Dianabol = better results & less side effects then injectable testosterone.

Btw the op can stick to his powerlifting bs and look like shit all the time. Nothing but fat strong people. Meanwhile his wife is checking out the guys who actually care what they look like , get outta here with ur gay ass dbol only bs ur being a glorified noob at most
WOW... this post is like a magnet for morons that should be banned.
First of all the OP is citing a 40 year old scientific study from the same people that thought it was a good idea to administer meth amphetamines daily.

To take that study as the end all be all is fucking stupid. Think about it this way, zee germans also invented rocket propulsion systems way back then and had the first jet airplane, but do you still see those same planes being used today? No, the technology has been improved upon since then, those previous ideas and designs have become obsolete. Its called progress.

You know a personal pet peeve of mine is when know-it-all newbies get on here and say that the vets and moderators don't know shit about AAS. These guys put their names and reputations on the line every time they hand out advice and they do this with no other concern than the health and safety of the persons' involved. Do you really think they're gonna hand out some bullshit answers just to stroke their own ego? If you you think that, keep reading and you'll clearly see where they're coming from.

Its kind of like hiring a mechanic. Do you want a guy that has read a book on how to repair cars or the guy that has actually done it a few times?

Just my 2cents.
you have posted a bunch of shit from 30-40 years ago that means absolutely SHIT.
the reason you will get flamed is because you dont know what your talking about , just another in the line of many who are afraid of needles or are just to lazy to do a cycle right.


I had to see if it was real, TOTALLY agree with you.
Someone was saying that test was highly androgenic, which seems to be true, isn't that the case with d-bol also?

This seems just like a post to justify one's own lazyness or fear of needles.

Also the 3 persons that seem to be agreeing with each other seem to be all the same person with multiple accounts!
I guess you're right User.

Yeah, I've heard this 'test is natural', and honestly, basing an argument on something because it's 'natural' is...

Just because our body produces it naturally for it's purposes, doesn't make it any more or less dangerous when injecting 10x the doses your body needs.

My body needs it for it's anabolic and adrogenic qualities. However, I'm building muscle (anabolic), and not trying to get prostate problems(androgenic).

And if you really want the 'natural' test anyway, you gotta extract it from a real specimen. As technically, you are injecting yourself with synthetic test, which is not (chemically speaking) the exact same thing.

I'll appreciate your input nevertheless. Keep yourselves safe people.
YOu just DONT get it do you?

Man you want to hear what you want to hear.
Then why post? your too hard headed to step back and see "maybe Im wrong. maybe I want to see what I want to see sooo bad that i am making somany excuses for it to be so in my reality."

yet you have no exp or even NEAR the amound of REAL info we have.

guy drop it you newbies are wrong.

BTW Tren is more androgenic then test.
Just like breast cancer for eg/ the bodys own growth horomon and estrogens can feed the cancer and help it grow.

what now estrogen and growth horomone cause cancer? NO


if youhave prostate cancer or issue then sure you be careful.

Just like some one with a bad heart probibly should not go crazy on coffee every day or eat unhealthy. or the guy with bad eyes to watch tv very close to the screen every day... or the guy with a bad knee that should not play baseball.....
ITS NOT BASE BALL that will gives everyone bad knees, but sure if YOU ALREADY HAVE MEDICAL ISSUES, you need to life live accordingly!!!.


Dude your wrong. so just stop posting if your not gonna learn..., give it a couple years of research and come back to this thread and prove us wrong. because right now you have nothing.
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i powerlifted for 15 years and we ALL used test as a base . your theory that dbol wont add weight makes me laugh anyway . even if you were right about test just adding mass , thats what 90% of the meatheads on this board want anyway .you managed to type out a whole lot of nothing.

Why the hostility DADAWG? I don't know you, didn't call you out, and have no qualms with you.

What I typed out was a whole lot of relevant information answering someone's question. No, I don't agree with you or most of the posters here. Take it for what it is, the contrary opinion of another *very* experienced lifter.

