pickle bunny
The Ring Bearer
Thanks man that's just wut I suicidal person who realizes they r worthless needs. Glad to c u have a soul
Nice drama. Don't = shit
Maybe you can go on Glee
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Thanks man that's just wut I suicidal person who realizes they r worthless needs. Glad to c u have a soul
Doc gave me clomid! EOD 50mg for 6 weeks! Think that will do it!? Will I b ok now for sure?!
Somebody please answer. I need to know if clomid is enough of if Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is vital?
All I need is my penis to start working and my sexual attraction/arousal back. I'm tired of the depression its giving me.
I would suggest talking to your doc about your anxiety and the meds you were taking. Sounds like you need something, we all do at some point.