
The typical reason that Clomid causes mood swings is due to the aromatozation factor, in essence estrogen. That is why I usually recommend some I3C, light Aromatase inhibitor (AI) when using it. Of course one could opt for Toremifene instead of Clomid.
The only sure way to combat depression is through action. When depressed (for whatever reason -- in this case it's hormone related) you will not feel like doing anything that you normally do to take care of yourself. The key is to do those things anyways! I don't give a fuck how you feel. Commit to doing those things for yourself that you know are good and healthy -- eating right, getting to the gym, getting proper rest -- and do them regardless of how you feel. People often approach the solution to depression from a backward perspective. They are waiting and hoping they'll feel better before doing x, y, or z. The magic isn't is finding the motivation to take action. The magic is taking the action! You'll feel better afterward.
The only sure way to combat depression is through action. When depressed (for whatever reason -- in this case it's hormone related) you will not feel like doing anything that you normally do to take care of yourself. The key is to do those things anyways! I don't give a fuck how you feel. Commit to doing those things for yourself that you know are good and healthy -- eating right, getting to the gym, getting proper rest -- and do them regardless of how you feel. People often approach the solution to depression from a backward perspective. They are waiting and hoping they'll feel better before doing x, y, or z. The magic isn't is finding the motivation to take action. The magic is taking the action! You'll feel better afterward.
Man, this sounds great. But easier said than done.
I like your post about Depression. Lots of people facing such kind of problem in their life. Every one has different types of depression. Some time i also feel depression. According to me i think that Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity. Some consider it a dysfunction, while others see it as an adaptive defense mechanism.
I've never suffered from depression but wonder if someone who does , would be advised to stay clear of steroids..

From watching documentaries about steroids I've seen the varies ways steroids are stigmatized like citing roid rage , saying they cause depression , create personality disorders etc , and then I've seen the other documentaries which include scientists and professors saying tobacco and alcohol are the real deadly drugs in society while steroids are safe when used safely , and the general vibe I get is that people who have problems tend to have their problems intensify when they are on steroids.. i.e An asshole becomes a bigger asshole , a guy on anti depressants can become even more depressed when on steroids etc..

the clomid gets the blame for the depression at times buts actually the low test levels which is known in the medical community to cause mood problems .

This is interesting because one documentary I watched , made a big deal about a youngster who was taking steroids and later commited suicide some months after his cycle had finished.. They made a point of stating that he never took hcg during his cycle , and they even suggested that his depression stemmed from his nuts shrinking and his bodies inability to continue to produce testosterone..

It didn't really register as a crucial point to me at the time but the more I read about people stressing about teste atrophy in their posts , the more it makes sense..

The general feeling I had about steroids before joining steroidology , was that they were not much different from taking a few power/protein pills every day , and the jovial way people would say "they make your nuts shrink" kinda just seemed like it goes with the territory of taking steroids , but obviously it's not the case and it can be prevented , and that is definately something I'll be looking to do whenever I start a cycle..
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