DECA, FINA, TREN and Prolactin


Community Veteran, Fitness Consultant
All of these compounds stimulate release of excessive Prolactin. Common manifestations of hyperprolactinemia (elevated Prolactin levels) in men with hyperprolactinemia typically show hypogonadism, with decreased sex drive, decreased sperm production and impotence. Such men also often show breast enlargement (gynecomastia), but very rarely produce milk. For more details, go to:
so combining deca with fina usually wouldn't be a good idea since both raise prolactin levels, and also progesterone.

any takes?
Its all individuall. Some people are more prone to the effects of increasd prolactin. There are also several counter measures to ensure sides are kept at a min.
DrJMW......Great post!!!!. I spoke with you a while back.. I wanted to contact you again but have misplaced your e-mail addy...CAn you please shoot me an e-mail at

Or if anyone knows his addy can you pas this message along to him....LAter.....R
Deca and tren together don't bother me in the least. But then I am blessed with being side-proof. If I was going to get sides from AS in any combination I would have by now. I know people that can't even be in the same room with deca or tren without losing their libido for months. You have to try a little for a short time and see. Now the there is NPP available you can take NPP and tren for a week and see what happens. If you see unwanted sides then you can shut it down quickly. In the olden days you were stuck for a month sometimes with built up deca.
Blessed indeed. I experienced no ill effects on libido while on tren or deca, but I have never combined the two during a cycle.