If you all used test as a base then you must have been lifting in an untested federation or were more than 6 months out from a meet. (Or none of you knew what the hell you were doing.) I'm tested regularly and so are most of the people I train with. Using test E or C would be a quick way to get my ass banned. If you had to compete in tested meets every 4 months you wouldn't touch test with a ten foot pole, "king" or not.

Dbol causes minimal size gains at the doses I mention (use vs. abuse) while still allowing steady strength gains. To get comparable gains out of Test, you'd need to jack the doses way up and it would never clear in time to allow a lifter to keep those gains by contest time. Again, orals are superior in this situation as countless Olympians found out before me. So what if the research was done 40 years ago? Can anyone you know lift what the Soviets were pulling off in the 70's? Anyone here clean and jerking 500+? Anyone here bench more than Jim Williams did back in 75? No? That's what 0.5mg/kg a day of dbol gets you if you're smart about it - world records.

Keep in mind who you're talking to. 800/540/800 single ply at 6' and 275. I highly doubt that any of you are at that level, regardless of what you jab in your ass. It took me 25mg of dbol a day to get here. The same "magic 25" cycle as used by John Kuc, Jim Willaims, Don Cundy, and Ken Patera. I've been doing the same cycling for years and never used any other compounds. Never needed to "up" the dose or change anything. I let the medicine work like it's supposed to. It's cheap, easy, safe and effective. No needles or abscesses in my ass. My health is fine and my liver tests are the same as when I began. I don't get why anyone in their right mind would jab a gram or more of test a week to get where I did when they can use a fraction of that and get the same results.

No wonder dbol has such a bad rap when people actually believe the goofy shit they read like ""X" Lifter used to eat dbol sprinkled over his cereal in the morning." Then the dumb fuck, all 170lbs of him, takes 100mg a day and wonders why he has problems. No shit, Sherlock. That's four times the dose for a 250lb guy. Fuck, Ben Johnson broke is first world record in Rome using 5mg of dbol a DAY and he was stronger than most guys giving their opinions on teh message boardz.

Dbol's not the devil when used alone. It's still an awesome substance, just like it was designed to be. There, I said it. Argue all you want. Deny it all you want. Alexeev and I beg to differ.
First of all the OP is citing a 40 year old scientific study from the same people that thought it was a good idea to administer meth amphetamines daily.

A 40 year old study funded by tens of millions of dollars, undertaken by top physicians and scientists and conducted on thousands of high level athletes over several decades which ultimately culminated in a program of sports doping that would dominate the world scene for over 20 years.

Yeah, that doesn't sound legit at all.

Meth was only administered before races and it's use was pioneered by the American sprint team. Zee Germans didn't invent doping, they mastered it.
Why the hostility DADAWG? I don't know you, didn't call you out, and have no qualms with you.

What I typed out was a whole lot of relevant information answering someone's question. No, I don't agree with you or most of the posters here. Take it for what it is, the contrary opinion of another *very* experienced lifter.

If you all used test as a base then you must have been lifting in an untested federation or were more than 6 months out from a meet. (Or none of you knew what the hell you were doing.) I'm tested regularly and so are most of the people I train with. Using test E or C would be a quick way to get my ass banned. If you had to compete in tested meets every 4 months you wouldn't touch test with a ten foot pole, "king" or not.

Dbol causes minimal size gains at the doses I mention (use vs. abuse) while still allowing steady strength gains. To get comparable gains out of Test, you'd need to jack the doses way up and it would never clear in time to allow a lifter to keep those gains by contest time. Again, orals are superior in this situation as countless Olympians found out before me. So what if the research was done 40 years ago? Can anyone you know lift what the Soviets were pulling off in the 70's? Anyone here clean and jerking 500+? Anyone here bench more than Jim Williams did back in 75? No? That's what 0.5mg/kg a day of dbol gets you if you're smart about it - world records.

