Do post cycle therapy (pct) or go "Cruising"? Need advice, please...


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Do PCT or go "Cruising"? Need advice, please...

Wassup Gurus & Gear heads alike. I am NOT on gear yet. I am still researching. I've been to other boards. And I notice some gear heads NEVER get off gear. Instead of doing a normal post cycle therapy (pct), they do what they refer as "cruising". Cruising, meaning instead of getting off aas completely, they'll use a much lower dose for about a month or two. AND then jump back on to a new cycle. Some people stay on gear for a year or 2 at a time, which amazes me. IS that advisable to do? I seem attracted to the idea, but then I think of possible long term side effects like high blood pressure, cholesterol, normal test production shutting down for good....I seem attracted to the idea, but is it worth it? I would like to hear a few opinions out there. Thanks all!