DECA doseages advice required please


New member
Hi. I'm new to the group. Would anyone be able to give me advice on deca injections. I'm 36 14.8 stone. I'm not sure of how many injections per wk or the required doseage needed. I'm wanting g to put on decent size but not to competition size. Should I be taking anything else alongside i.e test and liver tablets etc. Thanks for any help. New to all of this. Been training a few years but not putting on decent size. Been taking Winstrol tablets for past 8 weeks.
Are you male or female?

If male, you should not be running Winny or Deca by themselves. Testosterone needs to be the base of every cycle. Those compounds shut down your body's natural testosterone production. So right now, you don't have any testosterone in your body.

Read the FAQ's link included below in my signature. You seriously need to do lots of homework before putting this stuff in your body.
Are you male or female?

If male, you should not be running Winny or Deca by themselves. Testosterone needs to be the base of every cycle. Those compounds shut down your body's natural testosterone production. So right now, you don't have any testosterone in your body.

Read the FAQ's link included below in my signature. You seriously need to do lots of homework before putting this stuff in your body.

This ^^^^^^^^^^^ just to begin with. Where did you go OP ? You got very good advise. STOP taking the Winstrol Now man. You are throwing your whole endocrine system out of whack.

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