Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

Speaking of heights and planes and jumping out of them; a quick story.
Years ago I was big into aviation and in my state you can get your pilots license at 14.
I was 12 at the time and started taking flight lessons at my local airport.

The instructor doing the training really wasn't into training "kids" and he made that apparent.
Story after story of people dying in wrecks and planes just falling apart mid-air etc. trying to spook me out of it.

The first DAY I was allowed to fly the plane, pre-flight inspection, take off and landing.
The plane itself was a two seater single prop plane, nothing too fancy just the training rig.
This one was setup with two sets of pedals and two sets of controls, just like a driver's ed car.

Now, I have to preface this saying that my geographic region has a lot of hills and mountains.
aka. not very friendly to small aircraft.
So anyway I fire that thing up and barrel down the runway (1st time EVER in a plane like this and I'm at the controls). Up into the air, no problems, up up up.

At this point we're pretty much just cruising around, the instructor is showing me what controls do what and how the gauges react to "steering" input.
Due to the hills and mountains in this area, the air turbulence was significant.
That little plane would drop out of the air several feet seemingly at random.
Just flying along level and then BOOM you drop 8 feet, a little spooky at 12 to say the least.

At the end of our first day this guy decides he's had enough of me.
I'll never forget what he did next. He says "hold the wheel and watch this"
The propeller chugs to a stop and we're just hanging there in mid-air flying completely silently.
If that wasn't spooky enough for a first time flyer, the guy then puts the plane into a nose dive.
Ever see in the movies where a pilot would push the controls all the way forward and the plane BOMBS to the ground? Yep, I did that in a two seater single prop "driver's ed" plane.

The guy thinks this is hilarious as I'm crawling out of my skin.
He starts throwing things like his clipboard, keys and whatever else he can find into the air.
I'll be damned if those items didn't just hover there like we were in space.
It was the full-on zero-gravity effect and would have been amazing to experience, IF I wasn't so bugged out.

So the guy finishes wiping tears of laughter from his eyes, levels the plane and fires the engine a few thousand feet from the ground. I wind up landing the plane and the feeling of earth under my feet has never been sweeter.

That was the last lesson I took.

I actually went back to try to restart the learners course but they've priced it out of my realm of feasibility.
It's on my bucket list to get my pilots license.
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Speaking of heights and planes and jumping out of them; a quick story.
Years ago I was big into aviation and in my state you can get your pilots license at 14.
I was 12 at the time and started taking flight lessons at my local airport.

The instructor doing the training really wasn't into training "kids" and he made that apparent.
Story after story of people dying in wrecks and planes just falling apart mid-air etc. trying to spook me out of it.

The first DAY I was allowed to fly the plane, pre-flight inspection, take off and landing.
The plane itself was a two seater single prop plane, nothing too fancy just the training rig.
This one was setup with two sets of pedals and two sets of controls, just like a driver's ed car.

Now, I have to preface this saying that my geographic region has a lot of hills and mountains.
aka. not very friendly to small aircraft.
So anyway I fire that thing up and barrel down the runway (1st time EVER in a plane like this and I'm at the controls). Up into the air, no problems, up up up.

At this point we're pretty much just cruising around, the instructor is showing me what controls do what and how the gauges react to "steering" input.
Due to the hills and mountains in this area, the air turbulence was significant.
That little plane would drop out of the air several feet seemingly at random.
Just flying along level and then BOOM you drop 8 feet, a little spooky at 12 to say the least.

At the end of our first day this guy decides he's had enough of me.
I'll never forget what he did next. He says "hold the wheel and watch this"
The propeller chugs to a stop and we're just hanging there in mid-air flying completely silently.
If that wasn't spooky enough for a first time flyer, the guy then puts the plane into a nose dive.
Ever see in the movies where a pilot would push the controls all the way forward and the plane BOMBS to the ground? Yep, I did that in a two seater single prop "driver's ed" plane.

The guy thinks this is hilarious as I'm crawling out of my skin.
He starts throwing things like his clipboard, keys and whatever else he can find into the air.
I'll be damned if those items didn't just hover there like we were in space.
It was the full-on zero-gravity effect and would have been amazing to experience, IF I wasn't so bugged out.

So the guy finishes wiping tears of laughter from his eyes, levels the plane and fires the engine a few thousand feet from the ground. I wind up landing the plane and the feeling of earth under my feet has never been sweeter.

That was the last lesson I took.

I actually went back to try to restart the learners course but they've priced it out of my realm of feasibility.
It's on my bucket list to get my pilots license.

That actually sounds kind of fun. Too bad they'd never give me a pilots license lol
That actually sounds kind of fun. Too bad they'd never give me a pilots license lol

It would have been more fun if I was old enough and had enough flight time to have some understanding of what was going on. The instructor pretty much said "here's the plane, lets go!"
If I were to attempt it again today, I would enjoy it more.

You should try mang, it was a good experience overall.
These days it costs about $5000 for classroom training, then you need either 1000 or 10,000 flight hours at $100/hr. It is definitely not a poor man's hobby.
I don't even know what I'm doing here today, most of the factory is shutdown.
The entire executive staff is gone, so is my boss and all the production supervisors.

Maybe I should do an all-day cam show...
It would have been more fun if I was old enough and had enough flight time to have some understanding of what was going on. The instructor pretty much said "here's the plane, lets go!"
If I were to attempt it again today, I would enjoy it more.

You should try mang, it was a good experience overall.
These days it costs about $5000 for classroom training, then you need either 1000 or 10,000 flight hours at $100/hr. It is definitely not a poor man's hobby.

Id want that done without my knowledge lol. Too fuck with myself.

I'm Arab, what are the chances of me getting behind the cockpit of an airplane :p
I don't even know what I'm doing here today, most of the factory is shutdown.
The entire executive staff is gone, so is my boss and all the production supervisors.

Maybe I should do an all-day cam show...

I'd subscribe to the cam show
Morning john, James, and Jim

I thought it was Jack, Jeff and Joe?

Whenever I want to type out "Good Morning Mr. J" I think of how sweet it would be to hear it from her, every, morning:


Only if she really acts like Harley and wore that getup.
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