DNP log (starting tomorrow, last minute advice?)


New member
So I'm starting my first DNP cycle tomorrow and wanted to get some last minute input on supplements and some recommendations. I wen't over some initial concerns and good some great feedback from members in this thread which will have all the specifics of what I'm doing so give that a read.

Basically I am going extra conservative. Will be taking a low dose 14 day cycle. 250mg for at least 5-7 days, then maybe adding 500mg every 3rd day, possibly doing my last two days with 500mg two days in a row. All depending on how I'm feeling obviously. I will not be exceeding 500mg/day regardless of how I feel though, no way.

I have these vitamins and supps going

- vitamins B12, B3, C, D3, E, Fish Oil, and have ordered some Lipoic Acid (D recommended the Lipoic Acid, I researched it a bit and found it's used in treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy)

- Also have pedialite for electrolytes and a low sodium v8 organic alternative

- I have been on a ketogenic diet for about two weeks now 20-50 carbs, high fat, 300g protein, 2000-2800cal. Have cut about 35lbs naturally so far in the last few months.

- I was advised by some experts that t3 is not needed and will eat my muscles for no reason so I will be opting out of that


Do you guys have any other recommended vitamins/foods to take in?

Should I stay on keto or increase my carbs slightly?

Is it ok to stay in a pretty decent cal deficit?

I will be keeping a detailed journal and will do a final weigh in tomorrow before I drop the first pill. I will be taking pics and everything, but have not decided if I will share those yet due to privacy and detectives (I have very distinctive tattoos so blurring a face doesn't do much for me.)

Thanks for input!
6'1" 280 or so don't have a good scale but within a few pounds. 20%bf or so just by looking at comparative pics but haven't had an actual bf test.


Day 1

may 13
- Dose 250 mg

Felt slight discomfort in stomach within 30 mins followed by fuzzy head, did not eat anything this morning, got up at 7am and was working solid until noon, had to rush out to head out of town and scarfed down some pork and carrots I had prepared for travel meals, took first pill with meal. Not sure if lack of focus was due to the dose or maybe just because I didn't get much sleep and didn't eat anything...

arrived at destination, wen't to hotel gym to find a couple treadmills and some 25lb dumbbells with no bench***8230; Did some pushups and 15 min on treadmill. Found local gym across the street with full free weights, going to try and drop in tonight to get an accurate weight and a good workout.
It's 6:44 pm, I am feeling a very small increase in body heat, but I get like that when I get overly tired so could just be normal. Drinking electrolytes and a lot of water. Heading to gym. Before I left for the gy I felt myself heating up and had my wife confirm that I was feeling hot.

Just got back from the gym, wen't really well. Took ripdzilla's advice and kept the weight up. I felt good strength wise and ended up doing 225 on bench 7x7, which is more sets than normal, I just felt strong so I kept going and I wasn't sacrificing reps. Did some olympic bar bent over rows 5x5 with 180lbs***8230; Did some various other back and chest stuff until my left elbow started pinching up on me (currently doing PT for it.) I felt great strength, but did feel much more heat than normal, I took some breaks just to cool down and wen't in the locker room running cold water on my head.. Couldn't find a store anywhere near here to get a thermometer or taurine so that'll have to wait. I did get an official weight of 285, I never weigh in this late though (9pm) so that sounds about right to put me at low 280s morning weight. Feels good so far, will continue tomorrow.
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nope not sure, just going by other bf pics. I am genetically big and put on solid muscle mass very quickly, very thick solid and tight :) will consider putting body pics up but not sure if I will just yet. My pics are a bit deceiving because I do have huge abs with a even layer of fat that makes me look fatter than I am under here, can see slight obliques and top abs. I have visible vein pattern on forearms, a couple on bis and running across shoulders and top of chest now, but they aren't popped out, can just see them. So pecs, arms, traps are very solid, carry fat on belly, lower pec, some on legs, and lower back. I am very solid underneath though and don't have huge fat stores in any one area really, just a pretty even layer all over. Best as I can describe it, 20% is how I feel I look? maybe 22,23,24? but sure some keyboard warriors will call everyone who isn't 4% fat. You don't look 30% in your avi man.
Quite, all can be

