Deca Sustanon shutdown please help

Look I understand ur tone and confusion but I have promised my parents and myself that I'm not going to run anything that a doc doesn't give to me. He told me if I'm not good in 2 months he will give me clomid, but all I'm asking is based on wut iv said do u guys think I will be ok and recover?
Look I understand ur tone and confusion but I have promised my parents and myself that I'm not going to run anything that a doc doesn't give to me. He told me if I'm not good in 2 months he will give me clomid, but all I'm asking is based on wut iv said do u guys think I will be ok and recover?

Dude,.....your method of "asking" is what's bothering people.
You're fishing for somebody to say "ya bro, you're g2g!!!! Well done, congrats! You didn't fuck up your life!!".

Ok, truth is, you will 99.999% definitely be fine. In time. How long will that take? Who knows. If you had taken Clomid in February, when you were told to, this thread would be dead.

You've made promises, which means you've made decisions. That's actually a very positive thing, no matter what the outcome of your choices are, you've at least made a choice, and that choice is to stand by your doctor.
Come back in 2 months if your outlook has changed, until then, stick by your decision.
Ok thanks man and I know I'm annoying and I apologize but I'm having a lot of problems (mentally) from all this and I'm just doing the best I can. But I appreciate people like u taking the time out of ur day to help me.
I do understand the mental aspect, for sure.
There are a lot of positives in your results,..your numbers are way up, nothing is permanently shut down. You're getting wood now instead of nothing at all,..that's a great thing.
you're on your way for sure,..remember, you were messing with your hormones, you didn't take a Post Cycle Therapy to help with the fluctuations after coming off, so you've been all over the place, kind of makes sense that you're out of whack when you look at it that way, right?
I'm going to bet that you don't feel as stressed as you did in February.
Your definately right about that but I'm still just worried that my levels won't ever get back to 504 and that I'll have permanent erectile dysfunction (since I can only get hard if I try manually). Do u think that I shud b worried about that or do u think I'm on pace to return to normal and put this behind me? Also thanks for ur time and understanding green
I meant permanently. Seriosuly I need input. I'm on the verge of suicide. I can't live with this being permanent.

What the fuck dude?!?!?!?! Have you read the responses in this thread??
You've been told over and over that it's not likely a permanent issue, and that running a post cycle therapy (pct) would speed up your recovery process.
You continually ask if you need post cycle therapy (pct), are continually told YES.
You realize that post cycle therapy (pct) consists of one daily oral dosage,..either pill or liquid,..and it only lasts 4 weeks.
If you're suicidal call 911.
Otherwise, there is nothing else information-wise that you can extract from the people on this board.
You gave your story, people didn't shred you, they gave you sound advice....repeatedly.
Time to stand up for yourself and be a man. Period.
Ask yourself this, many cycles do you figure your doctor and parents have collectively run,..then wonder how many cycles have the people on this board run. Who do you think has more real experience?
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Greens is it ever too late for post cycle therapy (pct)? And I know man but I'm fucked up mentally and I'm scared to order a post cycle therapy (pct) from a research lab simply because a)how do I know I'm getting the 100 percent right stuff(legit), and b) is there possible legal risk in doing so?
Greens is it ever too late for post cycle therapy (pct)? And I know man but I'm fucked up mentally and I'm scared to order a post cycle therapy (pct) from a research lab simply because a)how do I know I'm getting the 100 percent right stuff(legit), and b) is there possible legal risk in doing so?

you doc already told you hes going to start clomid(post cycle therapy (pct)) in 2 months
if your willing to wait, so be it

if not, start some nolva/clomid and get yourself back to normal
Your test is on its way up. Your going to be fine. Your good. You will live. Your dick will be okay. Your endo will give you clomid in 2 months if your not better since you are not going to just fucking get it yourself. Your man enough to inject steriods with no information or research but your not man enough to buy a SERM or tell your fucking parents? Your quite uneducated for a student. If you are really suicidal (even though you are getting better!?) you need to call 911 and/or call your doctor.
ya bro, you're g2g!!!! Well done, congrats! You didn't fuck up your life! There, now relax.
I have told my parents and I'm just scared to purchase illegal drugs again. And no I'm not man enough to inject them, just stupid enough to trust my trainer to do so. And even tho they r coming up my dick is still broke.I. can barely even ejaculate. Only a little bit comes out but atleast I'm not shooting blanks anymore I guess.
There you go. Just fuckin order it, it isn't a steriod, there is a banner right at the top everyone on this board has likely used. Liquid Toremefine is said to be the best. Your getting better, if you want to get better faster this is your route. Sack up bro, get it and get better faster, or slowly get better and then your endo may or may not give it to you. Either way your going to be okay. Alright?
Greens is it ever too late for post cycle therapy (pct)? And I know man but I'm fucked up mentally and I'm scared to order a post cycle therapy (pct) from a research lab simply because a)how do I know I'm getting the 100 percent right stuff(legit), and b) is there possible legal risk in doing so?

RUI at the top of the page is 100% legit. Legally, it's for experimental use only, plus their packaging is spectacular.
I used their Clomi(Clomid) and Tamox(Nolvadex), and my drive is better than before I cycled.
It's not too late for post cycle therapy (pct). My brother just ran one after being on different compounds for two years with no hCG or anything,...really stupid,..but regardless, after being off gear for 4+ months he ran a Clomid post cycle therapy (pct), and he's feeling Way better.
I know that you'll feel better too.
Thank u guys for being patient with my retarded ass worthless self. I really do sincerely appreciate it. I'm gonna wait 2 more weeks (till my next test) and if I'm not over 400 I'll order from rui. Can I ask u one last thing tho? Have either of u ever heard of anyone ruining their sex drive and hormones for life after using a 6 week deca Sustanon (sust) cycle like this (1 shot alternating substances every 5 days)?
At this time I feel that it is best if I offer you my left nipple to suckle on. Because it is fuckin obvious that you are going to need breast fed through life till your last fuckin moment on earth.

I should go bitch smack your parents for making such a pussy.
No. Your level are on the up. You finally have some sense in your head and your going the right path. Now stop asking questions, start eating right and get back to your goddamn life. Your probably jerking off 5x a day to see. Just get this shit off your mind, go do some activities. Like I said: Sack up bro.