DocJ's Short Cycle/Short Ester Blitz!


New member
31 years old
5’9” 220lbs. 8% bodyfat (skin calipers)
Training for 15 years

Cycle Experience:
A Lot! Since age 22

Current Cycle - Began 10/9/06
Week 1-6: Test Prop 200mg ED
Week 1-5: Nandrolone Phenylprop 100mg ED (EDIT: was week 1-6)
Week 2-6: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500i.u. 2x/week
Week 1-6: HCTZ 25mg/day
Week 2-6: Aromasin 25mg, M/W/F

Day 1-20: Clomid 100mg/day
Day 1-30: Nolvadex 40mg/day
*Also I’ll be embarking on the following:

Power/Rep Range/Shock

4-Day Split (Dorian Yates)
Day 1: Chest, Biceps
Day 2: Thighs
Day 3: Back, Calves
Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, Triceps
Day 5: Off
Day 6: Repeat
Day 7: Off

Moderate Caloric Intake 4000-4500Kcal
Protein Intake 450g/day minimum

1. Keep bodyfat no higher than 10%.
2. Gain ~12-15lbs overall.
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dam dude, post some pics.

Also, what do u repeat on day 6 exactly?

also, what does that routine aim towards, strength, size, both?

And last, how much did u weigh before your started cycling, and how many cycles have u ran? lol....just trying to get a feel for myself here, since i am 5'9" ish
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nice cycle.......nice planning.....and im sure the execution will be flawless....
outlawtas2 said:
Looks pretty interesting...would you mind breaking down your diet for me?
I'll post a basic day, obviously it varies slightly from day to day:
Wake Up - Protein shake 50g (whey/caseinate blend)
Meal 1 (a.m.) - Egg Whites, Oatmeal
Meal 2 (a.m.) - Egg Whites, Oatmeal
Meal 3 (a.m. pre-workout) - Apple, Cottage Cheese, Almonds
Post-workout (p.m.) - Protein shake 50g/50g maltodextrin
Meal 4 (p.m.) - Steak, grits, vegetables
Meal 5 (p.m.) - Chicken breasts, rice
Meal 6 (p.m.) - Fish, vegetables, varied carb source (depending on what the wife feels like :))
Before Bed - Protein shake 50g
Perfection Awaits said:
dam dude, post some pics.

Also, what do u repeat on day 6 exactly?

also, what does that routine aim towards, strength, size, both?

And last, how much did u weigh before your started cycling, and how many cycles have u ran? lol....just trying to get a feel for myself here, since i am 5'9" ish
I weighed 140lbs at 16 years old when I started lifting for sports, then it quickly morphed into a passion for the iron/BB. I tried a dbol only cycle when I was 18 right before graduation (stupid) Didn't know what I was doing and lost all gains obtained. Waited almost 5 years to do my first "real" cycle and at that time I was 205lbs natural (more like 12% bodyfat though). I'm guessing I could have gotten to about 220lbs before I started cycling but you know how it goes when you're young and impatient.

As far as training goes: you start the split over again on day 6, so for example; I started the training cycle on Sun. using the power part of the system, today I'm training shoulders/traps/triceps, tomorrow off, Friday ("day 6") would be chest/biceps again but with the rep range part of the system.

Here's my training breakdown this week:

Sun: BB Incline 4x6, Weighted Dips 4x6 / BB Curls 4x6, DB Incline Hammer Curls 4x6

Mon: Squat 4x6, DB Lunges 4x6 / SLD 4x6, Lying Leg Curls 4x6

Tues: TBar Rows 4x6, Weighted Rack Chins 4x6, Rack Deadlifts 4x6 / Leg Press Raises 4x8

Wed: Standing Military Press 4x6, Wide Grip Upright Rows 4x6 / Close Grip Bench 4x6, BB Lying Extensions (skull crushers) 4x6 / BB Shrugs 4x6
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Here's an explaination of P/RR/Shock from the website:

