Diet for girl on Winstrol


New member
I am 27 years/old, female, height 5'58", weight 146.
I lift weight 4 times a week (1 hour) and do cycling 3 times a week (45 min). Now I am taking Winstrol (winny). Can anyone give me a good diet? I want to gain muscles, but not fat.
Thank you!!
also it seems ur using the wrong compound.. if you wanna gain muscle i'd say anavar would be a better choice for you.. why winny?? Winstrol (winny) is very androgenic.. it'll bring up your strength.. but not so anabolic
I don't know my bf, and I am 5'5" (sorry about that!)
I was going to take Anavar, but I am from Brazil, and here girls are taking Winstrol (winny), 'cause we are told Winstrol (winny) is stronger, while Anavar can make us bulk...
Thank you!!