

New member
Does anybody have any DNP recipes? I was looking to see how this stuff can be "homebrewed".

If I accidentally violated the TOS, please accept my apologizes. It looks, based on the threads I've seen on here, that discussing DNP is acceptable. However, I'm not sure if discussing how to make it is acceptable.
The stuff isn't homebrewed, it's a chemical. The only thing that guys who cap it do is to cut it to manageable levels. So nobody will have any recipes for it, sorry.
Although it's illegal to import DNP where I'm from (except for industrial purposes), does anybody know of any legit overseas companies that will sell it?
Your openly asking for a source now, you can bet most if not any reply you get will be a scam bro. Stick around and learn, there are many places to order it from.
I'm not a newbie, I've been in the game a long time. And I'm a Platinum member on EF for some time. I just registered on this site.
Hulkster said:
I'm not a newbie, I've been in the game a long time. And I'm a Platinum member on EF for some time. I just registered on this site.

Then you should know better than to ask for a source on an open board !! :confused:
I wasn't asking for a source. Otherwise, Txlonghorn would have removed it when he originally responded. I wasn't asking for a source, I was asking for legitimate companies operating in the production of this particular product. The companies that produce DNP are doing nothing illegal.
Hulkster said:
I wasn't asking for a source. Otherwise, Txlonghorn would have removed it when he originally responded. I wasn't asking for a source, I was asking for legitimate companies operating in the production of this particular product. The companies that produce DNP are doing nothing illegal.

Its an illegal substance!!!

It is illegal to import unless you have a legal use for it!!

You asked for a legit company after TX posted!!

And all DNP comes from legitimate companies!!

Its a chemical, not a bunch of OTC stuff put together to make something else!

So stop asking the type of questions you are asking!

You are more than welcome to ask how to use it as that is the purpose of our site!
Hulkster its probably not a great idea to ask about where to recieve a chemical with a reputation like dnp. Just looking out for your safety.
Italian Stallion said:
Hulkster its probably not a great idea to ask about where to recieve a chemical with a reputation like dnp. Just looking out for your safety.
.... and the safety of the board
Hulkster said:
I'm not a newbie, I've been in the game a long time. And I'm a Platinum member on EF for some time. I just registered on this site.

I didn't say your a newbie, just saying you don't seem to know the rules. If I had of known you were a platinum member at ef it would have been different. You must be a vet :rolleyes:
Deadlift said:
I didn't say your a newbie, just saying you don't seem to know the rules. If I had of known you were a platinum member at ef it would have been different. You must be a vet :rolleyes:
i have never seen a more appropriate use of the sarcastic smilie lol
Hulkster said:
I wasn't asking for a source. Otherwise, Txlonghorn would have removed it when he originally responded. I wasn't asking for a source, I was asking for legitimate companies operating in the production of this particular product. The companies that produce DNP are doing nothing illegal.

As LANWSAVER has already pointed out to you, you asked about a source after Tx had posted, so please do not try to insult my intelligence and twist the facts around to suit you.

Also.......... LS,.... thanks for having my back !! :D