Week 1: POWER

The goal during POWER week is to make a direct attack on the Type II A and II B muscle fibers, with an emphasis on the II B’s. These are the higher threshold fibers and the way we get at them is with heavy weights. The goal for this week is to utilize weights that allow for 4-6 reps to failure. The way in which you perform your reps is of great importance during POWER week. I have found that an eccentric (negative) contraction of about 3-4 seconds followed immediately by an explosive concentric (positive) contraction works best at nailing those fast-twitch fibers. Remember...even though you will be attempting to explode with the weight during the positive portion of the rep, it will not move very quickly at all due to the heavy load you are lifting. Rest between sets is also very important. Since you want to be able to lift as heavy as possible during POWER week, you will be resting about 3-5 minutes between sets (depending on the movement) in order to fully regenerate ATP and creatine phosphate stores in the muscle cells. As far as the exercises go, choose those that are basic or compound in nature. These include movements like bench presses, squats, deadlifts, military presses and bent rows. POWER week workouts will not impart a tremendous pump, but rather will make your muscles feel as if they’ve been smashed with a wrecking ball.

Rep Goal: 4-6
Rest Between Sets: 3-5 minutes
Lifting Tempo: 3-4/0/X
Exercises: Mostly compound

Here is an example of a typical POWER workout for chest:

1-Bench Press: 4 x 4-6
2-Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 x 4-6
3-Weighted Dips: 2-3 x 4-6


As I mentioned earlier there are several fiber types that lie along the continuum between Type I and Type II muscle fibers. The goal of REP RANGE week is to show these “intermediary” fibers no mercy! We will accomplish this by using three distinct rep ranges (hence the name of this week) for three separate exercises for each body part. The first exercise will be to failure in the 7-9 rep range. The second will be to failure in the 10-12 rep range. The final exercise will be to failure in the 13-15 rep range. In order to make the stimulus this week even more unique from the POWER week, you will also change your rep tempo. Both the eccentric and concentric portion of each rep should take 2 seconds to complete, while the mid-point of the movement (isometric contraction) should be held for one full second. Additionally, if you happen to be using a movement that contains a strong “peak contraction effect,” such as leg extensions, you are also encouraged to hold this portion of the rep for one full second before you begin the eccentric portion of the rep. The exercises used this week should be both compound and isolation in nature, with free weights, machines and cables all being fair game. One particularly effective approach is to choose a free weight compound movement for the 7-9 rep range; a free weight isolation movement for the 10-12 rep range; and a machine or cable movement for the 13-15 rep range. Of course, you are encouraged to experiment a bit to get an idea of what feels most effective to you. Rest between sets during REP RANGE week will be 2-3 minutes. You can expect a tremendous pump from REP RANGE week workouts, and some deep muscle soreness in the days that follow...but we love that kind of pain, don’t we!

Rep Goal: 7-9, 10-12, 13-15
Rest Between Sets: 2-3 minutes
Lifting Tempo: 2/1/2/1***
Exercises: Compound, Isolation, Machine or Cable

***1 second hold at peak for certain exercises

Here is an example for a typical REP RANGE workout for shoulders:

1-Military Press: 4 x 7-9
2-Seated Side Lateral: 3 x 10-12
3-Reverse Pec Deck Flye: 2 x 13-15

Week 3: SHOCK

In my opinion, SHOCK week is the most intense and excruciating portion of this routine. It will without a doubt test your ability to withstand pain, fend off nausea, and fight back the tears! SHOCK week separates the men from the boys, the freaks from the fakes! The goal during this week is complete and utter annihilation of every fiber, from slow-twitch, right on down to the fast-twitch Type II A’s; to force your body to release natural GH like water from a collapsed damn; and to literally “force” your muscles to grow in a “do or die” like fashion! Each grueling session during shock week contains 2 different types of supersets and a punishing dropset for each major bodypart. The first superset will be performed in what is known as “pre-exhaust” fashion. This means that an isolation movement will be performed first, with a compound movement immediately after. The second superset will be what as known as “post activation,” made famous by European researcher Michael Gundill. In post activation supersets, it is the compound movement that precedes the isolation movement. Each of these supersets provides a unique stimulus for both your muscles and nervous system. Once you have completed your supersets it is time for a dropset, which will complete the torture that you will impart on your muscles during SHOCK week. Reps for each exercise will be in the range of 8-10, and the tempo will become more rhythmic in nature. An eccentric contraction of just one second will be followed immediately by a concentric contraction of the same speed. There will be no resting (as long as you can handle it) at the top or bottom, as each rep should be performed in a “piston-like” fashion. Rest between sets should be long enough to allow you to catch your breath fully, as well as to prepare your mind for the next onslaught. Your individual level of cardiovascular conditioning, as well as your constitution, will determine the length of your rest. Free weights, cables, and machines are all utilized during SHOCK week. My warning to you is that you better be prepared when you enter the gym on SHOCK week, because every workout will leave you breathing with the intensity of a steam engine and a burn that will reach your very core! Fun!

