe you are miss understanding alot fo what you are reading.
I hope one day you can.

Good luck
I'm done speaking with you after this for good. You are a fucking idiot and I hope a bird shits on your head later today...

With that being said... First of all, Who on the other thread insinuated I was wrong about anything. Juced Porkchop is the only one who even commented and he suggested I didn't understand what I read. Which I beg to differ.
Your loss at learning not mine.... good luck

Second of all, the reason you keep your test higher than your deca is because you are taking a risk of decreased libido, deca dick or any prolactin sides by running the deca higher. Which in my opinion is the WORST side you can experience. I personally require almost double the amount of test to deca to keep my libido strong. Deca will shut you down harder than most compounds. Although I'm sure you will argue with that again... ok it shuts you down harder then most ........ your point?
thats not the cause for using extra test. you should with any steroid, atleast have a test base. its the decas effects not the shut down that may effect libido and erection, being shut down and using deca alone only without test would only make it worse.

Have a nice life Jimi, I promise you I will not be commenting with you or at you from here on out. I'd rather speak to a retarted monkey

in red
. Fell free to believe what you wish ..feel free to do what you wish , but before you trash the advice I give I suggest you do a little research. Either that or just accept that others knowledge , experience and opinions are at the very least equal to yours. Thanks.
AGREED! other then the equal part....
but i see what your trying to say, be open minded and humble that you are wrong, not a stuck up ass that rather be hard headed then learn something he had wrong....... i mean being right is the way ....
I have no issue with admitting when I'm wrong. In this case, I fully believe I am not though. When I personally run deca, I need to keep my test at almost double the amount so I don't have prolactin sides. Would you suggest to someone running their first cycle to run 500/mg deca to 200/mg test because you are ok with it? Typically it is suggested to run a higher test dose than a deca or tren. Am I wrong in saying this? I personally understand why because I have dealt with the low libido and deca dick from being on a higher dose of deca. For someone new to the game, I fully believe they should start with a higher test dose than deca and see if it works for them...
I have no issue with admitting when I'm wrong. In this case, I fully believe I am not though. When I personally run deca, I need to keep my test at almost double the amount so I don't have prolactin sides. Would you suggest to someone running their first cycle to run 500/mg deca to 200/mg test because you are ok with it? why would you the other way around just because YOU are ok with it? door swings both ways bud Typically it is suggested to run a higher test dose than a deca or tren. Am I wrong in saying this? I personally understand why because I have dealt with the low libido and deca dick from being on a higher dose of deca. For someone new to the game, I fully believe they should start with a higher test dose than deca and see if it works for them...

Sorry I have to agree with the other guys you dont seem to understand some of what you think you do.

*this is not about your last post but the ones before it*

as for the deca test thing, it depends on person nore you or him are right, (but he is right about only main thing mattering is that you HAVE test in your stack with deca not the amount, but thats a givin, I hope).

I rec deca 300-400mg ew and with test at 200mg-1g ew.