Keep in mind who you're talking to. 800/540/800 single ply at 6' and 275. I highly doubt that any of you are at that level, regardless of what you jab in your ass. It took me 25mg of dbol a day to get here. The same "magic 25" cycle as used by John Kuc, Jim Willaims, Don Cundy, and Ken Patera. I've been doing the same cycling for years and never used any other compounds. Never needed to "up" the dose or change anything. I let the medicine work like it's supposed to. It's cheap, easy, safe and effective. No needles or abscesses in my ass. My health is fine and my liver tests are the same as when I began. I don't get why anyone in their right mind would jab a gram or more of test a week to get where I did when they can use a fraction of that and get the same results.

No wonder dbol has such a bad rap when people actually believe the goofy shit they read like ""X" Lifter used to eat dbol sprinkled over his cereal in the morning." Then the dumb fuck, all 170lbs of him, takes 100mg a day and wonders why he has problems. No shit, Sherlock. That's four times the dose for a 250lb guy. Fuck, Ben Johnson broke is first world record in Rome using 5mg of dbol a DAY and he was stronger than most guys giving their opinions on teh message boardz.

Dbol's not the devil when used alone. It's still an awesome substance, just like it was designed to be. There, I said it. Argue all you want. Deny it all you want. Alexeev and I beg to differ.

if those are your lifts then im impressed. i DOES bother me that your using and lifting in a tested division . apf does not test.
as far as your argument against test , prop or suspension could be used it you were trying to beat a test.
if those are your lifts then im impressed. i DOES bother me that your using and lifting in a tested division . apf does not test.
as far as your argument against test , prop or suspension could be used it you were trying to beat a test.

I agree with you on this one. I was speaking broadly about cypionate and enanthate, but I do know people who go on suspension as a bridge to competition after getting off the orals. No idea how that works as I've never tried it myself. I would think that having to inject that often would be a major pain in the ass (literally).

You know how it goes, the IPF is "drug tested" not "drug free". Sucks, but it's the nature of the beast.
if those are your lifts then im impressed. i DOES bother me that your using and lifting in a tested division . apf does not test.
as far as your argument against test , prop or suspension could be used it you were trying to beat a test.

Im sure all the serious lifters that compete in tested comps all use some sort of short ester steroid. Tren ace would be my preference
I agree with you on this one. I was speaking broadly about cypionate and enanthate, but I do know people who go on suspension as a bridge to competition after getting off the orals. No idea how that works as I've never tried it myself. I would think that having to inject that often would be a major pain in the ass (literally).

You know how it goes, the IPF is "drug tested" not "drug free". Sucks, but it's the nature of the beast.

do some posting in the training forum and stick around br.

i like denim shirts
titan boss 2ply squat suit
old titan pulling suit with inzer briefs.

what you wearing.
Interesting how someone would actually try to bring up some old shit and say that its better than what we know 50 years later because he has a Masters Degree in Physcology.
Dianabol Works as a Superior Low Testosterone Cure

Hello everyone, just registered.

Dianabol was developed by Dr. John Bosely Ziegler precisely for the treament of hypogonadism (Testosterone deficiency) and other disorders at low daily doses of 5-10mg.

Combined with careful early-morning administration without other foods to slow absorption, I can say with 100% positivity that not only does Dianabol completely cure all the physical and mental symptoms of low Testosterone but it does this with minimal suppression of existing Testosterone production if the dose is kept at or below 10mg per day and it is timed correctly to co-incide with the natural morning Testosterone spike.

This is a short summary of my complete report on how I self-cured my low Testosterone with 7mg oral Dianabol powder combined with 14mg intranasal Dianabol powder, both administered within the first hour of awakening each morning!

I'm 35 and was tested 1.5 months ago at only 340 ng/dl total Testosterone.

That's the level of an 85-100 year-old man, according to the study of healthy Boston men in 1996 here:

Testosterone Week: What’s a “Normal” Testosterone Level and How to Measure Your T

Measurements in Conventional Units (ng/dl)

Age # Subj. Total T
25-34 45 617
35-44 22 668
45-54 23 606
55-64 43 562
65-74 47 524
75-84 48 471
85-100 21 376

My complete report from the start of treatment on August 7th, 2013 when I received ten grams of pure Dianabol powder directly from a Chinese chemical manufacturer until recent days is here:

T-Nation Forum: I titled the thread after my successful and world's first test of the intranasal route to deliver Dianabol directly to the brain for relief of the cognitive symptoms of low Testosterone. It includes my complete report on both intranasal and oral use and also my final program of combining both routes of administratoin for full symptom relief:

Insufflation (Snorting) Dbol - Trip Report

and mirrored on the Longecity Forum here:

Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

On Longecity I'm known as Isochroma-Reborn and on T-Nation as Isochroma.

