do deadlifts thicken waist

0nyx said:
don't worry... we will meet :p

u were talking to me right :40oz: haha jj

yeah i was talkin to you, you big ol strapper of a man.

well had a dissapointing day today. my wife, who is disabled, had several siezures this morning so i couldnt go to the gym. I feel so bad for her. but on an up note I am going to get my squat suit out monday and see where I am at on my squats and if they are close to repecatable i'll do full power at the Va beach APF state meet in a few weeks. I am a full power guy so bench only is not all that appealing. two weeks of training for a meet is not good but i am going just to have fun and visit with some old friends. I'll post results Monday, so hopefully i'll haver some good news. I havent had my squat suit on in over a year so this should be intersting. train smart everyone.
pullinbig, I gotta tell you man, I'm so pumped on starting the routine you gave me on monday. The gains seem almost unreal...
joshisripped said:
pullinbig, I gotta tell you man, I'm so pumped on starting the routine you gave me on monday. The gains seem almost unreal...

the key to gains is training smart and not getting injured. progress, consistancy and not overtraining will yield pounds on the bar and muscle on you frame. post you progress my friend so all can see that strength builds muscle not the other way around. good luck bro.
well here it is. i must say that i am very dissapointed with some of my so called friends. couldnt get anyone to help me tonight with my equipment so i just did a regular leg workout by myself while they trained beside me. oh well what goes around comes around.

605 x 5 reps

box squats
405 2 sets x 5 reps

leg presses
1340 x 5 reps.

limped home, ate, showered and looking forward to mamas touch a bit later.

good luck every one and remeber to always to helpful to the next lifter. lifting is a privelage and not life and death.
bench assistance work tonight. since i was working out by myself i had to make a few modifications to the routine. all of these lifts were done in the power rack. for you guys that dont have boards this will work as a replacement of sorts till you get some boards and a spotter or two.

i set up in the power rack so that the bar was about 6 inches off my chest in the starting position. wide grip

315 x 5
335 x 5
355 x 5

then moved the bar up so that the bar was appr 8 inches off chest at starting position. wide grip

355 x 5
375 x 5
395 x 5

i must say that these feel alot different from board preses and i could feel them hitting my pecs hard. normally board presses targets the tris more.

lock outs. bar is app 10 inches off chest in the starting position. these are done with a mediumn grip. after doing the other rack presses i could tell that i was fairly spent. last week i went up to 515 on these but today 395 was it.

395 x 3
395 x 2

i was done. next week hopefuilly some one will be there to spot on the board presses

train smart everyone and remeber to be curtious to other lifters and clean up your weights when you are done.
board presses? can someone explain this to me? and pullinbig, whats your reasoning in using a power rack, with the bar starting 6 inches from the chest? dont get me wrong, not bashing at all, just really curious, .... i need to get my bench up aswell, its moving, but at a slower pace then i would like. very motivating post so far everyone! keep em coming.

do you lock out on every rep at the top? or elbows slightly bent? how much of a pause at the bottom?
epzin said:
board presses? can someone explain this to me? and pullinbig, whats your reasoning in using a power rack, with the bar starting 6 inches from the chest? dont get me wrong, not bashing at all, just really curious, .... i need to get my bench up aswell, its moving, but at a slower pace then i would like. very motivating post so far everyone! keep em coming.

do you lock out on every rep at the top? or elbows slightly bent? how much of a pause at the bottom?

board presses are: 2x6s nailed together to make anywhere from 1 to however many thick you want it to be. these are used to work the upper part of the bench. since i am a powerlifter and bench in a dbl denim bench shirt I only need to work the top part of my bench. if you can move a weight off your chest but are lacking at lockout then board presses are for raw benchers as well. also board presses are one of the best tri exercises in the gym. lay the board on your chest with someone holding it and bring the bar down and touch the baords. slight pause then press. yes lock out each rep. also if you have a sticking point in your bench, set the pins/boards at that height and start from there. good luck. i posted a pic of board presses some where. i'll see if i can find it and post it again. i may have posted it on another board.
epzin said:
board presses? can someone explain this to me? and pullinbig, whats your reasoning in using a power rack, with the bar starting 6 inches from the chest? dont get me wrong, not bashing at all, just really curious, .... i need to get my bench up aswell, its moving, but at a slower pace then i would like. very motivating post so far everyone! keep em coming.

do you lock out on every rep at the top? or elbows slightly bent? how much of a pause at the bottom?

found this pic on the internet of a baord press. this girl is doing a close grip board press. our boards are bigger but you get the idea here. i need to take my didgital camera to the gym so i can post some pics of the proper way to do board presses and some of the other movements i recommend. i'll make a point to do that in the next week or two for you guys who are trying the PLing routines for the first time. she is using a three board. three boards thick.

BTW board presses is one of the best tri exercises that is available. a great overall mass builder for the tris.
for those of you who are trying one of my routines i jst wanted you to see what a deep squat looks like. not everyone can squat this deep (primarily the bigger guys) but everyone should squat as deep as possible. i bottom out every rep.
the bottom few inches of the squat really set the men apart from the boys. i seen too many guys back out with 5 plates and do a half squat with yelling included. makes me sick. there is a tremendous amount of work being done this deep in the hole. i'd rather see someone squatting 135 deep than 495 high. start off squatting correctly and you will grow at a faster pace. squats and deads are the key to big gains in size and srtength. any of you guys/gals who are squatting high i challenge you to strip some weight off the bar and restart your squat routine. you will not regret it. if you dont know how high you are get someone to film it and you may be surprised at how high you are squatting. I was the first time i did. i thought i was deep but i was just barely parallel. the camera dont lie. the challenge has been issued. any takers?
Pullinbig, you ever do floor press? What is your opinion of floor press? I find that they kill my chest, and I like the idea of eliminating leg drive.

I have been contemplating my squats based on your comments. I go deeper than most other people at my gym, but maybe 15-20 degrees below parallel, max. I find I lose balance if I go any lower, is it safe to say this is my limit? Or maybe my midsection just isn't strong enough?
try backing down on the weight and see how it feels. go deep!!!! leave your ego at the door and try it.

i have done floor presses. I like them but dont like laying in the floor. lololol i do board presses and rack presses for tri strength.
to me, every exercise is about going as full range as you can, as thats what stimulates growth. I dont care how much weight is on the bar, just that I'm going as deep as I can with it. This attitude has brought my legs up in a big way over the years
the bigger BBers understand this principal and thats why they are so freakin huge. look at colemans back. can you say heavy deads? i am going to take my digital camera to the gym today. i'll be doing back/hams so i'll try to get some pics to post on proper form.