Does Anyone Work 8+ Hours


New member
In a shift?

I just got a call today that I start work tomorrow. The shifts are 8-9 hours long.

How do you eat 4 times while at work? Do you tell the bossman you are dieting? Won't it look bad if I am always back snacking every 2 hours? Do you cook 4 meals and pack it and take it to work with you? Or just gorge yourself before & after work?

How do you guys do it?
I work 20 feet from my kitchen so that helps ;)

I see what you mean for those out and about working. Prepare the meals and pack them with you. When others go on smoke break, go with them and hoof something down while they puff.
Remember that Buck Rogers lunch pail you have? Fill it up take it with you. You need to take it with you and eat Period. No way around it, Just be honest with your boss if he gets the deer in the head light look. :insane:

Like that just tell him your a Diabetic and if you don't eat your liable to drop some thing on yor toe and hurt your self then he will have a workers comp claim! :dj:
I work 20 feet from my kitchen so that helps ;)

I see what you mean for those out and about working. Prepare the meals and pack them with you. When others go on smoke break, go with them and hoof something down while they puff.
What work do you do? You an Ebay'er? lol.

Remember that Buck Rogers lunch pail you have? Fill it up take it with you. You need to take it with you and eat Period. No way around it, Just be honest with your boss if he gets the deer in the head light look. :insane:

Like that just tell him your a Diabetic and if you don't eat your liable to drop some thing on yor toe and hurt your self then he will have a workers comp claim! :dj:
Hahaha. I'm not sure he would like that. What should I say? That I am dieting and trying to bulk up? I'm not sure how to approach just going to the back to eat every 2 hours. Guess I will find out how to do it.
I work 12 hr shifts in an ER and always bring my food.
Do you just tell your boss that you are going to eat (if you have one)?

That's my thing...I guess I need to just tell my boss the deal...that I am trying to bulk up and have to eat every 2 hours.

So I cook everything ahead of time and take it to work with me.

Hope they don't fire me for looking like all I do is eat at work. :chimney:
I'm the supervisor so I have more freedom to make sure I eat every 2-3 hrs while at work. I always make my meals ahead of time and make sure I have plenty to make it through the work day.
Yea I do 5 10 hour shifts a week brother just cook the meals ahead of time. It can be done you just have to learn to eat fast!
Most people work 8+ hours a day to support themselves. You still live with your parents? You could try and be sneaky about it if your boss isn't cool with you eating every 2 hours. Maybe get a fanny pack and stuff it full of hard boiled eggs and chicken breast or watever. If there's a will there's a way I'm sure you will figure something out.
Most people work 8+ hours a day to support themselves. You still live with your parents? You could try and be sneaky about it if your boss isn't cool with you eating every 2 hours. Maybe get a fanny pack and stuff it full of hard boiled eggs and chicken breast or watever. If there's a will there's a way I'm sure you will figure something out.

No, I live by myself. Own my own home. I just really want to do good on this cycle and eat like a horse. Before when I worked my 8-10 hours I always ate before, after, and on my break if I was hungry...horrible diet.

Guess you're right. I will see how the workplace is and figure out a way.
I have only been questioned about it once and I just explained how diet is very important to my lifestyle. In my company policy it also states that we are allowed a smoke break every three hours so I told him that I can eat a pre-made meal in less time than the smokers take. I really scarf down food pretty damn quick at work since I have a very high paced job. Takes about 5 min.
Nutrition timing is highly overrated. As long as you meet your calorie total you're good as gold. Alan Aragon > broscience.

I'm working a 24hr shift friday, I'll have 2 large meals there, and I'll probably bring a couple greek yogurt singles and an apple or something as well.
So I might can only eat once or twice (if that's the case)...I just need to gorge myself before and/or after work to make up for it?
I haven't done this but my friend used to do this all the time.
Just be shameless.That's only way. Ignore them if somebody gives you a look.
If your boss or senior talks to you specifically then just tell him that you have some medical condition and must eat every 2 hours.