DocJ's Short Cycle/Short Ester Blitz!

LiftTillIDie said:
You have viewers Doc, keep the posts coming. Some training numbers always make the journals more interesting imo.
Sounds good, I'll post my best "power" workout numbers as they'll be better at evaluating my strength:
"Power" Chest/Bis/Calves (10/24/06):
BB Inlcine - 315 X 4
Weighted Dips - 90 x 5
BB Curl - 145 x 5
DB Hammer Curl - 65 x 5
Leg Press Raises - 540 x 10
"Power" Thighs (10/25/06):
Squat - 365 x 6 (backed off a little b/c of my swollen left quad, see above)
Good Mornings - 205 x 6
Weight immediately upon waking: 240lbs.

Thoughts on Week 3:
1. Training - Strength continues to gradually go up, a little more pronounced on my pressing movements than on my pulling movements. My nagging right wrist soreness has completely disappeared possibly due in part to the NPP so I've ditched the wrist wraps for now.
2. Diet - Again right on track this week but I'm thinking of replacing the grits I've been eating with some type of lower GI carb. I fear I may be spiking my insulin too frequently throughout the day leading to "crashes" and feeling hypoglycemic.
3. 5lb weight gain was a little higher than I was expecting but I'll take it...if I'm up another 5lbs next week I may have to do a body fat calliper measurement to make sure I'm not gaining too much bodyfat.

Changes: Some lower GI carbs.
LiftTillIDie said:
240 is huge!
Thanks...the funny thing is, in regular clothes I definately look like I lift but it doesn't reflect my true size. I have average muscle attachments and joint sizes but I have a lot of muscular density. I can't tell you how much I've made over the years in bets on how much I weigh, lol!
I'm the same boat man, I weigh like 215 and there are enough people who guess I weigh like 185. Most people don't workout though, so they couldn't tell. I'll bet if you put up pick guys here would guess pretty accurately.

You still staying lean?
outlawtas2 said:
I'm the same boat man, I weigh like 215 and there are enough people who guess I weigh like 185. Most people don't workout though, so they couldn't tell. I'll bet if you put up pick guys here would guess pretty accurately.

You still staying lean?
I haven't taken any skin caliper measurements but my belt doesn't fit more snug than before the cycle started...I know that's a shaky gauge of bodyfat but I tend to carry all my adipose around the 'spare tire' so that's why I put at least a little faith in it. Like I said, if I'm up another 4-5 pounds next week I'm definately going to take skin caliper measurements again to make sure I'm not getting tubby.
"Power" Back/Calves Workout (10/27/06):
BB Rows - 315 x 6
Rack Chins - BW+45 x 6
Rack Deadlifts - 585 x 5
Hack Squat Calf Raises - 360 x 8

"Power" Shoulder/Trap/Tri Workout (10/29/06):
DB Seated Press - 90 x 6
DB 'Cheat' Lateral - 65 x 8
BB Shrug - 455 x 5
Close Grip Bench - 275 x 5
that's a sick incline bench press man...i've yet to EVER see someone in the gym toss three plates on each side and rep it...that's awesome! You're 5'9", right? If so..240lbs is freaking massive...congrats and keep posting the results.
DocJ said:
Thanks...the funny thing is, in regular clothes I definately look like I lift but it doesn't reflect my true size. I have average muscle attachments and joint sizes but I have a lot of muscular density. I can't tell you how much I've made over the years in bets on how much I weigh, lol!

Kind of like Franco Columbu.
Aczech said:
that's a sick incline bench press man...i've yet to EVER see someone in the gym toss three plates on each side and rep it...that's awesome! You're 5'9", right? If so..240lbs is freaking massive...congrats and keep posting the results.
I won't lie to's a tough 4 reps with 315lbs and sometimes I only get 3. Also, I use a fairly shallow incline, around 30 degrees...anything steeper then that and I feel like I'm doing a shoulder press.
LiftTillIDie said:
Kind of like Franco Columbu.
Good example, ironically I met him once, nice guy.

Some pros used to say that about Yates as well. They would all go to the Mr. O press dinner a day or two before the show and everyone would see Yates in a suit and be like; "dang he's going down this year!" Then he'd disrobe backstage the next day and everyone would be like; shit, never mind...
I think a lot of people put a little too much faith in the scale and calipers etc, sometimes the best way is just to look in the mirror (or check the belt)!

You dealing with any sides thus far?
thanks doc for the log, enjoying it! Couple ?'s when you have time mang.

1) If you were to run a similiar cycle but less duration, say 4 weeks on would you still run hcg, and an ai?

2)You still running meds for mpb, if so which ones and hows it working for you?

good luck with the cycle
outlawtas2 said:
You dealing with any sides thus far?
I usually have some significant water retention problems with test but ever since aromasin became available and I started using the HCTZ while on test it hasn't been a problem.
right pumped said:
thanks doc for the log, enjoying it! Couple ?'s when you have time mang.

1) If you were to run a similiar cycle but less duration, say 4 weeks on would you still run hcg, and an ai?

I'd use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but not HCG unless I saw some noticeable shrinkage down below.

2)You still running meds for mpb, if so which ones and hows it working for you?

I'm a topical guy so currently: minox 5% 2xED, nizoral 1% ED, spiro 5% 1xED, azelaic acid cream 20% 1xED. This combo seems to really delay hairloss for me.

good luck with the cycle
thanks doc, doesn't the spiro/minox mix stink like shit though when put on the scalp

I can deal with the smell from the spiro but when i put the spiro after the minox I smell like a fucking skunk
right pumped said:
thanks doc, doesn't the spiro/minox mix stink like shit though when put on the scalp

I can deal with the smell from the spiro but when i put the spiro after the minox I smell like a fucking skunk
Yes, it's brutal...that's why I only use it in the morning about 1.5 hours before I shower so it absorbs before I wash my hair. I use the azelaic acid @ night so my wife can actually sleep in the same bed as me :)