Do Prohormones Really Work?


New member
Do the muscles stay unlike Dbol? Which is better 1Ad or M1? They saying only takes 2 WEEKS??? Wow...that beats roids!!
being on both sides of the fence there is no comparison but PH do work, minimal at best. I've seen people rave about MIT but I've never experienced with it. A "search" will yield plenty of info :)
They have reported gains at best, but some also had side effects associated with them. I have never used them personally, so I dont want to add a comment that I dont know. Basically, they work and cost just as much or even more than real gear, yet real gear used at minimal-average standards in dosage is pretty safe (varies with drug), so if you think your natural then guess twice.

I believe anything that gives a minimal boost in physical enhancement is un-natural. Yet, if you are not ready to start gear then this is a great place to start and build a better base before you start. just my opinion...
BRO FO SHO said:
They have reported gains at best, but some also had side effects associated with them. I have never used them personally, so I dont want to add a comment that I dont know. Basically, they work and cost just as much or even more than real gear, yet real gear used at minimal-average standards in dosage is pretty safe (varies with drug), so if you think your natural then guess twice.

I believe anything that gives a minimal boost in physical enhancement is un-natural. Yet, if you are not ready to start gear then this is a great place to start and build a better base before you start. just my opinion...

i dont know where you looked at them, but you can buy 5 bottles of M1T at 1fast400 for 50 bucks... and ive never done gear, but ive read, and gathered that a good cycle is gonna cost you bout 1000 bux... so its much cheaper, and a good stepping stone into the world of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) imo... its where i started ;)
PHs work very well, as good as real gear in many cases if you get the legit stuff and know how to cycle it.
gains are keepable off of Ph's yes, and some PH's are stronger than AAS look at the superdol products and the gains guys get from them. what you keep id dependant upon the individual, the post cycle therapy (pct), life style etc but they are effective.
Anyone looking to venture into PH's should seriously consider the Helladrol from Mr, you'll get a decent amount of keepable lean muscle with relatively low sides, its a global favourite for a reason: guys from Aus, to USA to the UK all rave about it and its obvious why :D
Yes they work. Get a bottle of helladrol, something that is very proven.

^^This. I still have a bottle of M1A lying around that supposedly converts to M1T. Might give that a shot on my next mass gain

I wouldn't say they "beat" roids....personally IMO and IME I've found that running longer cycles over short blasts is better for me in terms of making muscle gains that are maintainable. Sure certain PHs might kick in a little faster but that doesn't always mean they are better
Yes they work absolutely man, M1Ts do at least I have ran two cycles years ago with amazing gains as far as size and strength went but not without any side effects, I gained rough 20lbs each time I did it and strength increased on the same level as AAS, but I suffered from a few mental issues like paranoia and anger which is so far from who I am its not even funny, I had 0 sex drive and couldn't even get my dick up at all, and the water retention seemed to me to be really bad as my face blew up and nose bleeds all the time due to high blood pressure.
gains are keepable off of Ph's yes, and some PH's are stronger than AAS look at the superdol products and the gains guys get from them. what you keep id dependant upon the individual, the post cycle therapy (pct), life style etc but they are effective.
Anyone looking to venture into PH's should seriously consider the Helladrol from Mr, you'll get a decent amount of keepable lean muscle with relatively low sides, its a global favourite for a reason: guys from Aus, to USA to the UK all rave about it and its obvious why :D

Sorry if I sound ignorant, how do u run this ?
I have a couple of bottles of M1T circa 2005 from when it was legal, never used em, wonder if they're still good :).

Let us be clear, though: M1T is NOT a pro-hormone. It is a powerful designer steroid that slipped through the regulatory cracks for a while (It's banned now.). It is extremely effective, extremely toxic, and can fuck your sex life up permanently if you run it without clomid/nolva/HCG post-cycle.

There seem to be people using this again and it has developed a bit of a legendary reputation. From what I understand,newer product have most of the pro's and fewer sides than M1T. Since it's banned as well, why not use something better, something with less sides and better understood, where you'll have more people's experience to go by?
pro-hormone is a steroid. It's pro...hormone. I mean it's in the name. What did you think was the difference between PH and steroids?

I think as long as they were in a cool dry place they should be fine.
pro-hormone is a steroid. It's pro...hormone. I mean it's in the name. What did you think was the difference between PH and steroids?

I think as long as they were in a cool dry place they should be fine.

Yeah, right. These are just new steroids that the gov"t hasn't caught on to yet.

Believe me, they all work. Some better than others tho
I have a couple of bottles of M1T circa 2005 from when it was legal, never used em, wonder if they're still good :).

Let us be clear, though: M1T is NOT a pro-hormone. It is a powerful designer steroid that slipped through the regulatory cracks for a while (It's banned now.). It is extremely effective, extremely toxic, and can fuck your sex life up permanently if you run it without clomid/nolva/HCG post-cycle.

There seem to be people using this again and it has developed a bit of a legendary reputation. From what I understand,newer product have most of the pro's and fewer sides than M1T. Since it's banned as well, why not use something better, something with less sides and better understood, where you'll have more people's experience to go by?

Been reading lots of old threads talking about M1T, I thought it was a pro hormone