Do you do full squats?


New member
I've always done full squats to where I'm almost sitting on my heels, I go so deep. Yet so many guys I see in the gym and what not do not even go to parallel.
I go ass to the grass every time, but odds are the guy next to you in the power rack is not. Odds are he's not even going to get his knees to bend.
not sitting back
hips not worked
unable to go that deep because maybe of some body problem (genetic, bones, muscles..blah blah blah)
urban belief of ruining your knee/hips when going ATG

i do know that it is required and a must to go ATG on squats, though it is not easy or near impossible for some. this could be replaced with box squats till they learn.

i go atg in every squats. i experiment with it though, sometimes below parallel or just parallel itself.
i break parallel everytime, despite the fucks who load eight plates on the bar and go half-way down.
I can get below parallel in a true olympic high bar stance. If i drop the bar and widen up just a little it takes a lot of work and alot of stretching and mobility work. I have a very tight groin. It has caused problems as far back as hs football. Kind of sucks because my posterior is my strong point, not my quads. When i put briefs on it definately helps though.
I have problems in the patella region of my knee which hasn't allowed me to squat pain-free in almost four months. However, when I used to squat, I always went ATG as I felt it was less stress on that particular region than when I used to go to parallel back in high school.
I have an old foot injury(torn ligaments) that prevents me from sitting on my ankles but i do go past parallel on all squats.

I go parallel, justt past sometimes....reasons KNEES. I want to walk at 50 years old without a problem. Perhaps there are those out here that have been going at it since 18-19 years old, have made it to 34-35 with deep knees...perhaps a poll here, it would be a good study to look into.
for alot of guys saying they dont want to hurt their knees---When going below parallel it takes pressure off the knee and lets not forget it works the hams real nice :)
I got 3-5 inches below parallel but defnitely don't bottom out all the least not when fully loaded.
mister69 said:
for alot of guys saying they dont want to hurt their knees---When going below parallel it takes pressure off the knee and lets not forget it works the hams real nice :)

This is something that is said so often i don't think people even know what they are saying anymore. If you squat OLY style, you are definately not taking stress of the knee by going atg. Your knees are so flaired in this stance at the bottom it is stretching the shit out of everything. You cannot squat OLY style and sit back completely. At least i have not seen it done. Now a wider stance squat is definately going to take the stress off the knees by going down, but you have to look at the whole picture and discuss different squating approaches, and what you are trying to do.
I understand what some of you guys are saying with the knee issues preventing you from doing full squats. I suppose you always have to work around injuries/weaknesses.

I've tried going to parallel and just below at times, and it just feels unnatural to me. I do not seem to get that deep overall thigh soreness (DOMS) quite as bad. I know if it's a chore bending over to take a shyt two days post-leg workout, the growth factors have been set in motion.
Good point jcp2---I just try not to think too much and keep form good.

For hacks\leg press\front and back squats i like to go nice a deep.

jcp2 said:
This is something that is said so often i don't think people even know what they are saying anymore. If you squat OLY style, you are definately not taking stress of the knee by going atg. Your knees are so flaired in this stance at the bottom it is stretching the shit out of everything. You cannot squat OLY style and sit back completely. At least i have not seen it done. Now a wider stance squat is definately going to take the stress off the knees by going down, but you have to look at the whole picture and discuss different squating approaches, and what you are trying to do.