deca question

"DHT based" (sic) steroids don't necessarily cause balding. If this were true, then 5-aR reduced nandralones (DHN) from deca would cause balding... When the reality is that DHN doesn't do much of anything, and isn't even as androgenic as plain old nandralone.

(I believe) the whole reason that scientists made what most BBs refer to as "DHT based" anabolic steroids was because they wanted to create ones that cannot be aromatized into estrogen-like compounds. Looking to nature, the easiest way to do this is to make it similiar in structure to DHT in that respect. (DHT cannot be aromatized to estrogen.)

The other thing to remember is that another (possible) reason that DHT is so bad for the scalp is simply that it's 2x-10x more androgenic than testosterone! Yet nobody ever considers this.

If the androgenicity was the real reason for DHTs effect on the scalp, then anabolic steroids like winstrol and primobolan would be the least harmful to the scalp!

This would also imply that harsher, more androgenic compounds like methyltest, test suspension, halo, czeque drops, etc. would be the worst things for your hairline (unless you're trying to grow hair on your back that is).

On another note, I think way too much of what passes for gospel among BBs are simply "old wives tales" based upon bad anecdotal evidence, coincidence or mis-understanding the true meaning behind pseudo-scientific statements (like "winstrol is based on DHT"). If I can't read it in a scientific journal or a MedLine abstract I tend not to believe it...