Do I have Gynecomastia? If you're asking this question, read this thread.

I have a small lump under my right nipple. I have had it for years but it was never tender until I began TRT about nine months ago. I initially used 100mg of Formestane twice daily for control. On a scale of 1-10 it reduced the tenderness down to about a two. I added Novadex to the mix to see what affect it would have. As far as I can tell it has had none. About a week ago I started using letro. The tenderness is completely gone and my 5 years old gyno is getting smaller.
Depends on what you are looking for. It tells you how many mg per ml are in each bottle for each compound. Also note that a lot of what they have is taken orally.
Depends on what you are looking for. It tells you how many mg per ml are in each bottle for each compound. Also note that a lot of what they have is taken orally.

I guess I am struggling to find the oral form of raloxifene. Thanks for the help though.
So what happens if you notice gyno on cycle but you have no AI's on hand? Lower the dose? Stop altogether? What if you finish your cycle, can you go on gyno treatment?
So what happens if you notice gyno on cycle but you have no AI's on hand? Lower the dose? Stop altogether? What if you finish your cycle, can you go on gyno treatment?

Probably best to start using a SERM immediately to prevent estrogen from going to your breast tissue.

End your cycle now and run PCT after enough time has passed for the gear to clear out. Plan better for your next cycle after you have treated your gyno. Make sure you have everything on hand before running a cycle in the future.
Probably best to start using a SERM immediately to prevent estrogen from going to your breast tissue.

End your cycle now and run PCT after enough time has passed for the gear to clear out. Plan better for your next cycle after you have treated your gyno. Make sure you have everything on hand before running a cycle in the future.

I don't have gyno and I'm not on a cycle. I'm just asking because there is a small chance it might happen to me on my cycle.
I don't have gyno and I'm not on a cycle. I'm just asking because there is a small chance it might happen to me on my cycle.

Really? Are you planning for the contingency where your dog eats all your AI and you happen to get gyno that very day? How about worrying about things that are likely to happen and not wasting everyone's time with hypotheticals.
Really? Are you planning for the contingency where your dog eats all your AI and you happen to get gyno that very day? How about worrying about things that are likely to happen and not wasting everyone's time with hypotheticals.

Mega.. I love you.. No homo
I have a few questions regarding pubertal gyno and the possible of Raloxifene. I've always had puffy nipples since teenage years. When my bf% was measured for wrestling, they had me at 12% and my chest was still puffy. The rest of my pec is firm on the top and interior, but from the nipple area to the outside feels softer and flabbier. When I mention it to a Dr., they always say "Yea that's maybe a slight case", but I never get anything for it. Now I'm 32, still in good shape, and I was wondering if taking Raloxifene would benefit this scenario. I am on TRT, I get a shot every 2 weeks. If I do decide to take Raloxifene, do I follow your suggested doses in the 1st post and just stop taking it when it goes away? Or do I have to take something else after I get done taking the Raloxifene.

I appreciate the time you took to make that post. Thank you.
Well after reading the initial post all I can say is how times change!
Only just over a year ago I posted on this very site as I had the onset of gyno and was advised to start taking letro straight away .. that info was even on a sticky, again on this very site! That sticky said letro was the way forward and went onto say that using Tamoxifen once gyno had started was like closing the gate after the horse had bolted .......... I've tried to find the sticky to attach it as it was lengthy very detailed and had many comments on it but I can't find it .. maybe its been deleted as now its considered bad info ...... so let me get this right at the onset of gyno we're saying a SERM like Tamoxifen should be used and not an A.I like letro? Forgive me I have not read the many posts in between the initial thread starter post and here so may have missed if someone has stated otherwise ...

I came across this thread during some online resarch as despite using Adex eod whilst on a 10wk cycle of test 350 and dbol at 30mg a day I got them dreaded tingly nipples ...... I can confirm that letro after 8 weeks has done NOTHING for me ...... except putting me in a bad mood and wrecking my sex drive (which has also put my missis in a bad mood!)

After reading this I'm binning the (A.I) letro and trying the (SERM) Tamoxifen ........

The more posts I read on gyno the more confused I get ...... ;-(
Anastrozole is meant to prevent gyno. Not treat gyno already there.

Preemptive being the operative word in my question. So I assume that's still the best, prevent so you never have to deal with it. I didn't know if there was any new schools of thought on it. I am always worried my RC are under dosed and I do my blood work.