Does Enanthate and Cypionate show different at the endo?


Product of Test
My buddy at the gym who is actually a PT was perscribed one cc of cyp every three week's. That is ludricrous since the ester is out of your system from I was reading on here yr ago.

So he had some extra Enanthate and had to substitute in the enanthate because he is taking one cc every two week's.

He has a check up soon.

Does enanthate show different on a blood panel?

I alway's though test was test and told him no, but just wanted to make sure.

If anyone know's this it would be highly appreciated.
The ester is not tested, just the T level. Perhaps "performance enhancing drug test" may pick this up, but a blood panel for health purposes isn't going to test this.
NO it won't show different, but if he is running UG gear- it may not be dosed right compared to US made stuff from the Dr.
Either will show up as only testosterone.
Tell your buddy to have a talk with the
doc. Bi-weekly injections are proven to
be less effective. 100mg per week for
stability in levels.

My buddy at the gym who is actually a PT was perscribed one cc of cyp every three week's. That is ludricrous since the ester is out of your system from I was reading on here yr ago.

So he had some extra Enanthate and had to substitute in the enanthate because he is taking one cc every two week's.

He has a check up soon.

Does enanthate show different on a blood panel?

I alway's though test was test and told him no, but just wanted to make sure.

If anyone know's this it would be highly appreciated.
Will taking 100mg of Cyp/week boost someones energy? I have a friend who is lazy who attempts to workout but just doesn't have the motivation. Just needs a little edge.
Yes, if he needed it ie; if his body doesn't
produce enough naturally. A simple blood
test can check Test levels. Or just
give your friend a kick in the ass and get
him motivated.

Will taking 100mg of Cyp/week boost someones energy? I have a friend who is lazy who attempts to workout but just doesn't have the motivation. Just needs a little edge.