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jus wondering how many guys suffer with depression when they finish their cycle! I no some people can say its just the gear and sort themselves out but alongside the anxiety i have a hard time pulling myself together just wondring if there is any meds to help with this or any suggestions because keeping my gains isnt easy when i have to drag my ass down the gym depressed!
ricky said:
jus wondering how many guys suffer with depression when they finish their cycle! I no some people can say its just the gear and sort themselves out but alongside the anxiety i have a hard time pulling myself together just wondring if there is any meds to help with this or any suggestions because keeping my gains isnt easy when i have to drag my ass down the gym depressed!

I have heard that clomid can cause a bit of depression. I think also the fact that your cycle is over can get A guy a bit depressed as well if you ask me.
Stick it out bro if your not normaly depressed it will pass. And I don't know you and your history but be smart and stay off now when your on your off cycle don't get back on just cuzz it made you feel good. I know drug addicts that stay on dope cuzz it makes them feel good. You get what I mean hear right. As far as meds ya there is a shit load of depression drugs but do you really think you cant stick it out or do you just want to keep doing different drugs cuzz they make you feel good. Again you get what I'm saying? Pluss those depression drugs they take 3 to 4 weeks till it even builds up in you to even start working and by that time you should be fine. Hope I was some help. Good luck and hang in Bro.. Mike
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thanks rocko! good advice and taken onboard! i am planning another cycle soon butim gonna make sure i really feel 100% before i start it to make sure im doing it for the right reasons and not just to feel good! realising it could be a downhill slope if i allow myself to depend on it!
ricky said:
jus wondering how many guys suffer with depression when they finish their cycle! I no some people can say its just the gear and sort themselves out but alongside the anxiety i have a hard time pulling myself together just wondring if there is any meds to help with this or any suggestions because keeping my gains isnt easy when i have to drag my ass down the gym depressed!

It's a normal feeling but it passes and I think for alot of guys it's derived from fear. Fear that your not as good off test, not as confident, not as driven, etc. The key is to find things to keep you motivated while off. Change your goals, add in some new supps, etc. After that first month off it's a breeze. That's why I add in DHEA and creatine only when off. It keeps my mood up, libido on, and strength/size up.
Whats up JAYC!..what amounts/durations of CREATINE and DHEA do u run ''post cycle'' to help this?? thanks, best-
You can also try taking 25mg of proviron first thing in the morning rly helped me to get back to my old self after a cycle of prop.

And agree on clomid part ofc.
ricky said:
jus wondering how many guys suffer with depression when they finish their cycle! I no some people can say its just the gear and sort themselves out but alongside the anxiety i have a hard time pulling myself together just wondring if there is any meds to help with this or any suggestions because keeping my gains isnt easy when i have to drag my ass down the gym depressed!
Everytime, but it doesnt last for more than 1 week. The important thing is to realize why you're having it and then not let it affect your decision making. Just kinda have to wait it out.
the neuralogical changes form the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will change the brain chemistry regarding seratonin dopamine gaba ect

once homeostasis returns then hopefully so will your mood!!!....i get this all the time

just the nature of the beast really...just be confident that it will return to normal..otherwise see your doc!!!.good luck!
brizo said:
the neuralogical changes form the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will change the brain chemistry regarding seratonin dopamine gaba ect

once homeostasis returns then hopefully so will your mood!!!....i get this all the time

just the nature of the beast really...just be confident that it will return to normal..otherwise see your doc!!!.good luck!
It's not from AAS, it's from coming off of it and having low to no test levels for about a week.
Whats up JAYC!..what amounts/durations of CREATINE and DHEA do u run ''post cycle'' to help this?? thanks, best-

Hey bro! Usually around third week of post cycle therapy (pct) I start (or when ever I feel my mood & libido start to drop) w/DHEA 75mg daily (25 x 3 a day) and start my creatine. Once post cycle therapy (pct) is done I go up to DHEA 150mg daily (50mg 3 times daily) and creatine 5gm 3 times a day. I also usually throw in some Acetyl-l-carnitine (ALCAR).
Just things I've tried over the years that seem to work.
pineapple said:
It's not from AAS, it's from coming off of it and having low to no test levels for about a week.
i agree . the clomid gets the blame for the depression at times buts actually the low test levels which is known in the medical community to cause mood problems .
DADAWG said:
i agree . the clomid gets the blame for the depression at times buts actually the low test levels which is known in the medical community to cause mood problems .

well said, and vera true!
Has anyone tried using an antidepressant like wellbutrin for post cycle therapy (pct)? I had a really hard time dealing with life last post cycle therapy (pct) and dont want to have that problem again. i have a months supply of wellbutrin that i have never taken before and am curious if anyone sees a problem with that idea.
I have never had any depression issues when doing post cycle therapy (pct) and I use Clomid... Although i if you need anxiety medication, xanax works well... But is highly addictive...
Ymir said:
You can also try taking 25mg of proviron first thing in the morning rly helped me to get back to my old self after a cycle of prop.

And agree on clomid part ofc.

What does the Proviron do for you? Or what should it do for a guy. And do you take it during cycle or at the end? does it have something to do with estogen? Thanks Mike
Coming out of the depression can be a very tough task but this is the task which can only be done by the person himself, there are many pills for this which can help us come over it as soon as possible. I have seen my father in depression and even while he was recovering from it.
only thing that depresses me is when i come off i lose a little size and dont feel as intense and it fucks with me hard sometimes...then i just sit back and realize that i obsess over the gym and kinda calm myself down..

once im done with post cycle therapy (pct) i kinda get in the rythm of things and it gets better from there..once my nat test kicks back in its almost like going on cycle again for me haha