DHB ( 1-test cyp )and HGH cycle


New member
Hi All! I used to be part of this community about 7 years back! The last time I used any AAS was about 5 years ago, the only reason I'm doing this stack now is because I suffered GREAT muscle loss from the pill and Roaccutane and I'm competing again. (Couple that with an illness which leaves me tired a lot.)

I wanted to know WHO here has dabbled with DHB before, how did you run it and what were your experiences? I've just started injectables at 0.5, which i do 1EW against my coaches advice to run it 2EW. My HGH (pharma grade) is norditropin pen at 1iu ED (coach wanted me on 2iu but I'll NEVER go higher than 1iu that's personal preference).

I am ALREADY experiencing insane changes in my body and I had my first injection of DHB 4 days ago and have trained thrice since then. However I have gotten my period and can attribute swoleness to water retention.

I am on day 12 of HGH and have had a couple flu scares and even a bladder infection scare which would usually get to me- I don't know if it's the HGH but sure as hell seems to be...

I will keep you all clued up on my experience! Would appreciate some input from all of you who have tried it as well

hi! so youre using dhb without testosterone injections?

im not as versed in dhb as i'd like to be. does it shut down natty test?
i know its a dht derivative of eq.. and it doesn't aromatize...

but if its a dht derivative it should have an effect on the hpta.. ill let someone else chime in..

if it does effect the hpta, then youll need to add test.
I didn't run any test with it! I'm already so scared of sides and it was my 4th cycle (in total in 6years), so I'm trying not to go too overboard I'm still youngish 28.

So this is the update- DHB is AMAZING... my body was ravaged (Cellulite/ out of shape) and I probably had about 4 injections in total (spread over approx 8weeks) but it made me hard and strong! I felt like I was almost my old self again :) also it made my libido go through the roof and I'm celibate so that wasn't/was fun lol I was also extremely hungry...

but I'm very sensitive to any stims and sides came on and so I stopped. I even dropped down to 0.25 every week but my body still couldn't handle it. The fatigue was too much to bare... no point if I can't even function properly on it. I also got a very bad break out which was disappointing.

The pin was painful the second time but I realized it was because I'd mixed it with Bcomplex. DHB is known for sore pins but it was mostly fine actually it was only bad with the Bcomplex and when I pinned my shoulder! I felt sick and very weak my body didn't react well to the delt pin AT ALL.

I made a BIG mistake though.. I didn't PCT... i have never PCT'd before and so I had an intense bout of depression and fatigue hit me. My appetite also sky rocketed, to worse than on cycle. So this was V bad. I've only now recently recovered from a bad off cycle experience- I wouldn't wish it on anybody.

Conclusion: DHB is underrated I don't get why more women aren't using this stuff? I felt like the masculizing sides are really weak in comparison to the gains you make. I understand that I am just unlucky in my autoimmune disorder and so I'm very susceptible to sides such as fatigue and depression otherwise I would've ran the f$&@ out of this. The other thing I learnt is - PCT PCT PCT!! Don't listen to what men tell you ladies. You NEED to ALWAYS PCT! I'm sure if I had done that I wouldn't have been laying on my ass for weeks feeling sorry for myself.
so i have to ask, what kind of pct would you run?

usually women do not run pct..