Rep Goal: 8-10 (dropset is 8-10, drop, 6-
Rest Between Sets: cardiovascular and mental recovery
Lifting Tempo: 1/0/1
Exercises: Compound, Isolation, Machine or Cable

Here is a typical SHOCK workout for triceps:

1-Superset: Rope Pressdown/Lying Extension: 2 x 8-10 each
2-Superset: CG Bench Press/Underhand Grip Pressdown: 2 x 8-10 each
3-Dropset: Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Extension: 1 x 8-10, drop, 6-8

After you have completed the 3 week POWER, REP RANGE, SHOCK cycle, return to the beginning and repeat. With each cycle do your best to increase the weights you lift and/or the reps you achieve. After three full cycles I recommend that you take off one full week from the gym before returning to the program. After your break, you might want to switch up some or all of the exercises that you used in the cycle preceding.

So, if you have been training for some time, are stuck in a rut, or are looking to take your physique, strength, and/or performance to the next level, the POWER, REP RANGE, SHOCK Training System may just be the first class ticket to all of your goals! Enjoy the ride my friends.
Forgot to mention: I'm also taking 25mg HCTZ (mild diuretic) ED because if I don't, the test will bloat up my abdomen like a mo-fo. It also keeps my blood pressure under control.
Perfection Awaits said:
12lbs added mass on your frame i imagine will be a very noticable amount, but very hard to achieve...but with that diet/routine, you should be set
Yes, that's why I worded it 12-15lbs "overall" weight gain. Obviously some of that 12lbs. will be water weight, maybe slight increase in bodyfat (hopefully not) and of course muscle :)
Weight immediately upon waking: 240lbs! (Whoa!)
That was a little bit higher than I thought was going to take place....

Thoughts on Week 1:
1. Training - Very good week in the gym. My thighs are really hobbled up today from my rep range day yesterday. Poundages aren't increasing much yet but I generally "feel" better in the gym.
2. Diet - Right on target all week except on Sat when I went sightseeing with the wife...had to pound a couple more MRP shakes due to the fact that I was in the mountains of Virginia most of the day.
3. I'm holding more water than I want already. I forgot to take my HCTZ tab (25mg) this weekend so that might have something to do with it...also, I'm not taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) so far.
4. Before I began this cycle I had been dieting for a few months straight so I'm guessing alot of this weight is simply from the increase in calories/protein.

Changes: Adding 25mg of Aromasin M/W/F - I wouldn't be suprised if my weight actually went down over week 2 from adding an AI.
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Feeling much better (less bloat) after 2 doses of aromasin and a few days in a row of the HCTZ. It will be interesting to see what the scale shows on Monday. Training is going very well.
Boy this log isn't generating too much interest...
Weight immediately upon waking: 235lbs.

Thoughts on Week 2:
1. Training - Poundages are rising and I felt "good" in the gym all week except today, my shoulders/tris felt pretty weak but it could be due to the fact that I didn't have my first meal early enough before my workout.
2. Diet - There was one day this week that I didn't get my target protein/calories in but it was still close.
3. Obviously, the aromasin/hctz worked great as I dropped 5 pounds of water. I could see it was water as by mid-week I was noticing veins pop out again where a few days before there were none.
4. Knowing my body, my guess is that remaining bodyweight gains will be slow but steady so overall at the end I may have eclipsed my original goal which is cool for some who's a "vet" at cycling.

Changes: None this week.
I'm convinced that I strained my lower left quad last week during my "shock" day for thighs. It was swollen since Sat. but was reduced by yesterday's squat workout. I didn't feel any discomfort squatting and my poundages were fine. Also, there's no increased swelling or pain this morning so hopefully this is a non-factor going forward.
Perfection Awaits said:
hows your body composition looking?
As far as bodyfat goes, right now I'm at about the level that I don't want to go over for the cycle so the next few weeks will be a balancing act but it's fine, I've done it before.
There seems to be a lack of interest in the "my cycle" forum lately, I think it's just the time of year...people are done cutting but aren't bulking yet. Your cycle is plent interesting!