Dianabol @ 10mg a day?


New member
I am on a test-only cycle (350mg/wk). Would 10mg/day of dianabol, administered once in the morning and once in the evening on training days only help?

I mean, would it have any effect at all? I don't like orals because I'm ultra-cautious about my liver and kidneys, thus the low-dosage.

But I happen to have a bag for of dianabol sitting around doing nothing. Don't reply and say, "yeah, take it at 35/40/50/whatever mg a day", because I just finished explaining why I am not going to do that.

I was told by an old BBer who used to compete in the 70s/80s (and he's a pretty big old dude!), that he never used to take over 15mg of dbol, and that todays guys are taking "crazy dosages".

The training days only thing is because of something one of my mates did and he said it works a treat for increasing pumps and training intensity. I was told by several different people that they have done this and got great workouts (and noticeable results) from it.

Advice from those that know what they are talking about appreciated.
I would only run 10mg dbol in the Am as a bridge.

If you did want to only take it on training days take it 1.5 hours preworkout. 20-50mg.

i have known many guys who ran 50mg pre workout (or half before/half after) and made great gains. Blood levels are not constant of course but it doesn't seem to matter.

On my last cycle I ran 50mg pre workout 4 days a week and made just as much size gains as when I ran 50mg ED.

The old times guys did take less (or so they say) Larry Scott says the most dbol he ever took in one day was 20mg. Is he full of shit/ Who knows?
On my very first couple cycles, i ran dbol at 15mgs a day..i took 5 when i woke up 5 in the afternoon and 5 an hour before i trained..it help with strngth while on the test..but i dont think it weould help me now..thats why i bump it to 35-40 daily...

sooo..if this is like a first cycle, or so, i would think 15 would be good to go for you..imo..

Well im proberly gonna get flamed for this, but i couldnt care less. Ive been doing my own experiment the past 2 weeks using just 10mg of d-bol a day. To see if it helps in any way. I have not done a cycle at all prior to this one. Well do0d, I have to say that i have grown a little, Ive put 1/2 an inch practicly everywhere on me. My wife was the first to notice as i thought using that amount i wouldn't get anywhere. My lifts also have seen a little increase as well nothing major but it got me past a plateu. If your looking for mass i dont recommend 10 mg id say go with more. But if you're just looking to get past a RUT in ya training then go for it.
10mg seems like a waste to me. if you are cautious about your liver then dont even bother. why take something dangerous at a useless dosage. Do it at an effective dosage safely... ie 5 weeks tops, with lots of ala or milk thistle,
If you are cautios about your Liver DO NOT TAKE IT because we would not want you to hurt yourself. On the other hand I hate my liver and kidneys and I want to kill them so you can just send me the d-bol. Ill teach my liver and kidneys to fuck with me.
People swear that Ciba dbol was magical though, Larry Scott once said he took 10mg a day.
Mudge said:
People swear that Ciba dbol was magical though, Larry Scott once said he took 10mg a day.

I'll confirm that! I did Ciba D-bol back in the 80's and it was much more powerful than todays D-bol. No comparision.

10 mg of the old D-bol (Ciba) would be good, but 10 mg of todays stuff isn't much at all! Because today's stuff isn't as strong, maybe it's not as hard on the liver also.
One thing that people don't understand about D-bol is the dosage needed. Today, I'd recommend anywhere from 20 to 30 mg's as the ideal dosage. I'm sure there are some that can get away with a little more without problems. Ten mg's ED just isn't enough for any kind of serious bodybuilding. There is a reason why we take around 20 to 30 mg's, that reason is based on trial & error. As far as liver damage, hepatotoxicity of orals is highly overstated, especially the way that we run orals now. Smart people only run them 6 weeks at most and usually only take one oral at a time. Also, the smart user watches dangerous toxins while on a cycle. Most guys don't drink alcohol, limit their prescription meds (if take any at all), drink more water, and take beneficial liver supplements during a cycle including an oral steroid. I'd say safety isn't much of an issue with the above dosage.:cool:
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I'll confirm that! I did Ciba D-bol back in the 80's and it was much more powerful than todays D-bol. No comparision.

10 mg of the old D-bol (Ciba) would be good, but 10 mg of todays stuff isn't much at all! Because today's stuff isn't as strong, maybe it's not as hard on the liver also.
We had a member at anasci who put on over 20lbs on 10mg of dbol for eight weeks. Take it for what it is worth.
I would recommend taking the d-bol am on every day. You don't only want to take it on the days you train. Keep it in the system so you can get the best benifits.
When I was 15 I took D-bol ,once maybe twice a day.It was Ciba and it was 1965 ,I gained over the period of 4 months ,40# but it was ,what I was eating,and working out all the time ,and getting plenty of sleep. It was probably a fluke back then but I grew faster then anybody thought. I was taking 5mg maybe 10mg a day. A body building friend of mine was on 100mg a day back then. My advise is to take it or give it away.
Has it occured to anyone that the old Ciba's were overdosed and you were actually taking more than you thought?
HGH Man,

You were probably growing so fast cause you were 15-fuckin-years old!!! That's crazy. Dianabol at 15!!!
HogWash said:
HGH Man,

You were probably growing so fast cause you were 15-fuckin-years old!!! That's crazy. Dianabol at 15!!!

Remember bro this was in 1965. No one knew jack shit about steroids back then except that you get bigger and stronger if you take them.
I agree ,I was just a dumb kid back then but who knew there would be boards like this someday.Steriods were bad for you in the 60's come 'on. Nobody told me!
jcp2 said:
We had a member at anasci who put on over 20lbs on 10mg of dbol for eight weeks. Take it for what it is worth.
Just on 10mg a day of D-bol...bs, he just ate too much and got fat.:D