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why you oinker! haha .... while awake or asleep?
There are studies on testosterone and Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) specifically:asianlifter808 said:Found the PubMed study. It seems to talk about a different kind of steroid use - eg medications for sarcoid patients (ie asthma) but hey I'm no doctor so if anyone can translate this that would be great! This is the Abstract:
Snake_Plisken said:There are studies on testosterone and Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) specifically:
asianlifter808 said:I'd see the doctor if I were you. I used to brush it off the same way as you. But its caught up with me. High blood pressure and high red blood cell count. The chance of a sudden heart failure is real. It will take me years to correct this as mine is pretty severe so its better you start sooner than later.
Besides, if you 're really honest about making good gains from your hours of lifting in the gym, you'll need complete recovery and that means you got to find a solution to this problem of sleep apnea. I'm looking forward to making some good gains as a result of getting better sleep now.
Here's a really useful site by the University of Maryland Medicine Dept -
If you need more info as to how the sleep test is conducted or anything else I'll try to help out. Just go see your doctor soon. Because it is SERIOUS!
100lbs in 5 years is impressive. ... how much of it was natural and how much 'assisted' ? Whats your stats?
i do the same anytime im in the high 200s or more i snore but once i get down to the mid 200s i stop snoreing .needsize said:I have found that when I am bulking and really heavy, I snore pretty bad, but when I am not holding a lot of water, or am leaner, it pretty much goes away. I never thought about apnea as I tend to sleep okay, at least I think so
speller said:I thought I may have a condition such as this - still do to be honest. the doc made me go to this sleep clinic and they gave me this machine to take home and wear while I slept. it hooked onto my finger, sort of like a heart monitor at the hospital I guess. next day I brought it back to them and they told me everything was fine.
although I have all the symptoms that are described here. still not sure what I should do?
house1 said:i have to use a cpap machine when i go to sleep - i am close to 300 lbs at present and stop breathing alot during sleep-
sleep apnea is nothing to ignore -- because of the rapid drop in oxygen when you stop breathing , it can cause a stroke or heartattack-
OMEGA said:when I did lots of ephedrine I suffered from it
when I quite it took several months to normalize........
somhow I believe its CNS related
now I have no probs
I weigh 330 right now at 6'3
and have no probs
so I am not sure its weight related
at least for me
Spartie said:I NEVER used to snore...but lately my wife wakes me 2 to 4 times a night complaining that I wake her with my snoring. It has gotten MUCH worse since starting Testosterone Replacement Therapy over a year ago. It also gets REALLY bad when I cycle (over a gram of test per week, plus numerous other anabolic compounds like Anadrol, Tren, Deca, etc.).
I read in my Androgel literature that "Sleep Apnea" is a "Side Effect".
BigAndy69 said:I have the worst case of sleep apnea my doctor has ever seen and he is chief of medicine at the hospital.
I would wake up violently every 2-3 hours at night and my lips and feet would turn blue.
I would fall asleep anywhere...and I mean anywhere...falling asleep on the toilet was probably the worst. lol
One night I was woken up by a loud "pop" from my chest, I couldn't breath and pain shot from my chest to my wrists. I got out of bed and paced around for a few minutes.
It was about 4 am.
At 9am I went to see my doctor, a few days later I was booked for a sleep study.
My resting heartrate a few weeks after the incident was 144.
Sleep study determined I was averaging 4 secs of REM sleep. The doctor couldn't beleive I was still alive. He uses my file as a study case at the University
I ignored the problem for a long time and as soon as I was put on the CPAP, I lost close to 30 lbs in about a week and a half or so...that's how much excess water I was holding (I was 292 lbs at my heaviest)
asianlifter808 said:Now that's bad!!! Wow, 292lbs! Ht?
The doctor was surprised that I was still walking around too. She said I shouldn't drive. The sleep test showed I hardly slept too. They have a scale of which if you're a 32 you're considered having severe OSA. Mine was 63.5!
What brand of machine are you using? I like my ResMed Mirage Activa mask but was thinking of getting my own machine rather than renting it so I'm looking around.