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dis some kinda joke? can't read Ethiopian...
You said you've been on low carb keto diet.. You said you've cut 35 lbs naturally .. Don't F around with what is working,, Stick it out
if it's your first run of DNP, just keep it at 250mg per day (I'm guessing you have 250mg capsules) for 7-10 days if you can bear it

at 400mg or more it can become debilitating after just 3 days
if it's your first run of DNP, just keep it at 250mg per day (I'm guessing you have 250mg capsules) for 7-10 days if you can bear it

at 400mg or more it can become debilitating after just 3 days

brother over the years I have tend to agree with almost all your posts, and I agree with this one :)

to the OP, drink water, drink water, lots of water
seems like you have it all down

invest in a fan and point it at your face when you sleep at night, you will need it(even with the AC on) when you go over 250mg.

If I was you I would do it a little longer. Last summer I did a 30 day cycle and was running 600mg ED for the last 10 days. Felt like crap but was able to endure it. Cardio sucks because you will look like you just spent 20 min in the steam room/sauna when you are done and the machine will be dripping wet. Make sure to get over a gallon a day of water.

Keep benadryl on hand in case you get a skin rash

Also keep us posted with daily updates. I am interested to see how you will do
How much fat are you guys losing? Is it really worth it? I wanna lose fat but i dont think id ever take poison to do it lol never know but i dont think i would
really digging this porn bot hijack here lol ^

Thanks for all advice so far, I appreciate it and am going to try to stick to 250 a day for at LEAST the first 5-7 days. If I feel any heat or sides I'll stay at 250 the whole time. I will have benadryl on hand, thanks for reminder. The reason I want to do DNP is to obviously speed up the cut, I plan on continuing everything I've been doing as far as my keto diet and cal deficit but back off the heavy weights for the next two weeks. The reason I don't want to do longer is Peripheral Neuropathy risks increase and I don't want that much time away from heavy weight and sacrifice any significant muscle mass, but at the same time I know it's a short cycle and that's why I want to slip a couple days at 500 if possible just to stimulate some extra weight loss.
I guess I'm going to be the only person who tries to talk you out of this. Given your stats fat loss should come easy. If you want chemical assistance try an eca (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin) stack, albuterol, or t3. DNP is dangerous and IMO not a shortcut worth taking.
I guess I'm going to be the only person who tries to talk you out of this. Given your stats fat loss should come easy. If you want chemical assistance try an eca (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin) stack, albuterol, or t3. DNP is dangerous and IMO not a shortcut worth taking.

duly noted. can't stand effects of Caffeine, energy drinks, or any kind of stimulant.. I have never tried ephedra and don't plan to. Will be taking my first dose in a few hours hopefully. I have a very busy morning and will likely start around noon. I'm hoping to find an accurate scale as mine gives me very inconsistent reading, I had an official weigh in at my physical last week so I know close to where I'm at.
DNP isn't that dangerous if used responsibly just like everything else. 250mg is a great dose. 500 becomes REALLY uncomfortable. Stacking DNP and T3 is where it's at. That with a low dose of test. You will need caffeine, and a lot of it after while. The lethargy becomes BAD
DNP isn't that dangerous if used responsibly just like everything else. 250mg is a great dose. 500 becomes REALLY uncomfortable. Stacking DNP and T3 is where it's at. That with a low dose of test. You will need caffeine, and a lot of it after while. The lethargy becomes BAD

was advised to not use t3 in another thread for such a low dose short cycle, I have never done any PEDs and don't plan on it unless I have thoroughly maxed out my natty growth potential and am not satisfied. Hate caffeine, but will go there if I have to, but I work from home so it's not like I have to go to work and pound away all day or anything. Have a home gym so I just pop down there about 3 times a day.
so you guys are telling a 6'1 280lb guy to use dnp??? you cant be serious??

at 6'1 what do you think his bodyfat is at??

unless he is putting phil to shame with his body do you think he is ready for such a dangerous drug???

do you think his diet was proper?? how did he get to 280lbs??

heres my advice to the OP... DNP is a very dangerous drug...

youre looking for the quick way out when diet and exercise will do the same thing without the risk..

stay away from it.. ive seen people die from dnp poisoning.. dont mess with it..