Do you all think there is any evidence that Lebron is on or has used gear??


New member
and to what benefit would it be to an NBA baller outside of endurance. I think jumping ability and speed would only be slightly improved.

Got into a discussion with a few of the fellas at the gym who say he is using and i say no. Someone cited the fact Lebron had a surgery to remove a mass from his jaw. They claim it was a tumor in his parotid gland, which have receptors for steroid hormones.

"Not only is this kind of tumor extremely rare in a mid 20s male, it's a compelling evidence of steroid use." how true it that statement?
Definitely the hyphy mud and ram.... Ohh fuck it. Who knows or cares. We'll never find out, and as long as companies pay these guys 6000x what a school teacher makes, they'll have that much more reason to do what it takes to keep making that kind of money.

Edit: ... And keep it secret.
Really guys?

The huge advantage of AAS for any sport - you can work harder and recover faster.

Then there is Healing , absorbing nutrients, stamina , explosive power..

You think some guy worth hundreds of millions of dollars - whose performance is worth even more then that to his club/ sponsors - ISNT optimizing everything possible while staying under the radar..

Come on fellas..
i wouldn't be surprised if any pro athlete is on gear. ESPECIALLY a guy like lebron james??? what does lebron make like 20 mill a year off basketball alone? anyone whos testing him for whatever he can have them set for life on the spot
If I was a pro athlete I'd be juicing up

But let's not forget that juice isn't the reason these guys are where they are
If I was a pro athlete I'd be juicing up

But let's not forget that juice isn't the reason these guys are where they are

of course, we all know it's actually the

Lebron is just a genetic freak. He never suddenly changed size. He's always been muscular and lean with extreme athleticism. His body has matured since he entered the NBA, but that's about it.
Lebron is just a genetic freak. He never suddenly changed size. He's always been muscular and lean with extreme athleticism. His body has matured since he entered the NBA, but that's about it.

Um ok do you know him personally? Lol nobody knows but I'm pretty dam sure all the best players take something to increase performance and speed recovery, wouldn't you if playing made you rich?
I'm one to believe that a lottt of world class athletes that get paid multi-millions are on some form of PED. I don't blame baseball players who get busted for it. I mean, if it was contract-year for me, and i knew i could get a HUGE contract if i performed better and juice gave me the edge? hell yes. Even after I get caught, it was still worth the money. Sorry, that's just me.
I also believe sports is a business, and i dont think commissioners are that stupid not to know whats goin on. The faster players like Kobe, Lebron, KD, etc get back on the court from injury, the more money the league pulls in. Why not give them growth while they recover and turn a blindeye.. meh, just my thoughts.