I think 21 is to young to juice and deca is a bad choice if you are going to juice. Your hormonal system may not be fully devoloped, deca is one of the hardest on the HS.
i love deca and Sustanon (sust). one of my favorites. my current cycle:
1-6 dbol 50 ed
1-20 sust 750 week
1-18 deca 400 week
16-22 winstrol 50 ed
i am three months in and loving life
good luck with your cycle, your doses are on par for a newb maybe even only run the sust 250 every three to four days.
Cycle looks good bro. Very similar to my first cycle. Mild dosages are the way to go when you are getting started. Make shure you have your post cycle therapy (pct) ready for post cycle recovery.
Just finished a similar cycle...
1-10 400 Eq
1-10 250 sust
I didnt see much for weight gains but def saw strength gains. I am about the same age as you... I saw alot more off my previous cycle of
using deca. Only used it for 6 weeks with great gains. 2000mg yellow tops in the 6 weeks. I spread about 10 karachi's in there to I believe. Wish I could of done it for 8 or 10 weeks but was going away for vacation. What did your first cycle consist of.. if this is your second?
I did my first cycle last years
deca sustanon
week1 100 125
week2 100 125
week3 150 250
week4 150 250
week5 200 250
week6 200 250
week7 200 250
week8 100 125
And I gain 20pound
When you are young, you don't need a lot a steroid to react
... And next cycle you will not need to add a lot more for the same result.
I was 165pound at 5.9
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