Deca doasge


New member
For my next cycle I am goign to run deca/dbol/sust (or cyp)...this will be my first time with deca. I am currently on my 4th cycle...

Enth 500mg/wk
EQ 600 mg/wk
prop 100mg/ed (week1-4)
winny 50mg/ed (week 9-13)

6'3 220 12%bf

Knowing this what is a good doasge of deca? I am going to take 30mg/ed of dbol and either 500 or 750mg/wk of the one of the tests...thoughts?:chimney:
Deca Dosage

I would go with 400 mg/week.

I think I read somewhere that Deca is best at 2 mg. per pound of lean body mass.
BUFFDAWG10 said:
Norma, Organon, QV

Good choices here, ofcourse the Norma and Organon are higher priced but are really good. QV at 300mg/ml is well priced!:D
WannaImpress said:
Good choices here, ofcourse the Norma and Organon are higher priced but are really good. QV at 300mg/ml is well priced!:D

Yes, and what I like about QV is that they make 200mg. or 300mg., so if he is going to do 400mgs. a week, just get the 200mg. Deca and take two inj. per week, and like you said the price is great!
3 best deca's I have used are Normas, QV, and one that came from a compounding pharm. I also would recomend you start with 400mg. And go with the cyp, no sence in having all those long ass ester in your bod. This will effect you recovery.
Thanks guys...I think I will go with QV. I have used them in the past with great as someone said, the price is tough to beat...I appreciate all you all's input.:D
can you mix the deca and the cyp in the same syringe?? that would suck having to take two shots twice a week and then if you are one who uses a little Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) along the way that shot thing gets old
eagle_lex said:
can you mix the deca and the cyp in the same syringe?? that would suck having to take two shots twice a week and then if you are one who uses a little Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) along the way that shot thing gets old

Yes you can!;)
Mixing is good...for me anyway...I mix enth and eq for my current cycle twice a week...prop in the glute each is not bad at all. I think I could open a shop selling pins with all the syringes and darts I have due to my use of prop and tren ed.
eagle_lex said:
can you mix the deca and the cyp in the same syringe?? that would suck having to take two shots twice a week and then if you are one who uses a little Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) along the way that shot thing gets old

Yes you can, go with a 25g......will be a little slower pushing the AS out of the syringe but less scar tissue buildup and no pain what-so-ever!:)
WannaImpress said:
Yes you can, go with a 25g......will be a little slower pushing the AS out of the syringe but less scar tissue buildup and no pain what-so-ever!:)

I do the same thing w/ Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (and all water based compounds)...25 guage in the shoulder...thicker solutions I use 22 guage in the glute or thigh...I am going to give my tri/bis a try shortly...
dallasskyline said:
I do the same thing w/ Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (and all water based compounds)...25 guage in the shoulder...thicker solutions I use 22 guage in the glute or thigh...I am going to give my tri/bis a try shortly...

You should be good with 25g for tri/bis. If you can get 25g 5/8 that would be great, no need to go longer as long as your bf% isn't to high. As for glutes 23g for scared to go with 22g.:D
WannaImpress said:
You should be good with 25g for tri/bis. If you can get 25g 5/8 that would be great, no need to go longer as long as your bf% isn't to high. As for glutes 23g for scared to go with 22g.:D

Yea 22g is a bitch in my glute is no prblem. I had to go with 22g for the primo I was taking several cycles ago...and just have a lot left matter the size of the needle it always hurts in my quad...

I agree with you...I was planning on using 25g for bi's/tri's. Have you (or anyone for that matter) injected in your pec?
dallasskyline said:
Yea 22g is a bitch in my glute is no prblem. I had to go with 22g for the primo I was taking several cycles ago...and just have a lot left matter the size of the needle it always hurts in my quad...

I agree with you...I was planning on using 25g for bi's/tri's. Have you (or anyone for that matter) injected in your pec?

ds, I haven't injected into pecs..... I read a post on here where someone injected into there pecs and was hurting really bad. For now I'll stick to glutes, bis, tris, delts, and calves....have tried quads but are a bit uncomfortable!