After suffering worsening symptoms for the past fifteen years, I finally worked up the guts to have my Testosterone tested by the hated needle - I've had way too many useless blood tests over the decades but none to test for Testosterone. All the tests by uninformed GPs were for the symptomatically-similar Hypothyroid, which I always tested OK for including the most recent test which included a TSH panel.

It's now September 19th and the few small side-effects of Dianabol therapy are gone except for the loose stool which I get from many foods and even Oxiracetam due to a hypersensitive GI tract. Very few others report such a side effect from Dianabol even at a bodybuilder's much higher doses.

I'm shining. Frankly, my life has taken a complete U-turn from suicidal depression, massive physical fatigue with muscle wasting, cognitive and memory dysfunctions to splendid physical health with gained muscle mass from basic regular cycling on hilly roads and a good diet with a range of other supplements.

Be sure to read my ART manifesto which I will post below in its entirety so others who have my condition and those who are just interested in the medical practicalities and moral philosophy behind using alternative androgens and routes of administration besides the disastrous single, medically-approved Testosterone hormone replacement therapy with only two routes of administration - injection and patches:

The ART Manifesto

This is going to sound like a manifesto, and maybe it is.

What this self-experimentation is, is ART - not science.

Androgen Replacement Therapy, rather than Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

ART includes testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and a whole lot more because it encompasses the entire field of androgens, doses, timings and routes of administration.

ART strives to accomplish the activation of under-activated androgen receptors in both body and brain using the most suitable and appropriate androgen(s), doses, timings and routes of administration that best fit each case.

ART and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) are not mutually exclusive but one contains the other.

Because of genetic and circumstantial hormonal individuality in each man, personally acceptable route(s) of administration, economic factors and numerous other considerations, the field of options must be kept as wide open as possible to be able to treat so many cases that are simply left in the cold as of today's offical medical practice.

ART is inclusive, not exclusive.

ART is not a fixed practice like testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) seems to have become. Instead it is always trying new options and alternatives because of both the complexity of each individual case and the new types of damages caused by modern technology itself - Xenoestrogens in particular. These chemicals can mangle a man's Leydig cells before he is even born, leaving him with half or less of his full complement of cells. By the time he reaches the age of twenty-five or thirty-five, his circulating Testosterone can be half of normal or less.

ART - unlike so many physicians - recognizes that these victims are now often young men in their twenties and thirties and does not attempt to deny their suffering or assume that they are trying to obtain androgens for other purposes but rather, fully investigates and treats with seriousness their conditions using the full array of therapeutic options.

ART recognizes that these young victims, if exposed to the currently-standard Testosterone replacement therapy, will have their fertility compromised or destroyed. Unlike the older practice of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for aging men whose fertility is not so critical, it's crucial that the younger victims of today be given more and better options to live a decent life while still being able to have children.

ART recognizes that these environmental casualties are increasing in both number and percent of the population each year as the planet and food supply become ever more polluted with a growing list of xenobiotic estrogenic molecules - some of which have already been found to kill Leydig cells in the womb. I have the studies.

ART also strives to have minimal negative impact on the patient's own Testosterone production if he still has some, so it steps lightly on his system by using androgens, timings, doses and routes of administration that have the absolute minimum impact on his natural production in a best-effort attempt to function as a complement rather than a suppressor.

Recognizing the normal circadian release of Testosterone, ART tries to imitate it rather than suppress it as current medical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) practice does by introducing androgens at inappropriate times. The current medical practices of weekly injections or patches that provide continuous-release dosing cause abnormally continuous androgen receptor activation thereby maximizing negative-feedback mediated suppression and causing other issues since the entire body is evolved to receive its androgen receptor activation in a circadian rhythm.

