Deca Sustanon shutdown please help

Thanks man that's just wut I suicidal person who realizes they r worthless needs. Glad to c u have a soul

Nice drama. Don't = shit

Maybe you can go on Glee

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Thanks deerawk. U cudnt be more accurate on ur assumption either....well not 5 times but I'm literally driving myself insane. Thanks for talking me down and talking some sense into me.
Anybody ever know of deca dick being permanent? I started clomid yesterday, how long till my libido returns in your opinion?
Wow! what an insane thread this is.

It is highly unlikely that you will be limp for the rest of your life.

But why the heck did you wait so long? You don't have to answer that.
As you get older I hope you realize that between you and everyone else, you are the only one that matters, and do what is right for you. i.e. Fix your problems right away and forget everyone else.

My advice, which I have offered a few people before was to go on a low dose of Test at 100mg/week for 6 weeks, then taper from there.

Good luck and keep us updated.
Noone is replying to you anymore because you wont fucking shutup. Read your own thread, take your fucking clomid and let it work. Ask more questions in 4 weeks christ man, how many times do you have to be told this...
Somebody please answer. I need to know if clomid is enough of if Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is vital?

do steroids again you are not mentally stable enough to handle steroids.

take the clomid , every day would be better but use what the doc gave you.
Look I know I'm annoying, and young and stupid and have no business doing what I did. I also read too many threads and am drawing concerns over the ones iv recently read bashing clomid and saying Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is the only cure for deca dick. I'm sorry I'm freaking out but I'm in a mentally tough time right now bc I am coming off my anxiety meds just so I can be free of any kind of drug influance yl I recover. Anyway I'll shut up and take my doc prescribed clomid and come back if it doesn't do the trick. Thanks for ur patience and advice. God bless u all.
I would suggest talking to your doc about your anxiety and the meds you were taking. Sounds like you need something, we all do at some point.
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All I need is my penis to start working and my sexual attraction/arousal back. I'm tired of the depression its giving me.

Aw jezz, Its Dora Dumpster Drama Queen still at it.
Everybody hold my fuckin hand.

So Let me share a story:

Once there was this little puke sittin on a hill. And all day long he cried wolf.
After while he cried wolf one too many times and the towns people looked at each other and said....who gives a fuck

And then........the town baned the lil pussy
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cobra wtf...right.....bro ur some post cycle therapy (pct) and if u can't you will deal with this shit for a little while....your cycle sucked 6 weeks of deca is just enough to fuck you and not enough to do any 21 you have no buisness running gear...first and foremost you don't need it.....seriously if you are feeling suicidal get some help asap.. go to a friend, 911 , or family.....good luck