Using supplemental Testosterone - while contained within the definition of ART practice - is in some ways opposed to its fundamental tenets due to supplemental Testosterone's strong suppression of endogenous production. Alternative androgens with less suppressive activity and often having other advantages over supplemental Testosterone - dbol being one among many - are often preferred by ART practitioners.

Nevertheless, since the ART field is inclusive and wide, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) therapy is included within it as an option - one that is not always the best choice for many men but is always available alone or in combination with other therapeutic agents and modalities.

ART Therapy is a light at the end of the tunnel for the numerous men who are unable to receive Testosterone replacement therapy and others who failed on it or found that its negative effects were not to their liking.

ART Therapy is not perfect or ideal but strives to excel the current and limited therapeutic Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) options while also including them.

Finally, ART Therapy has no respect for and does not recognize the artificial and arbitrary limitations imposed on the treatments available to patients by the law, by corporate profits or by the medical Establishment so it can always perform at its best for the patient without denying options.
the US came out with dbol because the germans on test were kicking our ass . if you call m e insane one more time you are BANNED do you understand smart ass.

ROFL jeez are you serious man? really? I realize this is an old thread and all, but this guy just had to hear something, i mean what kind of insecure mentally challenged vagina havin penis envyin shit is that anyway, DADAWG? (ROFL at your ridiculous retard name, might as well have called yourself taserface...) you bitch at the guy for trying to share what he has obviously put a lot of thought into, you jump down his throat like a big keyboard warrior bully, then when he makes a VALID POINT saying that IF you think you know more than a german scientist working with an olympic team, that you are insane????? lol dude, hes right!!!! You ARE insane, drunk with your moderator of forum power ROFL AGAIN. Bro calm down, you obviously got some roid rage going on, and maybe read what the guy wrote twice before getting all red faced over there, making threats to BAN. ROFL AGAINNNNN!!! oh noooooo please dont ban me from a forum, i wont be able to live with myself!!! what will i doooooooo. Ok now flex your muscles again here and ban me. see how much of a shit i give.
this is old STUPID shit. we know better.
you know at one pont we (doc's) gave out cocain for nose bleeds long ago, well we know better now dont we?

DBOL WILL have more side effects . and its liver toxic and MUCH MUCH harsher on your blood then ant teste/ cyp cycle.

your in lala land dude. but beleave whats you want.

ok, first: Youre a dumbass. Cocaine IS still good for nosebleeds. The reason we dont give it is not because we were wrong about it being effective, its because its addicting! Stupid analogy to use when comparing his point of test vs dbol. yes, stupid. Ok, 2: Learn to spell believe* before you tell anyone anything because now I get the impression you have a mental deficiency. Yes I know you egomaniacs with your MOD tags will never let this post, but i know your dumbasses will read it, and my point was to show you how foolish you look after all, so feel free.
Tarbosh What we are telling you is we've been using Dbol and Test for most of if not your whole life. Is great for strength. Methyl test has only been in product for the last 6 years. Dbol is very cheap people do fake it. THere is not need to try to pass off methyl test as dbol. The cost is half of the methyl test per Kilo. Your just wrong about what you believe. THere is a reson why the staff members are on staff. It's experience both clinical and practical.

5x10 you can keep gain from all steroids even Dbol but you need to know how to do it and you have to really be on your game. Diet training and sleep. post cycle therapy (pct) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or IGF-1 are must.

The problem is 80% of you guys aren't ready to use steroids. You body's aren't in the right shape to maximize growth. Most of you have only been training for 2 years witch isn't long enough to really know what you doing. Less then 5 % of you know anything about eating to grow.

We are here to help keep you safe and to help you learn why things work the way they do. We don't have a problem with apposing views. We do have a problem with bad science and theory based on old outdated science.

Now for the other morons i quoted and schooled...THIS is how you reply and get your point across without sounding like a power hungry egomaniac control freak. Notice I didnt even comment against his bad grammar or spelling atrocities? know why? cuz he doesnt come off as a complete cock, so i feel like i should treat him with respect.